Line data Source code
1 : /*
2 : *
3 : * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
4 : * All rights reserved.
5 : *
6 : * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 : * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 : * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 : *
10 : *
11 : *
12 : * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 : * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 : * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 : * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 : * limitations under the License.
17 : */
18 :
19 : /**
20 : * @file
21 : * This file defines objects for a CHIP Interaction Data model Engine which handle unsolicited IM message, and
22 : * manage different kinds of IM client and handlers.
23 : *
24 : */
25 :
26 : #pragma once
27 :
28 : #include <access/AccessControl.h>
29 : #include <app/AppConfig.h>
30 : #include <app/AttributePathParams.h>
31 : #include <app/CommandHandlerImpl.h>
32 : #include <app/CommandResponseSender.h>
33 : #include <app/CommandSender.h>
34 : #include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
35 : #include <app/ConcreteCommandPath.h>
36 : #include <app/ConcreteEventPath.h>
37 : #include <app/DataVersionFilter.h>
38 : #include <app/EventPathParams.h>
39 : #include <app/MessageDef/AttributeReportIBs.h>
40 : #include <app/MessageDef/ReportDataMessage.h>
41 : #include <app/ReadClient.h>
42 : #include <app/ReadHandler.h>
43 : #include <app/StatusResponse.h>
44 : #include <app/SubscriptionResumptionSessionEstablisher.h>
45 : #include <app/SubscriptionsInfoProvider.h>
46 : #include <app/TimedHandler.h>
47 : #include <app/WriteClient.h>
48 : #include <app/WriteHandler.h>
49 : #include <app/data-model-provider/MetadataTypes.h>
50 : #include <app/data-model-provider/OperationTypes.h>
51 : #include <app/data-model-provider/Provider.h>
52 : #include <app/icd/server/ICDServerConfig.h>
53 : #include <app/reporting/Engine.h>
54 : #include <app/reporting/ReportScheduler.h>
55 : #include <app/util/attribute-metadata.h>
56 : #include <app/util/basic-types.h>
57 : #include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
58 : #include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
59 : #include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
60 : #include <lib/support/LinkedList.h>
61 : #include <lib/support/Pool.h>
62 : #include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
63 : #include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
64 : #include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
65 : #include <messaging/Flags.h>
66 : #include <protocols/Protocols.h>
67 : #include <protocols/interaction_model/Constants.h>
68 : #include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
69 :
70 : #include <app/CASESessionManager.h>
71 :
73 : #include <app/icd/server/ICDManager.h> // nogncheck
75 :
76 : namespace chip {
77 : namespace app {
78 :
79 : /**
80 : * @class InteractionModelEngine
81 : *
82 : * @brief This is a singleton hosting all CHIP unsolicited message processing and managing interaction model related clients and
83 : * handlers
84 : *
85 : */
86 : class InteractionModelEngine : public Messaging::UnsolicitedMessageHandler,
87 : public Messaging::ExchangeDelegate,
88 : private DataModel::ActionContext,
89 : public CommandResponseSender::Callback,
90 : public CommandHandlerImpl::Callback,
91 : public ReadHandler::ManagementCallback,
92 : public FabricTable::Delegate,
93 : public SubscriptionsInfoProvider,
94 : public TimedHandlerDelegate,
95 : public WriteHandlerDelegate
96 : {
97 : public:
98 : /**
99 : * @brief Retrieve the singleton Interaction Model Engine.
100 : *
101 : * @return A pointer to the shared InteractionModel Engine
102 : *
103 : */
104 : static InteractionModelEngine * GetInstance(void);
105 :
106 : /**
107 : * Spec 8.5.1 A publisher SHALL always ensure that every fabric the node is commissioned into can create at least three
108 : * subscriptions to the publisher and that each subscription SHALL support at least 3 attribute/event paths.
109 : */
110 : static constexpr size_t kMinSupportedSubscriptionsPerFabric = 3;
111 : static constexpr size_t kMinSupportedPathsPerSubscription = 3;
112 : static constexpr size_t kMinSupportedPathsPerReadRequest = 9;
113 : static constexpr size_t kMinSupportedReadRequestsPerFabric = 1;
114 : static constexpr size_t kReadHandlerPoolSize = CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_SUBSCRIPTIONS + CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_READS;
115 :
116 : // TODO: Per spec, the above numbers should be 3, 3, 9, 1, however, we use a lower limit to reduce the memory usage and should
117 : // fix it when we have reduced the memory footprint of ReadHandlers.
