Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - app - EventManagement.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:f84fe08d06f240e801b5d923f8a938a9938ca110 Lines: 84.6 % 13 11
Test Date: 2025-02-22 08:08:07 Functions: 84.6 % 13 11

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *
       3              :  *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
       4              :  *    Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
       5              :  *    All rights reserved.
       6              :  *
       7              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       8              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       9              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
      10              :  *
      11              :  *
      12              :  *
      13              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      14              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      15              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      16              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      17              :  *    limitations under the License.
      18              :  */
      19              : 
      20              : /**
      21              :  * @file
      22              :  *
      23              :  * @brief
      24              :  *   Management of the CHIP Event Logging.
      25              :  *
      26              :  */
      27              : #pragma once
      28              : 
      29              : #include "EventLoggingDelegate.h"
      30              : #include <access/SubjectDescriptor.h>
      31              : #include <app/EventLoggingTypes.h>
      32              : #include <app/EventReporter.h>
      33              : #include <app/MessageDef/EventDataIB.h>
      34              : #include <app/MessageDef/StatusIB.h>
      35              : #include <app/data-model-provider/EventsGenerator.h>
      36              : #include <app/util/basic-types.h>
      37              : #include <lib/core/TLVCircularBuffer.h>
      38              : #include <lib/support/CHIPCounter.h>
      39              : #include <lib/support/LinkedList.h>
      40              : #include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
      41              : #include <platform/CHIPDeviceConfig.h>
      42              : #include <system/SystemClock.h>
      43              : 
      44              : /**
      45              :  * Events are stored in the LogStorageResources provided to
      46              :  * EventManagement::Init.
      47              :  *
      48              :  * A newly generated event will be placed in the lowest-priority (in practice
      49              :  * DEBUG) buffer, the one associated with the first LogStorageResource.  If
      50              :  * there is no space in that buffer, space will be created by evicting the
      51              :  * oldest event currently in that buffer, until enough space is available.
      52              :  *
      53              :  * When an event is evicted from a buffer, there are two possibilities:
      54              :  *
      55              :  * 1) If the next LogStorageResource has a priority that is no higher than the
      56              :  *    event's priority, the event will be moved to that LogStorageResource's
      57              :  *    buffer.  This may in turn require events to be evicted from that buffer.
      58              :  * 2) If the next LogStorageResource has a priority that is higher than the
      59              :  *    event's priority, then the event is just dropped.
      60              :  *
      61              :  * This means that LogStorageResources at a given priority level are reserved
      62              :  * for events of that priority level or higher priority.
      63              :  *
      64              :  * As a simple example, assume there are only two priority levels, DEBUG and
      65              :  * CRITICAL, and two LogStorageResources with those priorities.  In that case,
      66              :  * old CRITICAL events will not start getting dropped until both buffers are
      67              :  * full, while old DEBUG events will start getting dropped once the DEBUG
      68              :  * LogStorageResource buffer is full.
      69              :  */
      70              : 
      71              : #define CHIP_CONFIG_EVENT_GLOBAL_PRIORITY PriorityLevel::Debug
      72              : 
      73              : namespace chip {
      74              : namespace app {
      75              : inline constexpr const uint32_t kEventManagementProfile = 0x1;
      76              : inline constexpr const uint32_t kFabricIndexTag         = 0x1;
      77              : inline constexpr size_t kMaxEventSizeReserve            = 512;
      78              : constexpr uint16_t kRequiredEventField =
      79              :     (1 << to_underlying(EventDataIB::Tag::kPriority)) | (1 << to_underlying(EventDataIB::Tag::kPath));
      80              : 
      81              : /**
      82              :  * @brief
      83              :  *   Internal event buffer, built around the TLV::TLVCircularBuffer
      84              :  */
      85              : 
      86              : class CircularEventBuffer : public TLV::TLVCircularBuffer
      87              : {
      88              : public:
      89              :     /**
      90              :      * @brief
      91              :      *   A constructor for the CircularEventBuffer (internal API).
      92              :      */
      93            3 :     CircularEventBuffer() : TLVCircularBuffer(nullptr, 0){};
      94              : 
      95              :     /**
      96              :      * @brief
      97              :      *   A Init for the CircularEventBuffer (internal API).
