Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - app - CommandHandlerImpl.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:f84fe08d06f240e801b5d923f8a938a9938ca110 Lines: 88.0 % 25 22
Test Date: 2025-02-22 08:08:07 Functions: 83.3 % 12 10

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *    Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Project CHIP Authors
       3              :  *    All rights reserved.
       4              :  *
       5              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       6              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       7              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
       8              :  *
       9              :  *
      10              :  *
      11              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      12              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      13              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      14              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      15              :  *    limitations under the License.
      16              :  */
      17              : #pragma once
      18              : 
      19              : #include <app/CommandHandler.h>
      20              : 
      21              : #include <app/CommandPathRegistry.h>
      22              : #include <app/MessageDef/InvokeRequestMessage.h>
      23              : #include <app/MessageDef/InvokeResponseMessage.h>
      24              : #include <app/data-model-provider/OperationTypes.h>
      25              : #include <lib/core/TLV.h>
      26              : #include <lib/core/TLVDebug.h>
      27              : #include <lib/support/BitFlags.h>
      28              : #include <lib/support/Scoped.h>
      29              : #include <messaging/ExchangeHolder.h>
      30              : #include <messaging/Flags.h>
      31              : #include <protocols/Protocols.h>
      32              : #include <protocols/interaction_model/Constants.h>
      33              : #include <protocols/interaction_model/StatusCode.h>
      34              : #include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
      35              : #include <system/TLVPacketBufferBackingStore.h>
      36              : 
      37              : namespace chip {
      38              : namespace app {
      39              : 
      40              : class CommandHandlerImpl : public CommandHandler
      41              : {
      42              : public:
      43              :     class Callback
      44              :     {
      45              :     public:
      46           76 :         virtual ~Callback() = default;
      47              : 
      48              :         /*
      49              :          * Method that signals to a registered callback that this object
      50              :          * has completed doing useful work and is now safe for release/destruction.
      51              :          */
      52              :         virtual void OnDone(CommandHandlerImpl & apCommandObj) = 0;
      53              : 
      54              :         /**
      55              :          * Perform pre-validation that the command dispatch can be performed. In particular:
      56              :          *   - check command existence/validity
      57              :          *   - validate ACL
      58              :          *   - validate timed-invoke and fabric-scoped requirements
      59              :          *
      60              :          * Returns Status::Success if the command can be dispatched, otherwise it will
      61              :          * return the status to be forwarded to the client on failure.
      62              :          *
      63              :          * Possible error return codes:
      64              :          *   - UnsupportedEndpoint/UnsupportedCluster/UnsupportedCommand if the command path is invalid
      65              :          *   - NeedsTimedInteraction
      66              :          *   - UnsupportedAccess  (ACL failure or fabric scoped without a valid fabric index)
      67              :          *   - AccessRestricted
      68              :          */
      69              :         virtual Protocols::InteractionModel::Status ValidateCommandCanBeDispatched(const DataModel::InvokeRequest & request) = 0;
      70              : 
      71              :         /*
      72              :          * Upon processing of a CommandDataIB, this method is invoked to dispatch the command
      73              :          * to the right server-side handler provided by the application.
      74              :          */
      75              :         virtual void DispatchCommand(CommandHandlerImpl & apCommandObj, const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath,
      76              :                                      TLV::TLVReader & apPayload) = 0;
      77              :     };
      78              : 
      79              :     struct InvokeResponseParameters
      80              :     {
      81            4 :         InvokeResponseParameters(const ConcreteCommandPath & aRequestCommandPath) : mRequestCommandPath(aRequestCommandPath) {}
      82              : 
      83           20 :         InvokeResponseParameters & SetStartOrEndDataStruct(bool aStartOrEndDataStruct)
      84              :         {
      85           20 :             mStartOrEndDataStruct = aStartOrEndDataStruct;
      86           20 :             return *this;
      87              :         }
      88              : 
      89              :         ConcreteCommandPath mRequestCommandPath;
      90              :         /**
      91              :          * Whether the method this is being provided to should start/end the TLV container for the CommandFields element
      92              :          * within CommandDataIB.