118 :
119 : InteractionModelEngine(void);
120 :
121 : /**
122 : * Initialize the InteractionModel Engine.
123 : *
124 : * @param[in] apExchangeMgr A pointer to the ExchangeManager object.
125 : * @param[in] apFabricTable A pointer to the FabricTable object.
126 : * @param[in] apCASESessionMgr An optional pointer to a CASESessionManager (used for re-subscriptions).
127 : * @parma[in] eventManagement An optional pointer to a EventManagement. If null, the global instance will be used.
128 : *
129 : */
130 : CHIP_ERROR Init(Messaging::ExchangeManager * apExchangeMgr, FabricTable * apFabricTable,
131 : reporting::ReportScheduler * reportScheduler, CASESessionManager * apCASESessionMgr = nullptr,
132 : SubscriptionResumptionStorage * subscriptionResumptionStorage = nullptr,
133 : EventManagement * eventManagement = nullptr);
134 :
135 : void Shutdown();
136 :
138 : void SetICDManager(ICDManager * manager) { mICDManager = manager; };
140 :
141 1465 : Messaging::ExchangeManager * GetExchangeManager(void) const { return mpExchangeMgr; }
142 :
143 : /**
144 : * Returns a pointer to the CASESessionManager. This can return nullptr if one wasn't
145 : * provided in the call to Init().
146 : */
147 1 : CASESessionManager * GetCASESessionManager() const { return mpCASESessionMgr; }
148 :
150 : /**
151 : * Tears down an active subscription.
152 : *
153 : * @retval #CHIP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND If the subscription is not found.
154 : * @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
155 : */
156 : CHIP_ERROR ShutdownSubscription(const ScopedNodeId & aPeerNodeId, SubscriptionId aSubscriptionId);
157 :
158 : /**
159 : * Tears down active subscriptions for a given peer node ID.
160 : */
161 : void ShutdownSubscriptions(FabricIndex aFabricIndex, NodeId aPeerNodeId);
162 :
163 : /**
164 : * Tears down all active subscriptions for a given fabric.
165 : */
166 : void ShutdownSubscriptions(FabricIndex aFabricIndex);
167 :
168 : /**
169 : * Tears down all active subscriptions.
170 : */
171 : void ShutdownAllSubscriptions();
173 :
174 : uint32_t GetNumActiveReadHandlers() const;
175 : uint32_t GetNumActiveReadHandlers(ReadHandler::InteractionType type) const;
176 :
177 : /**
178 : * Returns the number of active readhandlers with a specific type on a specific fabric.
179 : */
180 : uint32_t GetNumActiveReadHandlers(ReadHandler::InteractionType type, FabricIndex fabricIndex) const;
181 :
182 : uint32_t GetNumActiveWriteHandlers() const;
183 :
184 : /**
185 : * Returns the handler at a particular index within the active handler list.
186 : */
187 : ReadHandler * ActiveHandlerAt(unsigned int aIndex);
188 :
189 : /**
190 : * Returns the write handler at a particular index within the active handler list.
191 : */
192 : WriteHandler * ActiveWriteHandlerAt(unsigned int aIndex);
193 :
194 4505 : reporting::Engine & GetReportingEngine() { return mReportingEngine; }
195 :
196 356 : reporting::ReportScheduler * GetReportScheduler() { return mReportScheduler; }
197 :
198 : void ReleaseAttributePathList(SingleLinkedListNode<AttributePathParams> *& aAttributePathList);
199 :
200 : CHIP_ERROR PushFrontAttributePathList(SingleLinkedListNode<AttributePathParams> *& aAttributePathList,
201 : AttributePathParams & aAttributePath);
202 :
203 : // If a concrete path indicates an attribute that is also referenced by a wildcard path in the request,
204 : // the path SHALL be removed from the list.
