Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - app - ReadClient.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:f84fe08d06f240e801b5d923f8a938a9938ca110 Lines: 45.9 % 37 17
Test Date: 2025-02-22 08:08:07 Functions: 44.8 % 29 13

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *
       3              :  *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
       4              :  *    All rights reserved.
       5              :  *
       6              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       7              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       8              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
       9              :  *
      10              :  *
      11              :  *
      12              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      13              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      14              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      15              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      16              :  *    limitations under the License.
      17              :  */
      18              : 
      19              : /**
      20              :  *    @file
      21              :  *      This file defines read client for a CHIP Interaction Data model
      22              :  *
      23              :  */
      24              : 
      25              : #pragma once
      26              : #include "system/SystemClock.h"
      27              : #include <app/AppConfig.h>
      28              : #include <app/AttributePathParams.h>
      29              : #include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
      30              : #include <app/EventHeader.h>
      31              : #include <app/EventPathParams.h>
      32              : #include <app/MessageDef/ReadRequestMessage.h>
      33              : #include <app/MessageDef/StatusIB.h>
      34              : #include <app/MessageDef/StatusResponseMessage.h>
      35              : #include <app/MessageDef/SubscribeRequestMessage.h>
      36              : #include <app/MessageDef/SubscribeResponseMessage.h>
      37              : #include <app/OperationalSessionSetup.h>
      38              : #include <app/ReadPrepareParams.h>
      39              : #include <app/data-model/Decode.h>
      40              : #include <lib/core/CHIPCallback.h>
      41              : #include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
      42              : #include <lib/core/TLVDebug.h>
      43              : #include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
      44              : #include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
      45              : #include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
      46              : #include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
      47              : #include <messaging/ExchangeHolder.h>
      48              : #include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
      49              : #include <messaging/Flags.h>
      50              : #include <protocols/Protocols.h>
      51              : #include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
      52              : 
      53              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_READ_CLIENT
      54              : namespace chip {
      55              : namespace app {
      56              : 
      57              : class InteractionModelEngine;
      58              : 
      59              : /**
      60              :  *  @class ReadClient
      61              :  *
      62              :  *  @brief The read client represents the initiator side of a Read Or Subscribe Interaction (depending on the APIs invoked).
      63              :  *
      64              :  *         When used to manage subscriptions, the client provides functionality to automatically re-subscribe as needed,
      65              :  *         including re-establishing CASE under certain conditions (see Callback::OnResubscriptionNeeded for more info).
      66              :  *         This is the default behavior. A consumer can completely opt-out of this behavior by over-riding
      67              :  *         Callback::OnResubscriptionNeeded and providing an alternative implementation.
      68              :  *
      69              :  */
      70              : class ReadClient : public Messaging::ExchangeDelegate
      71              : {
      72              : public:
      73              :     class Callback
      74              :     {
      75              :     public:
      76            0 :         Callback() = default;
      77              : 
      78              :         // Callbacks are not expected to be copyable or movable.
      79              :         Callback(const Callback &)             = delete;
      80              :         Callback(Callback &&)                  = delete;
      81              :         Callback & operator=(const Callback &) = delete;
      82              :         Callback & operator=(Callback &&)      = delete;
      83              : 
      84            0 :         virtual ~Callback() = default;
      85              : 
      86              :         /**
      87              :          * Used to notify a (maybe empty) report data is received from peer and the subscription and the peer is alive.
      88              :          *
      89              :          * This object MUST continue to exist after this call is completed. The application shall wait until it
      90              :          * receives an OnDone call to destroy the object.
      91              :          *
      92              :          */
      93            0 :         virtual void NotifySubscriptionStillActive(const ReadClient & apReadClient) {}
      94              : 
      95              :         /**
      96              :          * Used to signal the commencement of processing of the first attribute or event report received in a given exchange.
      97              :          *
      98              :          * This object MUST continue to exist after this call is completed. The application shall wait until it
      99              :          * receives an OnDone call to destroy the object.
     100              :          *
     101              :          * Once OnReportBegin has been called, either OnReportEnd or OnError will be called before OnDone.
     102              :          *
     103              :          */
     104            0 :         virtual void OnReportBegin() {}
     105              : 
     106              :         /**
     107              :          * Used to signal the completion of processing of the last attribute or event report in a given exchange.