      98              :      *
      99              :      * @param[in] apBuffer       The actual storage to use for event storage.
     100              :      *
     101              :      * @param[in] aBufferLength The length of the \c apBuffer in bytes.
     102              :      *
     103              :      * @param[in] apPrev         The pointer to CircularEventBuffer storing
     104              :      *                           events of lesser priority.
     105              :      *
     106              :      * @param[in] apNext         The pointer to CircularEventBuffer storing
     107              :      *                           events of greater priority.
     108              :      *
     109              :      * @param[in] aPriorityLevel CircularEventBuffer priority level
     110              :      */
     111              :     void Init(uint8_t * apBuffer, uint32_t aBufferLength, CircularEventBuffer * apPrev, CircularEventBuffer * apNext,
     112              :               PriorityLevel aPriorityLevel);
     113              : 
     114              :     /**
     115              :      * @brief
     116              :      *   A helper function that determines whether the event of
     117              :      *   specified priority is final destination
     118              :      *
     119              :      * @param[in]   aPriority   Priority of the event.
     120              :      *
     121              :      * @retval true/false event's priority is same as current buffer's priority, otherwise, false
     122              :      */
     123              :     bool IsFinalDestinationForPriority(PriorityLevel aPriority) const;
     124              : 
     125          787 :     PriorityLevel GetPriority() { return mPriority; }
     126              : 
     127         4934 :     CircularEventBuffer * GetPreviousCircularEventBuffer() { return mpPrev; }
     128         4723 :     CircularEventBuffer * GetNextCircularEventBuffer() { return mpNext; }
     129              : 
     130          313 :     void SetRequiredSpaceforEvicted(size_t aRequiredSpace) { mRequiredSpaceForEvicted = aRequiredSpace; }
     131          313 :     size_t GetRequiredSpaceforEvicted() const { return mRequiredSpaceForEvicted; }
     132              : 
     133          452 :     ~CircularEventBuffer() override = default;
     134              : 
     135              : private:
     136              :     CircularEventBuffer * mpPrev = nullptr; ///< A pointer CircularEventBuffer storing events less important events
     137              :     CircularEventBuffer * mpNext = nullptr; ///< A pointer CircularEventBuffer storing events more important events
     138              : 
     139              :     PriorityLevel mPriority = PriorityLevel::Invalid; ///< The buffer is the final bucket for events of this priority.  Events of
     140              :                                                       ///< lesser priority are dropped when they get bumped out of this buffer
     141              : 
     142              :     size_t mRequiredSpaceForEvicted = 0; ///< Required space for previous buffer to evict event to new buffer
     143              : 
     144              :     CHIP_ERROR OnInit(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, uint8_t *& bufStart, uint32_t & bufLen) override;
     145              : };
     146              : 
     147              : class CircularEventReader;
     148              : 
     149              : /**
     150              :  * @brief
     151              :  *   A CircularEventBufferWrapper which has a pointer to the "current CircularEventBuffer". When trying to locate next buffer,
     152              :  *   if nothing left there update its CircularEventBuffer until the buffer with data has been found,
     153              :  *   the tlv reader will have a pointer to this impl.
     154              :  */
     155              : class CircularEventBufferWrapper : public TLV::TLVCircularBuffer
     156              : {
     157              : public:
     158          870 :     CircularEventBufferWrapper() : TLVCircularBuffer(nullptr, 0), mpCurrent(nullptr){};
     159              :     CircularEventBuffer * mpCurrent;
     160              : 
     161              : private:
     162              :     CHIP_ERROR GetNextBuffer(chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, const uint8_t *& aBufStart, uint32_t & aBufLen) override;
     163              : };
     164              : 
     165              : enum class EventManagementStates
     166              : {
     167              :     Idle       = 1, // No log offload in progress, log offload can begin without any constraints
     168              :     InProgress = 2, // Log offload in progress
     169              :     Shutdown   = 3  // Not capable of performing any logging operation
     170              : };
     171              : 
     172              : /**
     173              :  * @brief
     174              :  *   A helper class used in initializing logging management.