205 : void RemoveDuplicateConcreteAttributePath(SingleLinkedListNode<AttributePathParams> *& aAttributePaths);
206 :
207 : void ReleaseEventPathList(SingleLinkedListNode<EventPathParams> *& aEventPathList);
208 :
209 : CHIP_ERROR PushFrontEventPathParamsList(SingleLinkedListNode<EventPathParams> *& aEventPathList, EventPathParams & aEventPath);
210 :
211 : void ReleaseDataVersionFilterList(SingleLinkedListNode<DataVersionFilter> *& aDataVersionFilterList);
212 :
213 : CHIP_ERROR PushFrontDataVersionFilterList(SingleLinkedListNode<DataVersionFilter> *& aDataVersionFilterList,
214 : DataVersionFilter & aDataVersionFilter);
215 :
216 : /*
217 : * Register an application callback to be notified of notable events when handling reads/subscribes.
218 : */
219 : void RegisterReadHandlerAppCallback(ReadHandler::ApplicationCallback * mpApplicationCallback)
220 : {
221 : mpReadHandlerApplicationCallback = mpApplicationCallback;
222 : }
223 : void UnregisterReadHandlerAppCallback() { mpReadHandlerApplicationCallback = nullptr; }
224 :
225 : // TimedHandlerDelegate implementation
226 : void OnTimedInteractionFailed(TimedHandler * apTimedHandler) override;
227 : void OnTimedInvoke(TimedHandler * apTimedHandler, Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext,
228 : const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader, System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload) override;
229 : void OnTimedWrite(TimedHandler * apTimedHandler, Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext,
230 : const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader, System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload) override;
231 :
232 : // WriteHandlerDelegate implementation
233 : bool HasConflictWriteRequests(const WriteHandler * apWriteHandler, const ConcreteAttributePath & apath) override;
234 :
236 : /**
237 : * Activate the idle subscriptions.
238 : *
239 : * When subscribing to ICD and liveness timeout reached, the read client will move to `InactiveICDSubscription` state and
240 : * resubscription can be triggered via OnActiveModeNotification().
241 : */
242 : void OnActiveModeNotification(ScopedNodeId aPeer);
243 :
244 : /**
245 : * Used to notify when a peer becomes LIT ICD or vice versa.
246 : *
247 : * ReadClient will call this function when it finds any updates of the OperatingMode attribute from ICD management
248 : * cluster. The application doesn't need to call this function, usually.
249 : */
250 : void OnPeerTypeChange(ScopedNodeId aPeer, ReadClient::PeerType aType);
251 :
252 : /**
253 : * Add a read client to the internally tracked list of weak references. This list is used to
254 : * correctly dispatch unsolicited reports to the right matching handler by subscription ID.
255 : */
256 : void AddReadClient(ReadClient * apReadClient);
257 :
258 : /**
259 : * Remove a read client from the internally tracked list of weak references.
260 : */
261 : void RemoveReadClient(ReadClient * apReadClient);
262 :
263 : /**
264 : * Test to see if a read client is in the actively tracked list.
265 : */
266 : bool InActiveReadClientList(ReadClient * apReadClient);
267 :
268 : /**
269 : * Return the number of active read clients being tracked by the engine.
270 : */
271 : size_t GetNumActiveReadClients();
273 :
274 : /**
275 : * Returns the number of dirty subscriptions. Including the subscriptions that are generating reports.
276 : */
277 : size_t GetNumDirtySubscriptions() const;
278 :
279 : /**
280 : * Select the oldest (and the one that exceeds the per subscription resource minimum if there are any) read handler on the
281 : * fabric with the given fabric index. Evict it when the fabric uses more resources than the per fabric quota or aForceEvict is
282 : * true.
283 : *
284 : * @retval Whether we have evicted a subscription.
285 : */
286 : bool TrimFabricForSubscriptions(FabricIndex aFabricIndex, bool aForceEvict);
287 :
288 : /**
289 : * Select a read handler and abort the read transaction if the fabric is using more resources (number of paths or number of read
290 : * handlers) then we guaranteed.
291 : *
292 : * - The youngest oversized read handlers will be chosen first.
293 : * - If there are no oversized read handlers, the youngest read handlers will be chosen.
294 : *
295 : * @retval Whether we have evicted a read transaction.
296 : */
297 : bool TrimFabricForRead(FabricIndex aFabricIndex);
298 :
299 : /**
300 : * Returns the minimal value of guaranteed subscriptions per fabic. UINT16_MAX will be returned if current app is configured to
301 : * use heap for the object pools used by interaction model engine.