     108              :          *
     109              :          * This object MUST continue to exist after this call is completed. The application shall wait until it
     110              :          * receives an OnDone call to destroy the object.
     111              :          *
     112              :          */
     113            0 :         virtual void OnReportEnd() {}
     114              : 
     115              :         /**
     116              :          * Used to deliver event data received through the Read and Subscribe interactions
     117              :          *
     118              :          * Only one of the apData and apStatus can be non-null.
     119              :          *
     120              :          * This object MUST continue to exist after this call is completed. The application shall wait until it
     121              :          * receives an OnDone call to destroy the object.
     122              :          *
     123              :          * @param[in] aEventHeader The event header in report response.
     124              :          * @param[in] apData A TLVReader positioned right on the payload of the event.
     125              :          * @param[in] apStatus Event-specific status, containing an InteractionModel::Status code as well as an optional
     126              :          *                     cluster-specific status code.
     127              :          */
     128            0 :         virtual void OnEventData(const EventHeader & aEventHeader, TLV::TLVReader * apData, const StatusIB * apStatus) {}
     129              : 
     130              :         /**
     131              :          * Used to deliver attribute data received through the Read and Subscribe interactions.
     132              :          *
     133              :          * This callback will be called when:
     134              :          *   - Receiving attribute data as response of Read interactions
     135              :          *   - Receiving attribute data as reports of subscriptions
     136              :          *   - Receiving attribute data as initial reports of subscriptions
     137              :          *
     138              :          * This object MUST continue to exist after this call is completed. The application shall wait until it
     139              :          * receives an OnDone call to destroy the object.
     140              :          *
     141              :          * @param[in] aPath        The attribute path field in report response.
     142              :          * @param[in] apData       The attribute data of the given path, will be a nullptr if status is not Success.
     143              :          * @param[in] aStatus      Attribute-specific status, containing an InteractionModel::Status code as well as an
     144              :          *                         optional cluster-specific status code.
     145              :          */
     146            0 :         virtual void OnAttributeData(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVReader * apData, const StatusIB & aStatus) {}
     147              : 
     148              :         /**
     149              :          * OnSubscriptionEstablished will be called when a subscription is established for the given subscription transaction.
     150              :          * If using auto resubscription, OnSubscriptionEstablished will be called whenever resubscription is established.
     151              :          *
     152              :          * This object MUST continue to exist after this call is completed. The application shall wait until it
     153              :          * receives an OnDone call to destroy the object.
     154              :          *
     155              :          * @param[in] aSubscriptionId The identifier of the subscription that was established.
     156              :          */
     157            0 :         virtual void OnSubscriptionEstablished(SubscriptionId aSubscriptionId) {}
     158              : 
     159              :         /**
     160              :          * OnResubscriptionNeeded will be called when a subscription that was started with SendAutoResubscribeRequest has terminated
     161              :          * and re-subscription is needed. The termination cause is provided to help inform subsequent re-subscription logic.
     162              :          *
     163              :          * The base implementation automatically re-subscribes at appropriate intervals taking the termination cause into account
     164              :          * (see ReadClient::DefaultResubscribePolicy for more details). If the default implementation doesn't suffice, the logic of
     165              :          * ReadClient::DefaultResubscribePolicy is broken down into its constituent methods that are publicly available for
     166              :          * applications to call and sequence.
     167              :          *
     168              :          * If the peer is LIT ICD, and the timeout is reached, `aTerminationCause` will be
     169              :          * `CHIP_ERROR_LIT_SUBSCRIBE_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT`. In this case, returning `CHIP_NO_ERROR` will still trigger a resubscribe
     170              :          * attempt, while returning `CHIP_ERROR_LIT_SUBSCRIBE_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT` will put the subscription in the
     171              :          * `InactiveICDSubscription` state.  In the latter case, OnResubscriptionNeeded will be called again when
     172              :          * `OnActiveModeNotification` is called.
     173              :          *
     174              :          * If the method is over-ridden, it's the application's responsibility to take the appropriate steps needed to eventually
     175              :          * call-back into the ReadClient object to schedule a re-subscription (by invoking ReadClient::ScheduleResubscription).