      93              :          */
      94              :         bool mStartOrEndDataStruct = true;
      95              :     };
      96              : 
      97              :     struct TestOnlyOverrides
      98              :     {
      99              :     public:
     100              :         CommandPathRegistry * commandPathRegistry          = nullptr;
     101              :         CommandHandlerExchangeInterface * commandResponder = nullptr;
     102              :     };
     103              : 
     104              :     /*
     105              :      * The callback passed in has to outlive this CommandHandler object.
     106              :      */
     107              :     CommandHandlerImpl(Callback * apCallback);
     108              : 
     109              :     /*
     110              :      * The destructor will also invalidate all Handles created for this CommandHandlerImpl.
     111              :      */
     112              :     virtual ~CommandHandlerImpl();
     113              : 
     114              :     /*
     115              :      * Constructor to override the number of supported paths per invoke and command responder.
     116              :      *
     117              :      * The callback and any pointers passed via TestOnlyOverrides must outlive this
     118              :      * CommandHandlerImpl object.
     119              :      *
     120              :      * For testing purposes.
     121              :      */
     122              :     CommandHandlerImpl(TestOnlyOverrides & aTestOverride, Callback * apCallback);
     123              : 
     124              :     /**************** CommandHandler interface implementation ***********************/
     125              : 
     126              :     using CommandHandler::AddResponseData;
     127              :     using CommandHandler::AddStatus;
     128              :     using CommandHandler::FallibleAddStatus;
     129              : 
     130              :     void FlushAcksRightAwayOnSlowCommand() override;
     131              : 
     132              :     CHIP_ERROR FallibleAddStatus(const ConcreteCommandPath & aRequestCommandPath,
     133              :                                  const Protocols::InteractionModel::ClusterStatusCode & aStatus,
     134              :                                  const char * context = nullptr) override;
     135              :     void AddStatus(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, const Protocols::InteractionModel::ClusterStatusCode & aStatus,
     136              :                    const char * context = nullptr) override;
     137              : 
     138              :     CHIP_ERROR AddResponseData(const ConcreteCommandPath & aRequestCommandPath, CommandId aResponseCommandId,
     139              :                                const DataModel::EncodableToTLV & aEncodable) override;
     140              :     void AddResponse(const ConcreteCommandPath & aRequestCommandPath, CommandId aResponseCommandId,
     141              :                      const DataModel::EncodableToTLV & aEncodable) override;
     142              : 
     143              :     Access::SubjectDescriptor GetSubjectDescriptor() const override;
     144              :     FabricIndex GetAccessingFabricIndex() const override;
     145              :     bool IsTimedInvoke() const override;
     146              :     Messaging::ExchangeContext * GetExchangeContext() const override;
     147              : 
     148              :     /**************** Implementation-specific logic ***********************/
     149              : 
     150              :     /*
     151              :      * Main entrypoint for this class to handle an InvokeRequestMessage.
     152              :      *
     153              :      * This function MAY call the registered OnDone callback before returning.
     154              :      * To prevent immediate OnDone invocation, callers can wrap their CommandHandlerImpl instance
     155              :      * within a CommandHandler::Handle.
     156              :      *
     157              :      * isTimedInvoke is true if and only if this is part of a Timed Invoke
     158              :      * transaction (i.e. was preceded by a Timed Request).  If we reach here,
     159              :      * the timer verification has already been done.
     160              :      *
     161              :      * commandResponder handles sending InvokeResponses, added by clusters, to the client. The
     162              :      * command responder object must outlive this CommandHandler object. It is only safe to
     163              :      * release after the caller of OnInvokeCommandRequest receives the OnDone callback.
     164              :      */
     165              :     Protocols::InteractionModel::Status OnInvokeCommandRequest(CommandHandlerExchangeInterface & commandResponder,
     166              :                                                                System::PacketBufferHandle && payload, bool isTimedInvoke);
     167              : 
     168              :     /**
     169              :      * Checks that all CommandDataIB within InvokeRequests satisfy the spec's general
     170              :      * constraints for CommandDataIB. Additionally checks that InvokeRequestMessage is
     171              :      * properly formatted.
     172              :      *
     173              :      * This also builds a registry to ensure that all commands can be responded
     174              :      * to with the data required as per spec.