302 : *
303 : * @retval the minimal value of guaranteed subscriptions per fabic.
304 : */
305 : uint16_t GetMinGuaranteedSubscriptionsPerFabric() const;
306 :
307 : // virtual method from FabricTable::Delegate
308 : void OnFabricRemoved(const FabricTable & fabricTable, FabricIndex fabricIndex) override;
309 :
310 387 : SubscriptionResumptionStorage * GetSubscriptionResumptionStorage() { return mpSubscriptionResumptionStorage; };
311 :
312 : CHIP_ERROR ResumeSubscriptions();
313 :
314 : bool SubjectHasActiveSubscription(FabricIndex aFabricIndex, NodeId subjectID) override;
315 :
316 : bool SubjectHasPersistedSubscription(FabricIndex aFabricIndex, NodeId subjectID) override;
317 :
318 : bool FabricHasAtLeastOneActiveSubscription(FabricIndex aFabricIndex) override;
319 :
321 : /**
322 : * @brief Function decrements the number of subscriptions to resume counter - mNumOfSubscriptionsToResume.
323 : * This should be called after we have completed a re-subscribe attempt on a persisted subscription wether the attempt
324 : * was successful or not.
325 : */
326 : void DecrementNumSubscriptionsToResume();
328 :
330 : //
331 : // Get direct access to the underlying read handler pool
332 : //
333 : auto & GetReadHandlerPool() { return mReadHandlers; }
334 :
335 : //
336 : // Override the maximal capacity of the fabric table only for interaction model engine
337 : //
338 : // If -1 is passed in, no override is instituted and default behavior resumes.
339 : //
340 : void SetConfigMaxFabrics(int32_t sz) { mMaxNumFabricsOverride = sz; }
341 :
342 : //
343 : // Override the maximal capacity of the underlying read handler pool to mimic
344 : // out of memory scenarios in unit-tests. You need to SetConfigMaxFabrics to make GetGuaranteedReadRequestsPerFabric
345 : // working correctly.
346 : //
347 : // If -1 is passed in, no override is instituted and default behavior resumes.
348 : //
349 : void SetHandlerCapacityForReads(int32_t sz) { mReadHandlerCapacityForReadsOverride = sz; }
350 : void SetHandlerCapacityForSubscriptions(int32_t sz) { mReadHandlerCapacityForSubscriptionsOverride = sz; }
351 :
352 : //
353 : // Override the maximal capacity of the underlying attribute path pool and event path pool to mimic
354 : // out of paths exhausted scenarios in unit-tests.
355 : //
356 : // If -1 is passed in, no override is instituted and default behavior resumes.
357 : //
358 : void SetPathPoolCapacityForReads(int32_t sz) { mPathPoolCapacityForReadsOverride = sz; }
359 : void SetPathPoolCapacityForSubscriptions(int32_t sz) { mPathPoolCapacityForSubscriptionsOverride = sz; }
360 :
361 : //
362 : // We won't limit the handler used per fabric on platforms that are using heap for memory pools, so we introduces a flag to
363 : // enforce such check based on the configured size. This flag is used for unit tests only, there is another compare time flag
364 : // CHIP_CONFIG_IM_FORCE_FABRIC_QUOTA_CHECK for stress tests.
365 : //
366 : void SetForceHandlerQuota(bool forceHandlerQuota) { mForceHandlerQuota = forceHandlerQuota; }
367 :
369 : //
370 : // Override the subscription timeout resumption retry interval seconds. The default retry interval will be
371 : // 300s + GetFibonacciForIndex(retry_times) * 300s, which is too long for unit-tests.
372 : //
373 : // If -1 is passed in, no override is instituted and default behavior resumes.
374 : //
375 : void SetSubscriptionTimeoutResumptionRetryIntervalSeconds(int32_t seconds)
376 : {
377 : mSubscriptionResumptionRetrySecondsOverride = seconds;
378 : }
379 : #endif
380 :
381 : //
382 : // When testing subscriptions using the high-level APIs in src/controller/ReadInteraction.h,
383 : // they don't provide for the ability to shut down those subscriptions after they've been established.
384 : //
385 : // So for the purposes of unit tests, add a helper here to shut down and clean-up all active handlers.