     176              :          *
     177              :          * If the application DOES NOT want re-subscription to happen on a particular invocation of this method, returning anything
     178              :          * other than CHIP_NO_ERROR will terminate the interaction and result in OnError, OnDeallocatePaths and OnDone being called
     179              :          * in that sequence.
     180              :          *
     181              :          * This object MUST continue to exist after this call is completed. The
     182              :          * application shall wait until it receives an OnDone call to destroy the object.
     183              :          *
     184              :          * @param[in] aTerminationCause The cause of failure of the subscription that just terminated.
     185              :          */
     186            0 :         virtual CHIP_ERROR OnResubscriptionNeeded(ReadClient * apReadClient, CHIP_ERROR aTerminationCause)
     187              :         {
     188            0 :             return apReadClient->DefaultResubscribePolicy(aTerminationCause);
     189              :         }
     190              : 
     191              :         /**
     192              :          * OnError will be called when an error occurs *after* a successful call to SendRequest(). The following
     193              :          * errors will be delivered through this call in the aError field:
     194              :          *
     195              :          * - CHIP_ERROR_TIMEOUT: A response was not received within the expected response timeout.
     196              :          * - CHIP_ERROR_*TLV*: A malformed, non-compliant response was received from the server.
     197              :          * - CHIP_ERROR encapsulating a StatusIB: If we got a non-path-specific
     198              :          *   status response from the server.  In that case, constructing
     199              :          *   a StatusIB from the error can be used to extract the status.
     200              :          * - CHIP_ERROR*: All other cases.
     201              :          *
     202              :          * This object MUST continue to exist after this call is completed. The application shall wait until it
     203              :          * receives an OnDone call to destroy the object.
     204              :          *
     205              :          * @param[in] aError       A system error code that conveys the overall error code.
     206              :          */
     207            0 :         virtual void OnError(CHIP_ERROR aError) {}
     208              : 
     209              :         /**
     210              :          * OnDone will be called when ReadClient has finished all work and it is
     211              :          * safe to destroy and free the allocated ReadClient object and any
     212              :          * other objects associated with the Read or Subscribe interaction.
     213              :          *
     214              :          * This function will:
     215              :          *      - Always be called exactly *once* for a given ReadClient instance.
     216              :          *      - Be called even in error circumstances.
     217              :          *      - Only be called after a successful call to SendRequest has been
     218              :          *        made, when the read completes or the subscription is shut down.
     219              :          *
     220              :          * @param[in] apReadClient the ReadClient for the completed interaction.
     221              :          */
     222              :         virtual void OnDone(ReadClient * apReadClient) = 0;
     223              : 
     224              :         /**
     225              :          * This function is invoked when using SendAutoResubscribeRequest, where the ReadClient was configured to auto re-subscribe
     226              :          * and the ReadPrepareParams was moved into this client for management. This will have to be free'ed appropriately by the
     227              :          * application. If SendAutoResubscribeRequest fails, this function will be called before it returns the failure. If
     228              :          * SendAutoResubscribeRequest succeeds, this function will be called immediately before calling OnDone, or
     229              :          * when the ReadClient is destroyed, if that happens before OnDone. If  SendAutoResubscribeRequest is not called,
     230              :          * this function will not be called.
     231              :          */
     232            0 :         virtual void OnDeallocatePaths(ReadPrepareParams && aReadPrepareParams) {}
     233              : 
     234              :         /**
     235              :          * This function is invoked when constructing a read/subscribeRequest that does not have data
     236              :          * version filters specified, to give the callback a chance to provide some.
     237              :          *
     238              :          * This function is expected to encode as many complete data version filters as will fit into
     239              :          * the buffer, rolling back any partially-encoded filters if it runs out of space, and set the
     240              :          * aEncodedDataVersionList boolean to true if it has successfully encoded at least one data version filter.
     241              :          *
     242              :          * Otherwise aEncodedDataVersionList will be set to false.
     243              :          */
     244            0 :         virtual CHIP_ERROR OnUpdateDataVersionFilterList(DataVersionFilterIBs::Builder & aDataVersionFilterIBsBuilder,
     245              :                                                          const Span<AttributePathParams> & aAttributePaths,
     246              :                                                          bool & aEncodedDataVersionList)
     247              :         {
     248            0 :             aEncodedDataVersionList = false;
     249            0 :             return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
     250              :         }
     251              : 
     252              :         /*
     253              :          * Get highest received event number.