     175              :      */
     176              :     CHIP_ERROR ValidateInvokeRequestMessageAndBuildRegistry(InvokeRequestMessage::Parser & invokeRequestMessage);
     177              : 
     178              :     /**
     179              :      * This adds a new CommandDataIB element into InvokeResponses for the associated
     180              :      * aRequestCommandPath. This adds up until the `CommandFields` element within
     181              :      * `CommandDataIB`.
     182              :      *
     183              :      * This call will fail if CommandHandler is already in the middle of building a
     184              :      * CommandStatusIB or CommandDataIB (i.e. something has called Prepare*, without
     185              :      * calling Finish*), or is already sending InvokeResponseMessage.
     186              :      *
     187              :      * Upon success, the caller is expected to call `FinishCommand` once they have added
     188              :      * all the fields into the CommandFields element of CommandDataIB.
     189              :      *
     190              :      * @param [in] aResponseCommandPath the concrete response path that we are sending to Requester.
     191              :      * @param [in] aPrepareParameters struct containing paramters needs for preparing a command. Data
     192              :      *             such as request path, and whether this method should start the CommandFields element within
     193              :      *             CommandDataIB.
     194              :      */
     195              :     CHIP_ERROR PrepareInvokeResponseCommand(const ConcreteCommandPath & aResponseCommandPath,
     196              :                                             const InvokeResponseParameters & aPrepareParameters);
     197              : 
     198              :     /**
     199              :      * Finishes the CommandDataIB element within the InvokeResponses.
     200              :      *
     201              :      * Caller must have first successfully called `PrepareInvokeResponseCommand`.
     202              :      *
     203              :      * @param [in] aEndDataStruct end the TLV container for the CommandFields element within
     204              :      *             CommandDataIB. This should match the boolean passed into Prepare*.
     205              :      *
     206              :      * @return CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE
     207              :      *                      If device has not previously successfully called
     208              :      *                      `PrepareInvokeResponseCommand`.
     209              :      * @return CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
     210              :      *                      If writing the values needed to finish the InvokeReponseIB
     211              :      *                      with the current contents of the InvokeResponseMessage
     212              :      *                      would exceed the limit. When this error occurs, it is possible
     213              :      *                      we have already closed some of the IB Builders that were
     214              :      *                      previously started in `PrepareInvokeResponseCommand`.
     215              :      * @return CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY
     216              :      *                      If TLVWriter attempted to allocate an output buffer failed due to
     217              :      *                      lack of memory.
     218              :      * @return other        Other TLVWriter related errors. Typically occurs if
     219              :      *                      `GetCommandDataIBTLVWriter()` was called and used incorrectly.
     220              :      */
     221              :     // TODO(#30453): We should be able to eliminate the chances of OOM issues with reserve.
     222              :     // This will be completed in a follow up PR.
     223              :     CHIP_ERROR FinishCommand(bool aEndDataStruct = true);
     224              : 
     225              :     TLV::TLVWriter * GetCommandDataIBTLVWriter();
     226              : 
     227              : #if CHIP_WITH_NLFAULTINJECTION
     228              : 
     229              :     enum class NlFaultInjectionType : uint8_t
     230              :     {
     231              :         SeparateResponseMessages,
     232              :         SeparateResponseMessagesAndInvertedResponseOrder,
     233              :         SkipSecondResponse
     234              :     };
     235              : 
     236              :     /**
     237              :      * @brief Sends InvokeResponseMessages with injected faults for certification testing.
     238              :      *
     239              :      * The Test Harness (TH) uses this to simulate various server response behaviors,
     240              :      * ensuring the Device Under Test (DUT) handles responses per specification.
     241              :      *
     242              :      * This function strictly validates the DUT's InvokeRequestMessage against the test plan.
     243              :      * If deviations occur, the TH terminates with a detailed error message.
     244              :      *
     245              :      * @param commandResponder commandResponder that will send the InvokeResponseMessages to the client.
     246              :      * @param payload Payload of the incoming InvokeRequestMessage from the client.
     247              :      * @param isTimedInvoke Indicates whether the interaction is timed.
     248              :      * @param faultType The specific type of fault to inject into the response.
     249              :      */
     250              :     // TODO(#30453): After refactoring CommandHandler for better unit testability, create a
     251              :     // unit test specifically for the fault injection behavior.