386 : //
387 : void ShutdownActiveReads()
388 : {
390 : for (auto * readClient = mpActiveReadClientList; readClient != nullptr;)
391 : {
392 : readClient->mpImEngine = nullptr;
393 : auto * tmpClient = readClient->GetNextClient();
394 : readClient->SetNextClient(nullptr);
395 : readClient->Close(CHIP_NO_ERROR);
396 : readClient = tmpClient;
397 : }
398 :
399 : //
400 : // After that, we just null out our tracker.
401 : //
402 : mpActiveReadClientList = nullptr;
404 :
405 : mReadHandlers.ReleaseAll();
406 : }
407 : #endif
408 :
409 : DataModel::Provider * GetDataModelProvider() const;
410 :
411 : // MUST NOT be used while the interaction model engine is running as interaction
412 : // model functionality (e.g. active reads/writes/subscriptions) rely on data model
413 : // state
414 : //
415 : // Returns the old data model provider value.
416 : DataModel::Provider * SetDataModelProvider(DataModel::Provider * model);
417 :
418 : private:
419 : /* DataModel::ActionContext implementation */
420 0 : Messaging::ExchangeContext * CurrentExchange() override { return mCurrentExchange; }
421 :
422 : friend class reporting::Engine;
423 : friend class TestCommandInteraction;
424 : friend class TestInteractionModelEngine;
425 : friend class SubscriptionResumptionSessionEstablisher;
426 : using Status = Protocols::InteractionModel::Status;
427 :
428 : void OnDone(CommandResponseSender & apResponderObj) override;
429 : void OnDone(CommandHandlerImpl & apCommandObj) override;
430 : void OnDone(ReadHandler & apReadObj) override;
431 :
432 : void TryToResumeSubscriptions();
433 :
434 1656 : ReadHandler::ApplicationCallback * GetAppCallback() override { return mpReadHandlerApplicationCallback; }
435 :
436 16665 : InteractionModelEngine * GetInteractionModelEngine() override { return this; }
437 :
438 : CHIP_ERROR OnUnsolicitedMessageReceived(const PayloadHeader & payloadHeader, ExchangeDelegate *& newDelegate) override;
439 :
440 : /**
441 : * Called when Interaction Model receives a Command Request message.
442 : */
443 : Status OnInvokeCommandRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
444 : System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, bool aIsTimedInvoke);
445 : CHIP_ERROR OnMessageReceived(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
446 : System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload) override;
447 : void OnResponseTimeout(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec) override;
448 :
449 : /**
450 : * This parses the attribute path list to ensure it is well formed. If so, for each path in the list, it will expand to a list
451 : * of concrete paths and walk each path to check if it has privileges to read that attribute.
452 : *
453 : * If there is AT LEAST one "existent path" (as the spec calls it) that has sufficient privilege, aHasValidAttributePath
454 : * will be set to true. Otherwise, it will be set to false.
455 : *
456 : * aRequestedAttributePathCount will be updated to reflect the number of attribute paths in the request.
457 : *
458 : *
459 : */
460 : CHIP_ERROR ParseAttributePaths(const Access::SubjectDescriptor & aSubjectDescriptor,
461 : AttributePathIBs::Parser & aAttributePathListParser, bool & aHasValidAttributePath,
462 : size_t & aRequestedAttributePathCount);
463 :
464 : /**
465 : * This parses the event path list to ensure it is well formed. If so, for each path in the list, it will expand to a list
466 : * of concrete paths and walk each path to check if it has privileges to read that event.
467 : *
468 : * If there is AT LEAST one "existent path" (as the spec calls it) that has sufficient privilege, aHasValidEventPath
469 : * will be set to true. Otherwise, it will be set to false.
470 : *
471 : * aRequestedEventPathCount will be updated to reflect the number of event paths in the request.
472 : */
473 : CHIP_ERROR ParseEventPaths(const Access::SubjectDescriptor & aSubjectDescriptor, EventPathIBs::Parser & aEventPathListParser,
474 : bool & aHasValidEventPath, size_t & aRequestedEventPathCount);
475 :
476 : /**
477 : * Called when Interaction Model receives a Read Request message. Errors processing
478 : * the Read Request are handled entirely within this function. If the
479 : * status returned is not Status::Success, the caller will send a status
480 : * response message with that status.