     254              :          * If the application does not want to filter events by event number, it should call ClearValue() on aEventNumber
     255              :          * and return CHIP_NO_ERROR.  An error return from this function will fail the entire read client interaction.
     256              :          */
     257            0 :         virtual CHIP_ERROR GetHighestReceivedEventNumber(Optional<EventNumber> & aEventNumber)
     258              :         {
     259            0 :             aEventNumber.ClearValue();
     260            0 :             return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
     261              :         }
     262              : 
     263              :         /**
     264              :          * OnUnsolicitedMessageFromPublisher will be called for a subscription
     265              :          * ReadClient when any incoming message is received from a matching
     266              :          * node on the fabric.
     267              :          *
     268              :          * This callback will be called:
     269              :          *   - When receiving any unsolicited communication from the node
     270              :          *   - Even for disconnected subscriptions.
     271              :          *
     272              :          * Callee MUST not synchronously destroy ReadClients in this callback.
     273              :          *
     274              :          * @param[in] apReadClient the ReadClient for the subscription.
     275              :          */
     276            0 :         virtual void OnUnsolicitedMessageFromPublisher(ReadClient * apReadClient) {}
     277              : 
     278              :         /**
     279              :          * OnCASESessionEstablished will be called for a subscription ReadClient when
     280              :          * it finishes setting up a CASE session, as part of either automatic
     281              :          * re-subscription or doing an initial subscribe based on ScopedNodeId.
     282              :          *
     283              :          * The callee is allowed to modify the ReadPrepareParams (e.g. to change
     284              :          * things like min/max intervals based on the session parameters).
     285              :          */
     286            0 :         virtual void OnCASESessionEstablished(const SessionHandle & aSession, ReadPrepareParams & aSubscriptionParams) {}
     287              :     };
     288              : 
     289              :     enum class InteractionType : uint8_t
     290              :     {
     291              :         Read,
     292              :         Subscribe,
     293              :     };
     294              : 
     295              :     enum class PeerType : uint8_t
     296              :     {
     297              :         kNormal,
     298              :         kLITICD,
     299              :     };
     300              : 
     301              :     /**
     302              :      *
     303              :      *  Constructor.
     304              :      *
     305              :      *  The callback passed in has to outlive this ReadClient object.
     306              :      *
     307              :      *  This object can outlive the InteractionModelEngine passed in. However, upon shutdown of the engine,
     308              :      *  this object will cease to function correctly since it depends on the engine for a number of critical functions.
     309              :      *
     310              :      *  @param[in]    apImEngine       A valid pointer to the IM engine.
     311              :      *  @param[in]    apExchangeMgr    A pointer to the ExchangeManager object. Allowed to be null
     312              :      *                                 if the version of SendAutoResubscribeRequest that takes a
     313              :      *                                 ScopedNodeId is used.
     314              :      *  @param[in]    apCallback       Callback set by application.
     315              :      *  @param[in]    aInteractionType Type of interaction (read or subscribe)
     316              :      *
     317              :      *  @retval #CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE incorrect state if it is already initialized
     318              :      *  @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
     319              :      *
     320              :      */
     321              :     ReadClient(InteractionModelEngine * apImEngine, Messaging::ExchangeManager * apExchangeMgr, Callback & apCallback,
     322              :                InteractionType aInteractionType);
     323              : 
     324              :     /**
     325              :      * Destructor.
     326              :      *
     327              :      * Will abort the exchange context if a valid one still exists. It will also cancel any
     328              :      * liveness timers that may be active.
     329              :      *
     330              :      * OnDone() will not be called.
     331              :      */
     332              :     ~ReadClient() override;
     333              : 
     334              :     /**
     335              :      *  Send a request.  There can be one request outstanding on a given ReadClient.
     336              :      *  If SendRequest returns success, no more SendRequest calls can happen on this ReadClient
     337              :      *  until the corresponding OnDone call has happened.
     338              :      *
     339              :      *  This will send either a Read Request or a Subscribe Request depending on
     340              :      *  the InteractionType this read client was initialized with.
     341              :      *
     342              :      *  If the params contain more data version filters than can fit in the request packet
     343              :      *  the list will be truncated as needed, i.e. filter inclusion is on a best effort basis.