     175              :  *
     176              :  * The class is used to encapsulate the resources allocated by the caller and denotes
     177              :  * resources to be used in logging events of a particular priority.  Note that
     178              :  * while resources referring to the counters are used exclusively by the
     179              :  * particular priority level, the buffers are shared between `this` priority
     180              :  * level and events that are "more" important.
     181              :  */
     182              : 
     183              : struct LogStorageResources
     184              : {
     185              :     // TODO: Update TLVCircularBuffer with size_t for buffer size, then use ByteSpan
     186              :     uint8_t * mpBuffer =
     187              :         nullptr; // Buffer to be used as a storage at the particular priority level and shared with more important events.
     188              :                  // Must not be nullptr.  Must be large enough to accommodate the largest event emitted by the system.
     189              :     uint32_t mBufferSize = 0; ///< The size, in bytes, of the `mBuffer`.
     190              :     PriorityLevel mPriority =
     191              :         PriorityLevel::Invalid; // Log priority level associated with the resources provided in this structure.
     192              : };
     193              : 
     194              : /**
     195              :  * @brief
     196              :  *   A class for managing the in memory event logs.  See documentation at the
     197              :  *   top of the file describing the eviction policy for events when there is no
     198              :  *   more space for new events.
     199              :  */
     200              : 
     201              : class EventManagement : public DataModel::EventsGenerator
     202              : {
     203              : public:
     204              :     /**
     205              :      * Initialize the EventManagement with an array of LogStorageResources and
     206              :      * an equal-length array of CircularEventBuffers that correspond to those
     207              :      * LogStorageResources. The array of LogStorageResources must provide a
     208              :      * resource for each valid priority level, the elements of the array must be
     209              :      * in increasing numerical value of priority (and in increasing priority);
     210              :      * the first element in the array corresponds to the resources allocated for
     211              :      * least important events, and the last element corresponds to the most
     212              :      * critical events.
     213              :      *
     214              :      * @param[in] apExchangeManager         ExchangeManager to be used with this logging subsystem
     215              :      *
     216              :      * @param[in] aNumBuffers  Number of elements in the apLogStorageResources
     217              :      *                         and apCircularEventBuffer arrays.
     218              :      *
     219              :      * @param[in] apCircularEventBuffer  An array of CircularEventBuffer for each priority level.
     220              :      *
     221              :      * @param[in] apLogStorageResources  An array of LogStorageResources for each priority level.
     222              :      *
     223              :      * @param[in] apEventNumberCounter   A counter to use for event numbers.
     224              :      *
     225              :      * @param[in] aMonotonicStartupTime  Time we should consider as "monotonic
     226              :      *                                   time 0" for cases when we use
     227              :      *                                   system-time event timestamps.
     228              :      *
     229              :      * @param[in] apEventReporter       Event reporter to be notified when events are generated.
     230              :      *
     231              :      * @return CHIP_ERROR               CHIP Error Code
     232              :      *
     233              :      */
     234              :     CHIP_ERROR Init(Messaging::ExchangeManager * apExchangeManager, uint32_t aNumBuffers,
     235              :                     CircularEventBuffer * apCircularEventBuffer, const LogStorageResources * const apLogStorageResources,
     236              :                     MonotonicallyIncreasingCounter<EventNumber> * apEventNumberCounter,
     237              :                     System::Clock::Milliseconds64 aMonotonicStartupTime, EventReporter * apEventReporter);
     238              : 
     239              :     static EventManagement & GetInstance();
     240              : 
     241              :     /**
     242              :      * @brief Create EventManagement object and initialize the logging management
     243              :      *   subsystem with provided resources.
     244              :      *
     245              :      * Initialize the EventManagement with an array of LogStorageResources.  The
     246              :      * array must provide a resource for each valid priority level, the elements
     247              :      * of the array must be in increasing numerical value of priority (and in
     248              :      * decreasing priority); the first element in the array corresponds to the
     249              :      * resources allocated for the most critical events, and the last element
     250              :      * corresponds to the least important events.