481 : */
482 : Status OnReadInitialRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
483 : System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, ReadHandler::InteractionType aInteractionType);
484 :
485 : /**
486 : * Called when Interaction Model receives a Write Request message. Errors processing
487 : * the Write Request are handled entirely within this function. If the
488 : * status returned is not Status::Success, the caller will send a status
489 : * response message with that status.
490 : */
491 : Status OnWriteRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
492 : System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, bool aIsTimedWrite);
493 :
494 : /**
495 : * Called when Interaction Model receives a Timed Request message. Errors processing
496 : * the Timed Request are handled entirely within this function. The caller pre-sets status to failure and the callee is
497 : * expected to set it to success if it does not want an automatic status response message to be sent.
498 : */
499 : CHIP_ERROR OnTimedRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
500 : System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, Protocols::InteractionModel::Status & aStatus);
501 :
502 : /**This function handles processing of un-solicited ReportData messages on the client, which can
503 : * only occur post subscription establishment
504 : */
505 : Status OnUnsolicitedReportData(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
506 : System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
507 :
508 : void DispatchCommand(CommandHandlerImpl & apCommandObj, const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath,
509 : TLV::TLVReader & apPayload) override;
510 :
511 : Protocols::InteractionModel::Status ValidateCommandCanBeDispatched(const DataModel::InvokeRequest & request) override;
512 :
513 : bool HasActiveRead();
514 :
515 136 : inline size_t GetPathPoolCapacityForReads() const
516 : {
518 136 : return (mPathPoolCapacityForReadsOverride == -1) ? CHIP_IM_SERVER_MAX_NUM_PATH_GROUPS_FOR_READS
519 136 : : static_cast<size_t>(mPathPoolCapacityForReadsOverride);
520 : #else
522 : #endif
523 : }
524 :
525 890 : inline size_t GetReadHandlerPoolCapacityForReads() const
526 : {
528 890 : return (mReadHandlerCapacityForReadsOverride == -1) ? CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_READS
529 890 : : static_cast<size_t>(mReadHandlerCapacityForReadsOverride);
530 : #else
531 : return CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_READS;
532 : #endif
533 : }
534 :
535 302 : inline size_t GetPathPoolCapacityForSubscriptions() const
536 : {
538 302 : return (mPathPoolCapacityForSubscriptionsOverride == -1) ? CHIP_IM_SERVER_MAX_NUM_PATH_GROUPS_FOR_SUBSCRIPTIONS
539 302 : : static_cast<size_t>(mPathPoolCapacityForSubscriptionsOverride);
540 : #else
542 : #endif
543 : }
544 :
545 302 : inline size_t GetReadHandlerPoolCapacityForSubscriptions() const
546 : {
548 302 : return (mReadHandlerCapacityForSubscriptionsOverride == -1)
550 302 : : static_cast<size_t>(mReadHandlerCapacityForSubscriptionsOverride);
551 : #else
553 : #endif
554 : }
555 :
556 855 : inline uint8_t GetConfigMaxFabrics() const
557 : {
559 855 : return (mMaxNumFabricsOverride == -1) ? CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_FABRICS : static_cast<uint8_t>(mMaxNumFabricsOverride);
560 : #else
562 : #endif
563 : }
564 :
565 822 : inline size_t GetGuaranteedReadRequestsPerFabric() const
566 : {
567 822 : return GetReadHandlerPoolCapacityForReads() / GetConfigMaxFabrics();
568 : }
569 :
570 : /**
571 : * Verify and ensure (by killing oldest read handlers that make the resources used by the current fabric exceed the fabric
572 : * quota)
573 : * - If the subscription uses resources within the per subscription limit, this function will always success by evicting
574 : * existing subscriptions.
575 : * - If the subscription uses more than per subscription limit, this function will return PATHS_EXHAUSTED if we are running out
576 : * of paths.
577 : *
578 : * After the checks above, we will try to ensure we have a free Readhandler for processing the subscription.
579 : *
580 : * @retval true when we have enough resources for the incoming subscription, false if not.
581 : */
582 : bool EnsureResourceForSubscription(FabricIndex aFabricIndex, size_t aRequestedAttributePathCount,
583 : size_t aRequestedEventPathCount);
584 :
585 : /**
586 : * Verify and ensure (by killing oldest read handlers that make the resources used by the current fabric exceed the fabric
587 : * quota) the resources for handling a new read transaction with the given resource requirments.