     344              :      *
     345              :      *  @retval #others fail to send read request
     346              :      *  @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
     347              :      */
     348              :     CHIP_ERROR SendRequest(ReadPrepareParams & aReadPrepareParams);
     349              : 
     350              :     /**
     351              :      *  Re-activate an inactive subscription.
     352              :      *
     353              :      *  When subscribing to LIT-ICD and liveness timeout reached and OnResubscriptionNeeded returns
     354              :      * CHIP_ERROR_LIT_SUBSCRIBE_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT, the read client will move to the InactiveICDSubscription state and
     355              :      * resubscription can be triggered via OnActiveModeNotification().
     356              :      *
     357              :      *  If the subscription is not in the `InactiveICDSubscription` state, this function will do nothing. So it is always safe to
     358              :      * call this function when a check-in message is received.
     359              :      */
     360              :     void OnActiveModeNotification();
     361              : 
     362              :     void OnUnsolicitedReportData(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
     363              : 
     364          195 :     void OnUnsolicitedMessageFromPublisher()
     365              :     {
     366          195 :         TriggerResubscribeIfScheduled("unsolicited message");
     367              : 
     368              :         // Then notify callbacks
     369          195 :         mpCallback.OnUnsolicitedMessageFromPublisher(this);
     370          195 :     }
     371              : 
     372              :     auto GetSubscriptionId() const
     373              :     {
     374              :         using returnType = Optional<decltype(mSubscriptionId)>;
     375              :         return mInteractionType == InteractionType::Subscribe ? returnType(mSubscriptionId) : returnType::Missing();
     376              :     }
     377              : 
     378           41 :     FabricIndex GetFabricIndex() const { return mPeer.GetFabricIndex(); }
     379           71 :     NodeId GetPeerNodeId() const { return mPeer.GetNodeId(); }
     380          645 :     bool IsReadType() { return mInteractionType == InteractionType::Read; }
     381         5006 :     bool IsSubscriptionType() const { return mInteractionType == InteractionType::Subscribe; };
     382              : 
     383              :     /*
     384              :      * Retrieve the reporting intervals associated with an active subscription. This should only be called if we're of subscription
     385              :      * interaction type and after a subscription has been established.
     386              :      */
     387              :     CHIP_ERROR GetReportingIntervals(uint16_t & aMinIntervalFloorSeconds, uint16_t & aMaxIntervalCeilingSeconds) const
     388              :     {
     389              :         VerifyOrReturnError(IsSubscriptionType(), CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
     390              :         VerifyOrReturnError(IsSubscriptionActive(), CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
     391              : 
     392              :         aMinIntervalFloorSeconds   = mMinIntervalFloorSeconds;
     393              :         aMaxIntervalCeilingSeconds = mMaxInterval;
     394              : 
     395              :         return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
     396              :     }
     397              : 
     398          161 :     ReadClient * GetNextClient() { return mpNext; }
     399          154 :     void SetNextClient(ReadClient * apClient) { mpNext = apClient; }
     400              : 
     401              :     /**
     402              :      *  Like SendSubscribeRequest, but the ReadClient will automatically attempt to re-establish the subscription if
     403              :      *  we decide that the subscription has dropped.  The exact behavior of the re-establishment can be controlled
     404              :      *  by setting mResubscribePolicy in the ReadPrepareParams.  If not set, a default behavior with exponential backoff will be
     405              :      *  used.
     406              :      *
     407              :      *  The application has to know to
     408              :      *  a) allocate a ReadPrepareParams object that will have fields mpEventPathParamsList and mpAttributePathParamsList and
     409              :      *  mpDataVersionFilterList with lifetimes as long as the ReadClient itself and b) free those up later in the call to
     410              :      *  OnDeallocatePaths. Note: At a given time in the system, you can either have a single subscription with re-sub enabled that
     411              :      *  has mKeepSubscriptions = false, OR, multiple subs with re-sub enabled with mKeepSubscriptions = true. You shall not
     412              :      *  have a mix of both simultaneously. If SendAutoResubscribeRequest is called at all, it guarantees that it will call
     413              :      *  OnDeallocatePaths (either befor returning error, or when OnDone is called). SendAutoResubscribeRequest is the only case
     414              :      *  that calls OnDeallocatePaths, since that's the only case when the consumer moved a ReadParams into the client.