     251              :      *
     252              :      * @param[in] apExchangeManager         ExchangeManager to be used with this logging subsystem
     253              :      *
     254              :      * @param[in] aNumBuffers  Number of elements in inLogStorageResources array
     255              :      *
     256              :      * @param[in] apCircularEventBuffer  An array of CircularEventBuffer for each priority level.
     257              :      * @param[in] apLogStorageResources  An array of LogStorageResources for each priority level.
     258              :      *
     259              :      * @param[in] apEventNumberCounter   A counter to use for event numbers.
     260              :      *
     261              :      * @param[in] aMonotonicStartupTime  Time we should consider as "monotonic
     262              :      *                                   time 0" for cases when we use
     263              :      *                                   system-time event timestamps.
     264              :      *
     265              :      * @note This function must be called prior to the logging being used.
     266              :      */
     267              :     static void
     268              :     CreateEventManagement(Messaging::ExchangeManager * apExchangeManager, uint32_t aNumBuffers,
     269              :                           CircularEventBuffer * apCircularEventBuffer, const LogStorageResources * const apLogStorageResources,
     270              :                           MonotonicallyIncreasingCounter<EventNumber> * apEventNumberCounter,
     271              :                           System::Clock::Milliseconds64 aMonotonicStartupTime = System::SystemClock().GetMonotonicMilliseconds64());
     272              : 
     273              :     static void DestroyEventManagement();
     274              : 
     275              :     /**
     276              :      * @brief
     277              :      *   Log an event via a EventLoggingDelegate, with options.
     278              :      *
     279              :      * The EventLoggingDelegate writes the event metadata and calls the `apDelegate`
     280              :      * with an TLV::TLVWriter reference so that the user code can emit
     281              :      * the event data directly into the event log.  This form of event
     282              :      * logging minimizes memory consumption, as event data is serialized
     283              :      * directly into the target buffer.  The event data MUST contain
     284              :      * context tags to be interpreted within the schema identified by
     285              :      * `ClusterID` and `EventId`. The tag of the first element will be
     286              :      * ignored; the event logging system will replace it with the
     287              :      * eventData tag.
     288              :      *
     289              :      * The event is logged if the schema priority exceeds the logging
     290              :      * threshold specified in the LoggingConfiguration.  If the event's
     291              :      * priority does not meet the current threshold, it is dropped and
     292              :      * the function returns a `0` as the resulting event ID.
     293              :      *
     294              :      * This variant of the invocation permits the caller to set any
     295              :      * combination of `EventOptions`:
     296              :      * - timestamp, when 0 defaults to the current time at the point of
     297              :      *   the call,
     298              :      * - "root" section of the event source (event source and cluster ID);
     299              :      *   if NULL, it defaults to the current device. the event is marked as
     300              :      *   relating to the device that is making the call,
     301              :      *
     302              :      * @param[in] apDelegate The EventLoggingDelegate to serialize the event data
     303              :      *
     304              :      * @param[in] aEventOptions    The options for the event metadata.
     305              :      *
     306              :      * @param[out] aEventNumber The event Number if the event was written to the
     307              :      *                         log, 0 otherwise.
     308              :      *
     309              :      * @return CHIP_ERROR  CHIP Error Code
     310              :      */
     311              :     CHIP_ERROR LogEvent(EventLoggingDelegate * apDelegate, const EventOptions & aEventOptions, EventNumber & aEventNumber);
     312              : 
     313              :     /**
     314              :      * @brief
     315              :      *   A helper method to get tlv reader along with buffer has data from particular priority
     316              :      *
     317              :      * @param[in,out] aReader A reference to the reader that will be
     318              :      *                        initialized with the backing storage from
     319              :      *                        the event log
     320              :      *
     321              :      * @param[in] aPriority The starting priority for the reader.
     322              :      *                         Note that in this case the starting
     323              :      *                         priority is somewhat counter intuitive:
     324              :      *                         more important events share the buffers
     325              :      *                         with less priority events, in addition to
     326              :      *                         their dedicated buffers.  As a result, the
     327              :      *                         reader will traverse the least data when
     328              :      *                         the Debug priority is passed in.
     329              :      *
     330              :      * @param[in] apBufWrapper CircularEventBufferWrapper
     331              :      * @return                 #CHIP_NO_ERROR Unconditionally.