588 : * - PASE sessions will be counted in a virtual fabric (i.e. kInvalidFabricIndex will be consided as a "valid" fabric in this
589 : * function)
590 : * - If the existing resources can serve this read transaction, this function will return Status::Success.
591 : * - or if the resources used by read transactions in the fabric index meets the per fabric resource limit (i.e. 9 paths & 1
592 : * read) after accepting this read request, this function will always return Status::Success by evicting existing read
593 : * transactions from other fabrics which are using more than the guaranteed minimum number of read.
594 : * - or if the resources used by read transactions in the fabric index will exceed the per fabric resource limit (i.e. 9 paths &
595 : * 1 read) after accepting this read request, this function will return a failure status without evicting any existing
596 : * transaction.
597 : * - However, read transactions on PASE sessions won't evict any existing read transactions when we have already commissioned
598 : * CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_FABRICS fabrics on the device.
599 : *
600 : * @retval Status::Success: The read transaction can be accepted.
601 : * @retval Status::Busy: The remaining resource is insufficient to handle this read request, and the accessing fabric for this
602 : * read request will use more resources than we guaranteed, the client is expected to retry later.
603 : * @retval Status::PathsExhausted: The attribute / event path pool is exhausted, and the read request is requesting more
604 : * resources than we guaranteed.
605 : */
606 : Status EnsureResourceForRead(FabricIndex aFabricIndex, size_t aRequestedAttributePathCount, size_t aRequestedEventPathCount);
607 :
608 : /**
609 : * Helper for various ShutdownSubscriptions functions. The subscriptions
610 : * that match all the provided arguments will be shut down.
611 : */
612 : void ShutdownMatchingSubscriptions(const Optional<FabricIndex> & aFabricIndex = NullOptional,
613 : const Optional<NodeId> & aPeerNodeId = NullOptional);
614 :
615 : /**
616 : * Validates that the command exists and on success returns the data for the command in `entry`.
617 : */
618 : Status CheckCommandExistence(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, DataModel::AcceptedCommandEntry & entry);
619 : Status CheckCommandAccess(const DataModel::InvokeRequest & aRequest, const DataModel::AcceptedCommandEntry & entry);
620 : Status CheckCommandFlags(const DataModel::InvokeRequest & aRequest, const DataModel::AcceptedCommandEntry & entry);
621 :
622 : /**
623 : * Check if the given attribute path is a valid path in the data model provider.
624 : */
625 : bool IsExistentAttributePath(const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
626 :
627 : static void ResumeSubscriptionsTimerCallback(System::Layer * apSystemLayer, void * apAppState);
628 :
629 : template <typename T, size_t N>
630 : void ReleasePool(SingleLinkedListNode<T> *& aObjectList, ObjectPool<SingleLinkedListNode<T>, N> & aObjectPool);
631 : template <typename T, size_t N>
632 : CHIP_ERROR PushFront(SingleLinkedListNode<T> *& aObjectList, T & aData, ObjectPool<SingleLinkedListNode<T>, N> & aObjectPool);
633 :
634 : Messaging::ExchangeManager * mpExchangeMgr = nullptr;
635 :
637 : ICDManager * mICDManager = nullptr;
639 :
640 : ObjectPool<CommandResponseSender, CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_COMMAND_HANDLER> mCommandResponderObjs;
641 : ObjectPool<TimedHandler, CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_TIMED_HANDLER> mTimedHandlers;
642 : WriteHandler mWriteHandlers[CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_WRITE_HANDLER];
643 : reporting::Engine mReportingEngine;
644 : reporting::ReportScheduler * mReportScheduler = nullptr;
645 :
646 : static constexpr size_t kReservedHandlersForReads = kMinSupportedReadRequestsPerFabric * (CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_FABRICS);
647 : static constexpr size_t kReservedPathsForReads = kMinSupportedPathsPerReadRequest * kReservedHandlersForReads;
648 :
651 : CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_FABRICS * (kMinSupportedPathsPerSubscription * kMinSupportedSubscriptionsPerFabric),