     252              :     void TestOnlyInvokeCommandRequestWithFaultsInjected(CommandHandlerExchangeInterface & commandResponder,
     253              :                                                         System::PacketBufferHandle && payload, bool isTimedInvoke,
     254              :                                                         NlFaultInjectionType faultType);
     255              : #endif // CHIP_WITH_NLFAULTINJECTION
     256              : 
     257              : protected:
     258              :     // Lifetime management for CommandHandler::Handle
     259              : 
     260              :     void IncrementHoldOff(Handle * apHandle) override;
     261              :     void DecrementHoldOff(Handle * apHandle) override;
     262              : 
     263              : private:
     264              :     friend class TestCommandInteraction;
     265              :     friend class CommandHandler::Handle;
     266              : 
     267              :     enum class State : uint8_t
     268              :     {
     269              :         Idle,                ///< Default state that the object starts out in, where no work has commenced
     270              :         NewResponseMessage,  ///< mInvokeResponseBuilder is ready, with no responses added.
     271              :         Preparing,           ///< We are prepaing the command or status header.
     272              :         AddingCommand,       ///< In the process of adding a command.
     273              :         AddedCommand,        ///< A command has been completely encoded and is awaiting transmission.
     274              :         DispatchResponses,   ///< The command response(s) are being dispatched.
     275              :         AwaitingDestruction, ///< The object has completed its work and is awaiting destruction by the application.
     276              :     };
     277              : 
     278              :     /**
     279              :      * @brief Best effort to add InvokeResponse to InvokeResponseMessage.
     280              :      *
     281              :      * Tries to add response using lambda. Upon failure to add response, attempts
     282              :      * to rollback the InvokeResponseMessage to a known good state. If failure is due
     283              :      * to insufficient space in the current InvokeResponseMessage:
     284              :      *  - Finalizes the current InvokeResponseMessage.
     285              :      *  - Allocates a new InvokeResponseMessage.
     286              :      *  - Reattempts to add the InvokeResponse to the new InvokeResponseMessage.
     287              :      *
     288              :      * @param [in] addResponseFunction A lambda function responsible for adding the
     289              :      *             response to the current InvokeResponseMessage.
     290              :      */
     291              :     template <typename Function>
     292           57 :     CHIP_ERROR TryAddingResponse(Function && addResponseFunction)
     293              :     {
     294              :         // Invalidate any existing rollback backups. The addResponseFunction is
     295              :         // expected to create a new backup during either PrepareInvokeResponseCommand
     296              :         // or PrepareStatus execution. Direct invocation of
     297              :         // CreateBackupForResponseRollback is avoided since the buffer used by
     298              :         // InvokeResponseMessage might not be allocated until a Prepare* function
     299              :         // is called.
     300           57 :         mRollbackBackupValid = false;
     301           57 :         CHIP_ERROR err       = addResponseFunction();
     302           57 :         if (err == CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     303              :         {
     304           52 :             return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
     305              :         }
     306              :         // The error value of RollbackResponse is not important if it fails, we prioritize
     307              :         // conveying the error generated by addResponseFunction to the caller.
     308            5 :         if (RollbackResponse() != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     309              :         {
     310            0 :             return err;
     311              :         }
     312              :         // If we failed to add a command due to lack of space in the
     313              :         // packet, we will make another attempt to add the response using
     314              :         // an additional InvokeResponseMessage.
     315            5 :         if (mState != State::AddedCommand || err != CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY)
     316              :         {
     317            2 :             return err;
     318              :         }
     319            3 :         ReturnErrorOnFailure(FinalizeInvokeResponseMessageAndPrepareNext());
     320            3 :         err = addResponseFunction();
     321            3 :         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     322              :         {
     323              :             // The return value of RollbackResponse is ignored, as we prioritize
     324              :             // conveying the error generated by addResponseFunction to the
     325              :             // caller.
     326            0 :             RollbackResponse();
     327              :         }
     328            3 :         return err;
     329              :     }
     330              : 
     331              :     void MoveToState(const State aTargetState);
     332              :     const char * GetStateStr() const;
     333              : 
     334              :     /**
     335              :      * Create a backup to enable rolling back to the state prior to ResponseData encoding in the event of failure.