     332              :      */
     333              :     CHIP_ERROR GetEventReader(chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, PriorityLevel aPriority,
     334              :                               app::CircularEventBufferWrapper * apBufWrapper);
     335              : 
     336              :     /**
     337              :      * @brief
     338              :      *   A function to retrieve events of specified priority since a specified event ID.
     339              :      *
     340              :      * Given a TLV::TLVWriter, an priority type, and an event ID, the
     341              :      * function will fetch events since the
     342              :      * specified event number.  The function will continue fetching events until
     343              :      * it runs out of space in the TLV::TLVWriter or in the log. The function
     344              :      * will terminate the event writing on event boundary. The function would filter out event based upon interested path
     345              :      * specified by read/subscribe request.
     346              :      *
     347              :      * @param[in] aWriter     The writer to use for event storage
     348              :      * @param[in] apEventPathList the interested EventPathParams list
     349              :      *
     350              :      * @param[in,out] aEventMin On input, the Event number is the one we're fetching.  On
     351              :      *                         completion, the event number of the next one we plan to fetch.
     352              :      *
     353              :      * @param[out] aEventCount The number of fetched event
     354              :      * @param[in] aSubjectDescriptor Subject descriptor for current read handler
     355              :      * @retval #CHIP_END_OF_TLV             The function has reached the end of the
     356              :      *                                       available log entries at the specified
     357              :      *                                       priority level
     358              :      *
     359              :      * @retval #CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY        The function ran out of space in the
     360              :      *                                       aWriter, more events in the log are
     361              :      *                                       available.
     362              :      *
     363              :      * @retval #CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The function ran out of space in the
     364              :      *                                       aWriter, more events in the log are
     365              :      *                                       available.
     366              :      *
     367              :      */
     368              :     CHIP_ERROR FetchEventsSince(chip::TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, const SingleLinkedListNode<EventPathParams> * apEventPathList,
     369              :                                 EventNumber & aEventMin, size_t & aEventCount,
     370              :                                 const Access::SubjectDescriptor & aSubjectDescriptor);
     371              :     /**
     372              :      * @brief brief Iterate all events and invalidate the fabric-sensitive events whose associated fabric has the given fabric
     373              :      * index.
     374              :      */
     375              :     CHIP_ERROR FabricRemoved(FabricIndex aFabricIndex);
     376              : 
     377              :     /**
     378              :      * @brief
     379              :      *   Fetch the most recently vended Number for a particular priority level
     380              :      *
     381              :      * @return EventNumber most recently vended event Number for that event priority
     382              :      */
     383         1024 :     EventNumber GetLastEventNumber() const { return mLastEventNumber; }
     384              : 
     385              :     /**
     386              :      * @brief
     387              :      *   IsValid returns whether the EventManagement instance is valid
     388              :      */
     389          890 :     bool IsValid(void) { return EventManagementStates::Shutdown != mState; };
     390              : 
     391              :     /**
     392              :      *  Logger would save last logged event number and initial written event bytes number into schedule event number array
     393              :      */
     394              :     void SetScheduledEventInfo(EventNumber & aEventNumber, uint32_t & aInitialWrittenEventBytes) const;
     395              : 
     396              :     /* EventsGenerator implementation */
     397              :     CHIP_ERROR GenerateEvent(EventLoggingDelegate * eventPayloadWriter, const EventOptions & options,
     398              :                              EventNumber & generatedEventNumber) override;
     399              : 
     400              : private:
     401              :     /**
     402              :      * @brief
     403              :      *  Internal structure for traversing events.