652 : "CHIP_IM_SERVER_MAX_NUM_PATH_GROUPS_FOR_SUBSCRIPTIONS is too small to match the requirements of spec 8.5.1");
654 : CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_FABRICS * (kMinSupportedReadRequestsPerFabric * kMinSupportedPathsPerReadRequest),
655 : "CHIP_IM_SERVER_MAX_NUM_PATH_GROUPS_FOR_READS is too small to match the requirements of spec 8.5.1");
656 : static_assert(CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_SUBSCRIPTIONS >= CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_FABRICS * kMinSupportedSubscriptionsPerFabric,
657 : "CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_SUBSCRIPTIONS is too small to match the requirements of spec 8.5.1");
658 : static_assert(CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_READS >= CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_FABRICS * kMinSupportedReadRequestsPerFabric,
659 : "CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_READS is too small to match the requirements of spec 8.5.1");
660 : #endif
661 :
662 : ObjectPool<SingleLinkedListNode<AttributePathParams>,
664 : mAttributePathPool;
665 : ObjectPool<SingleLinkedListNode<EventPathParams>,
667 : mEventPathPool;
668 : ObjectPool<SingleLinkedListNode<DataVersionFilter>,
670 : mDataVersionFilterPool;
671 :
672 : ObjectPool<ReadHandler, CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_READS + CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_SUBSCRIPTIONS> mReadHandlers;
673 :
675 : ReadClient * mpActiveReadClientList = nullptr;
676 : #endif
677 :
678 : ReadHandler::ApplicationCallback * mpReadHandlerApplicationCallback = nullptr;
679 :
681 : int mReadHandlerCapacityForSubscriptionsOverride = -1;
682 : int mPathPoolCapacityForSubscriptionsOverride = -1;
683 :
684 : int mReadHandlerCapacityForReadsOverride = -1;
685 : int mPathPoolCapacityForReadsOverride = -1;
686 :
687 : int mMaxNumFabricsOverride = -1;
688 :
689 : // We won't limit the handler used per fabric on platforms that are using heap for memory pools, so we introduces a flag to
690 : // enforce such check based on the configured size. This flag is used for unit tests only, there is another compare time flag
691 : // CHIP_CONFIG_IM_FORCE_FABRIC_QUOTA_CHECK for stress tests.
692 : bool mForceHandlerQuota = false;
694 : int mSubscriptionResumptionRetrySecondsOverride = -1;
697 :
699 : /**
700 : * mNumOfSubscriptionsToResume tracks the number of subscriptions that the device will try to resume at its next resumption
701 : * attempt. At boot up, the attempt will be at the highest min interval of all the subscriptions to resume.
702 : * When the subscription timeout resumption feature is present, after the boot up attempt, the next attempt will be determined
703 : * by ComputeTimeSecondsTillNextSubscriptionResumption.
704 : */
705 : int8_t mNumOfSubscriptionsToResume = 0;
707 : bool HasSubscriptionsToResume();
708 : uint32_t ComputeTimeSecondsTillNextSubscriptionResumption();
709 : uint32_t mNumSubscriptionResumptionRetries = 0;
710 : bool mSubscriptionResumptionScheduled = false;
713 :
714 : FabricTable * mpFabricTable = nullptr;
715 :
716 : CASESessionManager * mpCASESessionMgr = nullptr;
717 :
718 : SubscriptionResumptionStorage * mpSubscriptionResumptionStorage = nullptr;
719 :
720 : DataModel::Provider * mDataModelProvider = nullptr;
721 : Messaging::ExchangeContext * mCurrentExchange = nullptr;
722 :
723 : enum class State : uint8_t
724 : {
725 : kUninitialized, // The object has not been initialized.
726 : kInitializing, // Initial setup is in progress (e.g. setting up mpExchangeMgr).
727 : kInitialized // The object has been fully initialized and is ready for use.
728 : };
729 : State mState = State::kUninitialized;
730 :
731 : // Changes the current exchange context of a InteractionModelEngine to a given context
732 : class CurrentExchangeValueScope
733 : {
734 : public:
735 1654 : CurrentExchangeValueScope(InteractionModelEngine & engine, Messaging::ExchangeContext * context) : mEngine(engine)
736 : {
737 1654 : mEngine.mCurrentExchange = context;
738 1654 : }
739 :
740 1654 : ~CurrentExchangeValueScope() { mEngine.mCurrentExchange = nullptr; }
741 :
742 : private:
743 : InteractionModelEngine & mEngine;
744 : };
745 : };
746 :
747 : } // namespace app
748 : } // namespace chip