     336              :      */
     337              :     void CreateBackupForResponseRollback();
     338              : 
     339              :     /**
     340              :      * Rollback the state to before encoding the current ResponseData (before calling PrepareInvokeResponseCommand / PrepareStatus)
     341              :      *
     342              :      * Requires CreateBackupForResponseRollback to be called at the start of PrepareInvokeResponseCommand / PrepareStatus
     343              :      */
     344              :     CHIP_ERROR RollbackResponse();
     345              : 
     346              :     /*
     347              :      * This forcibly closes the exchange context if a valid one is pointed to. Such a situation does
     348              :      * not arise during normal message processing flows that all normally call Close() above. This can only
     349              :      * arise due to application-initiated destruction of the object when this object is handling receiving/sending
     350              :      * message payloads.
     351              :      */
     352              :     void Abort();
     353              : 
     354              :     /*
     355              :      * Allocates a packet buffer used for encoding an invoke response payload.
     356              :      *
     357              :      * This can be called multiple times safely, as it will only allocate the buffer once for the lifetime
     358              :      * of this object.
     359              :      */
     360              :     CHIP_ERROR AllocateBuffer();
     361              : 
     362              :     /**
     363              :      * This will add a new CommandStatusIB element into InvokeResponses. It will put the
     364              :      * aCommandPath into the CommandPath element within CommandStatusIB.
     365              :      *
     366              :      * This call will fail if CommandHandler is already in the middle of building a
     367              :      * CommandStatusIB or CommandDataIB (i.e. something has called Prepare*, without
     368              :      * calling Finish*), or is already sending InvokeResponseMessage.
     369              :      *
     370              :      * Upon success, the caller is expected to call `FinishStatus` once they have encoded
     371              :      * StatusIB.
     372              :      *
     373              :      * @param [in] aCommandPath the concrete path of the command we are responding to.
     374              :      */
     375              :     CHIP_ERROR PrepareStatus(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath);
     376              : 
     377              :     /**
     378              :      * Finishes the CommandStatusIB element within the InvokeResponses.
     379              :      *
     380              :      * Caller must have first successfully called `PrepareStatus`.
     381              :      */
     382              :     CHIP_ERROR FinishStatus();
     383              : 
     384              :     CHIP_ERROR PrepareInvokeResponseCommand(const CommandPathRegistryEntry & apCommandPathRegistryEntry,
     385              :                                             const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, bool aStartDataStruct);
     386              : 
     387           46 :     CHIP_ERROR FinalizeLastInvokeResponseMessage() { return FinalizeInvokeResponseMessage(/* aHasMoreChunks = */ false); }
     388              : 
     389              :     CHIP_ERROR FinalizeInvokeResponseMessageAndPrepareNext();
     390              : 
     391              :     CHIP_ERROR FinalizeInvokeResponseMessage(bool aHasMoreChunks);
     392              : 
     393              :     Protocols::InteractionModel::Status ProcessInvokeRequest(System::PacketBufferHandle && payload, bool isTimedInvoke);
     394              : 
     395              :     /**
     396              :      * Called internally to signal the completion of all work on this object, gracefully close the
     397              :      * exchange (by calling into the base class) and finally, signal to a registerd callback that it's
     398              :      * safe to release this object.
     399              :      */
     400              :     void Close();
     401              : 
     402              :     /**
     403              :      * ProcessCommandDataIB is only called when a unicast invoke command request is received
     404              :      * It requires the endpointId in its command path to be able to dispatch the command
     405              :      */
     406              :     Protocols::InteractionModel::Status ProcessCommandDataIB(CommandDataIB::Parser & aCommandElement);
     407              : 
     408              :     /**
     409              :      * ProcessGroupCommandDataIB is only called when a group invoke command request is received
     410              :      * It doesn't need the endpointId in it's command path since it uses the GroupId in message metadata to find it
     411              :      */
     412              :     Protocols::InteractionModel::Status ProcessGroupCommandDataIB(CommandDataIB::Parser & aCommandElement);
     413              : 
     414              :     CHIP_ERROR TryAddStatusInternal(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, const StatusIB & aStatus);
     415              : 
     416              :     CHIP_ERROR AddStatusInternal(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, const StatusIB & aStatus);
     417              : 
     418              :     /**
     419              :      * If this function fails, it may leave our TLV buffer in an inconsistent state.