     404              :      */
     405              :     struct EventEnvelopeContext
     406              :     {
     407         4348 :         EventEnvelopeContext() {}
     408              : 
     409              :         int mFieldsToRead = 0;
     410              :         /* PriorityLevel and DeltaTime are there if that is not first event when putting events in report*/
     412              :         Timestamp mCurrentTime = Timestamp::Epoch(System::Clock::kZero);
     414              :         Timestamp mCurrentTime = Timestamp::System(System::Clock::kZero);
     416              :         PriorityLevel mPriority  = PriorityLevel::First;
     417              :         ClusterId mClusterId     = 0;
     418              :         EndpointId mEndpointId   = 0;
     419              :         EventId mEventId         = 0;
     420              :         EventNumber mEventNumber = 0;
     421              :         Optional<FabricIndex> mFabricIndex;
     422              :     };
     423              : 
     424              :     void VendEventNumber();
     425              :     CHIP_ERROR CalculateEventSize(EventLoggingDelegate * apDelegate, const EventOptions * apOptions, uint32_t & requiredSize);
     426              :     /**
     427              :      * @brief Helper function for writing event header and data according to event
     428              :      *   logging protocol.
     429              :      *
     430              :      * @param[in,out] apContext EventLoadOutContext, initialized with stateful
     431              :      *                          information for the buffer. State is updated
     432              :      *                          and preserved by ConstructEvent using this context.
     433              :      *
     434              :      * @param[in] apDelegate The EventLoggingDelegate to serialize the event data
     435              :      *
     436              :      * @param[in] apOptions     EventOptions describing timestamp and other tags
     437              :      *                          relevant to this event.
     438              :      *
     439              :      */
     440              :     CHIP_ERROR ConstructEvent(EventLoadOutContext * apContext, EventLoggingDelegate * apDelegate, const EventOptions * apOptions);
     441              : 
     442              :     // Internal function to log event
     443              :     CHIP_ERROR LogEventPrivate(EventLoggingDelegate * apDelegate, const EventOptions & aEventOptions, EventNumber & aEventNumber);
     444              : 
     445              :     /**
     446              :      * @brief copy the event outright to next buffer with higher priority
     447              :      *
     448              :      * @param[in] apEventBuffer  CircularEventBuffer
     449              :      *
     450              :      */
     451              :     CHIP_ERROR CopyToNextBuffer(CircularEventBuffer * apEventBuffer);
     452              : 
     453              :     /**
     454              :      * @brief Ensure that:
     455              :      *
     456              :      * 1) There could be aRequiredSpace bytes available (if enough things were
     457              :      *    evicted) in all buffers that can hold events with priority aPriority.
     458              :      *
     459              :      * 2) There are in fact aRequiredSpace bytes available in our
     460              :      *    lowest-priority buffer.  This might involve evicting some events to
     461              :      *    higher-priority buffers or dropping them.
     462              :      *
     463              :      * @param[in] aRequiredSpace  required space
     464              :      * @param[in] aPriority       priority of the event we are making space for.
     465              :      *
     466              :      */
     467              :     CHIP_ERROR EnsureSpaceInCircularBuffer(size_t aRequiredSpace, PriorityLevel aPriority);
     468              : 
     469              :     /**
     470              :      * @brief Iterate the event elements inside event tlv and mark the fabric index as kUndefinedFabricIndex if
     471              :      * it matches the FabricIndex apFabricIndex points to.
     472              :      *
     473              :      * @param[in] aReader  event tlv reader
     474              :      * @param[in] apFabricIndex   A FabricIndex* pointing to the fabric index for which we want to effectively evict events.
     475              :      *
     476              :      */
     477              :     static CHIP_ERROR FabricRemovedCB(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t, void * apFabricIndex);
     478              : 
     479              :     /**
     480              :      * @brief
     481              :      *   Internal API used to implement #FetchEventsSince
     482              :      *
     483              :      * Iterator function to used to copy an event from the log into a
     484              :      * TLVWriter. The included apContext contains the context of the copy
     485              :      * operation, including the TLVWriter that will hold the copy of an
     486              :      * event.  If event cannot be written as a whole, the TLVWriter will
     487              :      * be rolled back to event boundary.
     488              :      *
     489              :      * @retval #CHIP_END_OF_TLV             Function reached the end of the event
     490              :      * @retval #CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY        Function could not write a portion of
     491              :      *                                       the event to the TLVWriter.
     492              :      * @retval #CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Function could not write a
     493              :      *                                       portion of the event to the TLVWriter.
     494              :      */
     495              :     static CHIP_ERROR CopyEventsSince(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * apContext);
     496              : 
     497              :     /**
     498              :      * @brief Internal iterator function used to scan and filter though event logs
     499              :      *
     500              :      * The function is used to scan through the event log to find events matching the spec in the supplied context.
