Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - app - AttributeAccessInterface.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:f84fe08d06f240e801b5d923f8a938a9938ca110 Lines: 100.0 % 8 8
Test Date: 2025-02-22 08:08:07 Functions: 100.0 % 5 5

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *
       3              :  *    Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Project CHIP Authors
       4              :  *    All rights reserved.
       5              :  *
       6              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       7              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       8              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
       9              :  *
      10              :  *
      11              :  *
      12              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      13              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      14              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      15              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      16              :  *    limitations under the License.
      17              :  */
      18              : 
      19              : #pragma once
      20              : 
      21              : #include <app/AttributeReportBuilder.h>
      22              : #include <app/AttributeValueDecoder.h>
      23              : #include <app/AttributeValueEncoder.h>
      24              : #include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
      25              : 
      26              : /**
      27              :  * Callback class that clusters can implement in order to interpose custom
      28              :  * attribute-handling logic.  An AttributeAccessInterface instance is associated
      29              :  * with some specific cluster.  A single instance may be used for a specific
      30              :  * endpoint or for all endpoints.
      31              :  *
      32              :  * Instances of AttributeAccessInterface that are registered via
      33              :  * AttributeAccessInterfaceRegistry::Instance().Register will be consulted before taking the
      34              :  * normal attribute access codepath and can use that codepath as a fallback if desired.
      35              :  */
      36              : namespace chip {
      37              : namespace app {
      38              : 
      39              : class AttributeAccessInterface
      40              : {
      41              : public:
      42              :     /**
      43              :      * aEndpointId can be Missing to indicate that this object is meant to be
      44              :      * used with all endpoints.
      45              :      */
      46              :     AttributeAccessInterface(Optional<EndpointId> aEndpointId, ClusterId aClusterId) :
      47              :         mEndpointId(aEndpointId), mClusterId(aClusterId)
      48              :     {}
      49              :     virtual ~AttributeAccessInterface() {}
      50              : 
      51              :     /**
      52              :      * Callback for reading attributes.
      53              :      *
      54              :      * @param [in] aPath indicates which exact data is being read.
      55              :      * @param [in] aEncoder the AttributeValueEncoder to use for encoding the
      56              :      *             data.
      57              :      *
      58              :      * The implementation can do one of three things:
      59              :      *
      60              :      * 1) Return a failure.  This is treated as a failed read and the error is
      61              :      *    returned to the client, by converting it to a StatusIB.
      62              :      * 2) Return success and attempt to encode data using aEncoder.  The data is
      63              :      *    returned to the client.
      64              :      * 3) Return success and not attempt to encode any data using aEncoder.  In
      65              :      *    this case, Ember attribute access will happen for the read. This may
      66              :      *    involve reading from the attribute store or external attribute
      67              :      *    callbacks.
      68              :      */
      69              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR Read(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder) = 0;
      70              : 
      71              :     /**
      72              :      * Callback for writing attributes.
      73              :      *
      74              :      * @param [in] aPath indicates which exact data is being written.
      75              :      * @param [in] aDecoder the AttributeValueDecoder to use for decoding the
      76              :      *             data.
      77              :      *
      78              :      * The implementation can do one of three things:
      79              :      *
      80              :      * 1) Return a failure.  This is treated as a failed write and the error is
      81              :      *    sent to the client, by converting it to a StatusIB.
      82              :      * 2) Return success and attempt to decode from aDecoder.  This is
      83              :      *    treated as a successful write.
      84              :      * 3) Return success and not attempt to decode from aDecoder.  In
      85              :      *    this case, Ember attribute access will happen for the write. This may
      86              :      *    involve writing to the attribute store or external attribute
      87              :      *    callbacks.
      88              :      */
      89              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR Write(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueDecoder & aDecoder) { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; }
      90              : 
      91              :     /**
      92              :      * Indicates the start of a series of list operations. This function will be called before the first Write operation of a series
      93              :      * of consequence attribute data of the same attribute.
      94              :      *
      95              :      * 1) This function will be called if the client tries to set a nullable list attribute to null.
      96              :      * 2) This function will only be called once for a series of consequent attribute data (regardless the kind of list operation)
      97              :      * of the same attribute.
      98              :      *
      99              :      * @param [in] aPath indicates the path of the modified list.
     100              :      */
     101              :     virtual void OnListWriteBegin(const ConcreteAttributePath & aPath) {}
     102              : 
     103              :     /**
     104              :      * Indicates the end of a series of list operations. This function will be called after the last Write operation of a series
     105              :      * of consequence attribute data of the same attribute.
     106              :      *
     107              :      * 1) This function will be called if the client tries to set a nullable list attribute to null.
     108              :      * 2) This function will only be called once for a series of consequent attribute data (regardless the kind of list operation)
     109              :      * of the same attribute.
     110              :      * 3) When aWriteWasSuccessful is true, the data written must be consistent or the list is untouched.
     111              :      *
     112              :      * @param [in] aPath indicates the path of the modified list
     113              :      * @param [in] aWriteWasSuccessful indicates whether the delivered list is complete.
     114              :      *
     115              :      */
     116              :     virtual void OnListWriteEnd(const ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, bool aWriteWasSuccessful) {}
     117              : 
     118              :     /**
     119              :      * Mechanism for keeping track of a chain of AttributeAccessInterfaces.
     120              :      */
     121           19 :     void SetNext(AttributeAccessInterface * aNext) { mNext = aNext; }
     122           23 :     AttributeAccessInterface * GetNext() const { return mNext; }
     123              : 
     124              :     /**
     125              :      * Check whether a this AttributeAccessInterface is relevant for a
     126              :      * particular endpoint+cluster.  An AttributeAccessInterface will be used
     127              :      * for a read from a particular cluster only when this function returns
     128              :      * true.
     129              :      */
     130           25 :     bool Matches(EndpointId aEndpointId, ClusterId aClusterId) const
     131              :     {
     132           25 :         return (!mEndpointId.HasValue() || mEndpointId.Value() == aEndpointId) && mClusterId == aClusterId;
     133              :     }
     134              : 
     135              :     /**
     136              :      * Check whether an AttributeAccessInterface is relevant for a particular
     137              :      * specific endpoint.  This is used to clean up overrides registered for an
     138              :      * endpoint that becomes disabled.
     139              :      */
     140           15 :     bool MatchesEndpoint(EndpointId aEndpointId) const { return mEndpointId.HasValue() && mEndpointId.Value() == aEndpointId; }
     141              : 
     142              :     /**
     143              :      * Check whether another AttributeAccessInterface wants to handle the same set of
     144              :      * attributes as we do.
     145              :      */
     146            4 :     bool Matches(const AttributeAccessInterface & aOther) const
     147              :     {
     148            8 :         return mClusterId == aOther.mClusterId &&
     149            8 :             (!mEndpointId.HasValue() || !aOther.mEndpointId.HasValue() || mEndpointId.Value() == aOther.mEndpointId.Value());
     150              :     }
     151              : 
     152              : protected:
     153              :     Optional<EndpointId> GetEndpointId() { return mEndpointId; }
     154              : 
     155              : private:
     156              :     Optional<EndpointId> mEndpointId;
     157              :     ClusterId mClusterId;
     158              :     AttributeAccessInterface * mNext = nullptr;
     159              : };
     160              : 
     161              : } // namespace app
     162              : } // namespace chip

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