     420              :      * Callers should snapshot as needed before calling this function, and roll back
     421              :      * as needed afterward.
     422              :      *
     423              :      * @param [in] aRequestCommandPath the concrete path of the command we are responding to
     424              :      * @param [in] aResponseCommandId the id of the command to encode
     425              :      * @param [in] aEncodable the data to encode for the given aResponseCommandId
     426              :      */
     427              :     CHIP_ERROR TryAddResponseData(const ConcreteCommandPath & aRequestCommandPath, CommandId aResponseCommandId,
     428              :                                   const DataModel::EncodableToTLV & aEncodable);
     429              : 
     430              :     void SetExchangeInterface(CommandHandlerExchangeInterface * commandResponder);
     431              : 
     432              :     /**
     433              :      * Check whether the InvokeRequest we are handling is targeted to a group.
     434              :      */
     435          118 :     bool IsGroupRequest() { return mGroupRequest; }
     436              : 
     437          129 :     bool ResponsesAccepted() { return !(mGroupRequest || mpResponder == nullptr); }
     438              : 
     439              :     /**
     440              :      * Sets the state flag to keep the information that request we are handling is targeted to a group.
     441              :      */
     442            0 :     void SetGroupRequest(bool isGroupRequest) { mGroupRequest = isGroupRequest; }
     443              : 
     444           37 :     CommandPathRegistry & GetCommandPathRegistry() const { return *mCommandPathRegistry; }
     445              : 
     446           38 :     size_t MaxPathsPerInvoke() const { return mMaxPathsPerInvoke; }
     447              : 
     448              :     void AddToHandleList(Handle * handle);
     449              : 
     450              :     void RemoveFromHandleList(Handle * handle);
     451              : 
     452              :     void InvalidateHandles();
     453              : 
     454              :     bool TestOnlyIsInIdleState() const { return mState == State::Idle; }
     455              : 
     456              :     Callback * mpCallback = nullptr;
     457              :     InvokeResponseMessage::Builder mInvokeResponseBuilder;
     458              :     TLV::TLVType mDataElementContainerType = TLV::kTLVType_NotSpecified;
     459              :     size_t mPendingWork                    = 0;
     460              :     /* List to store all currently-outstanding Handles for this Command Handler.*/
     461              :     IntrusiveList<Handle> mpHandleList;
     462              : 
     463              :     chip::System::PacketBufferTLVWriter mCommandMessageWriter;
     464              :     TLV::TLVWriter mBackupWriter;
     465              :     size_t mMaxPathsPerInvoke = CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_PATHS_PER_INVOKE;
     466              :     // TODO(#30453): See if we can reduce this size for the default cases
     467              :     // TODO Allow flexibility in registration.
     468              :     BasicCommandPathRegistry<CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_PATHS_PER_INVOKE> mBasicCommandPathRegistry;
     469              :     CommandPathRegistry * mCommandPathRegistry = &mBasicCommandPathRegistry;
     470              :     std::optional<uint16_t> mRefForResponse;
     471              : 
     472              :     CommandHandlerExchangeInterface * mpResponder = nullptr;
     473              : 
     474              :     State mState = State::Idle;
     475              :     State mBackupState;
     476              :     ScopedChangeOnly<bool> mInternalCallToAddResponseData{ false };
     477              :     bool mSuppressResponse                 = false;
     478              :     bool mTimedRequest                     = false;
     479              :     bool mGroupRequest                     = false;
     480              :     bool mBufferAllocated                  = false;
     481              :     bool mReserveSpaceForMoreChunkMessages = false;
     482              :     // TODO(#32486): We should introduce breaking change where calls to add CommandData
     483              :     // need to use AddResponse, and not CommandHandler primitives directly using
     484              :     // GetCommandDataIBTLVWriter.
     485              :     bool mRollbackBackupValid = false;
     486              :     // If mGoneAsync is true, we have finished out initial processing of the
     487              :     // incoming invoke.  After this point, our session could go away at any
     488              :     // time.
     489              :     bool mGoneAsync = false;
     490              : };
     491              : } // namespace app
     492              : } // namespace chip

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