     501              :      * Particularly, it would check against mStartingEventNumber, and skip fetched event.
     502              :      */
     503              :     static CHIP_ERROR EventIterator(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, EventLoadOutContext * apEventLoadOutContext,
     504              :                                     EventEnvelopeContext * event);
     505              : 
     506              :     /**
     507              :      * @brief Internal iterator function used to fetch event into EventEnvelopeContext, then EventIterator would filter event
     508              :      * based upon EventEnvelopeContext
     509              :      *
     510              :      */
     511              :     static CHIP_ERROR FetchEventParameters(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * apContext);
     512              : 
     513              :     /**
     514              :      * @brief Internal iterator function used to scan and filter though event logs
     515              :      * First event gets a timestamp, subsequent ones get a delta T
     516              :      * First event in the sequence gets a event number neatly packaged
     517              :      */
     518              :     static CHIP_ERROR CopyAndAdjustDeltaTime(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * apContext);
     519              : 
     520              :     /**
     521              :      * @brief checking if the tail's event can be moved to higher priority, if not, dropped, if yes, note how much space it
     522              :      * requires, and return.
     523              :      */
     524              :     static CHIP_ERROR EvictEvent(chip::TLV::TLVCircularBuffer & aBuffer, void * apAppData, TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
     525            0 :     static CHIP_ERROR AlwaysFail(chip::TLV::TLVCircularBuffer & aBuffer, void * apAppData, TLV::TLVReader & aReader)
     526              :     {
     527            0 :         return CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY;
     528              :     };
     529              : 
     530              :     /**
     531              :      * @brief Check whether the event instance represented by the EventEnvelopeContext should be included in the report.
     532              :      *
     533              :      * @retval CHIP_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EVENT This path should be excluded in the generated event report.
     534              :      * @retval CHIP_EVENT_ID_FOUND This path should be included in the generated event report.
     535              :      * @retval CHIP_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED This path should be included in the generated event report, but the client does not have
     536              :      * .       enough privilege to access it.
     537              :      *
     538              :      * TODO: Consider using CHIP_NO_ERROR, CHIP_ERROR_SKIP_EVENT, CHIP_ERROR_ACCESS_DENINED or some enum to represent the checking
     539              :      * result.
     540              :      */
     541              :     static CHIP_ERROR CheckEventContext(EventLoadOutContext * eventLoadOutContext, const EventEnvelopeContext & event);
     542              : 
     543              :     /**
     544              :      * @brief copy event from circular buffer to target buffer for report
     545              :      */
     546              :     static CHIP_ERROR CopyEvent(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, EventLoadOutContext * apContext);
     547              : 
     548              :     /**
     549              :      * @brief
     550              :      *   A function to get the circular buffer for particular priority
     551              :      *
     552              :      * @param aPriority PriorityLevel
     553              :      *
     554              :      * @return A pointer for the CircularEventBuffer
     555              :      */
     556              :     CircularEventBuffer * GetPriorityBuffer(PriorityLevel aPriority) const;
     557              : 
     558              :     // EventBuffer for debug level,
     559              :     CircularEventBuffer * mpEventBuffer        = nullptr;
     560              :     Messaging::ExchangeManager * mpExchangeMgr = nullptr;
     561              :     EventManagementStates mState               = EventManagementStates::Shutdown;
     562              :     uint32_t mBytesWritten                     = 0;
     563              : 
     564              :     // The counter we're going to use for event numbers.
     565              :     MonotonicallyIncreasingCounter<EventNumber> * mpEventNumberCounter = nullptr;
     566              : 
     567              :     EventNumber mLastEventNumber = 0; ///< Last event Number vended
     568              :     Timestamp mLastEventTimestamp;    ///< The timestamp of the last event in this buffer
     569              : 
     570              :     System::Clock::Milliseconds64 mMonotonicStartupTime;
     571              : 
     572              :     EventReporter * mpEventReporter = nullptr;
     573              : };
     574              : 
     575              : } // namespace app
     576              : } // namespace chip

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