     415              :      *
     416              :      */
     417              :     CHIP_ERROR SendAutoResubscribeRequest(ReadPrepareParams && aReadPrepareParams);
     418              : 
     419              :     /**
     420              :      * Like SendAutoResubscribeRequest above, but without a session being
     421              :      * available in the ReadPrepareParams.  When this is used, the ReadClient is
     422              :      * responsible for setting up the CASE session itself.
     423              :      *
     424              :      * When using this version of SendAutoResubscribeRequest, any session to
     425              :      * which ReadPrepareParams has a reference will be ignored.
     426              :      */
     427              :     CHIP_ERROR SendAutoResubscribeRequest(const ScopedNodeId & aPublisherId, ReadPrepareParams && aReadPrepareParams);
     428              : 
     429              :     /**
     430              :      *   This provides a standard re-subscription policy implementation that given a termination cause, does the following:
     431              :      *   - Calculates the time till next subscription with fibonacci back-off (implemented by ComputeTimeTillNextSubscription()).
     432              :      *   - Schedules the next subscription attempt at the computed interval from the previous step. Operational discovery and
     433              :      *     CASE establishment will be attempted if aTerminationCause was CHIP_ERROR_TIMEOUT. In all other cases, it will attempt
     434              :      *     to re-use a previously established session.
     435              :      */
     436              :     CHIP_ERROR DefaultResubscribePolicy(CHIP_ERROR aTerminationCause);
     437              : 
     438              :     /**
     439              :      * Computes the time, in milliseconds, until the next re-subscription over
     440              :      * an ever increasing window following a fibonacci sequence with the current retry count
     441              :      * used as input to the fibonacci algorithm.
     442              :      *
     443              :      * CHIP_RESUBSCRIBE_MAX_FIBONACCI_STEP_INDEX is the maximum value the retry count can tick up to.
     444              :      *
     445              :      */
     446              :     uint32_t ComputeTimeTillNextSubscription();
     447              : 
     448              :     /**
     449              :      * Schedules a re-subscription aTimeTillNextResubscriptionMs into the future.
     450              :      *
     451              :      * If an application wants to set up CASE on their own, they should call ComputeTimeTillNextSubscription() to compute the next
     452              :      * interval at which they should attempt CASE and attempt CASE at that time. On successful CASE establishment, this method
     453              :      * should be called with the new SessionHandle provided through 'aNewSessionHandle', 'aTimeTillNextResubscriptionMs' set to 0
     454              :      * (i.e async, but as soon as possible) and 'aReestablishCASE' set to false.
     455              :      *
     456              :      * Otherwise, if aReestablishCASE is true, operational discovery and CASE will be attempted at that time before
     457              :      * the actual IM interaction is initiated.
     458              :      *
     459              :      * aReestablishCASE SHALL NOT be set to true if a valid SessionHandle is provided through newSessionHandle.
     460              :      */
     461              :     CHIP_ERROR ScheduleResubscription(uint32_t aTimeTillNextResubscriptionMs, Optional<SessionHandle> aNewSessionHandle,
     462              :                                       bool aReestablishCASE);
     463              : 
     464              :     // Like SendSubscribeRequest, but allows sending certain forms of invalid
     465              :     // subscribe requests that servers are expected to reject, for testing
     466              :     // purposes.  Should only be called from tests.
     467              : #if CONFIG_BUILD_FOR_HOST_UNIT_TEST
     468              :     CHIP_ERROR SendSubscribeRequestWithoutValidation(const ReadPrepareParams & aReadPrepareParams)
     469              :     {
     470              :         return SendSubscribeRequestImpl(aReadPrepareParams);
     471              :     }
     472              : #endif // CONFIG_BUILD_FOR_HOST_UNIT_TEST
     473              : 
     474              :     /**
     475              :      * Override the interval at which liveness of the subscription is assessed.
     476              :      * By default, this is set set to the max interval of the subscription + ACK timeout of the underlying session.
     477              :      *
     478              :      * This can be only be called once a subscription has been established and is active. Once called, this will cancel any existing
     479              :      * liveness timers and schedule a new one.
     480              :      *
     481              :      * This can be called from the Callback::OnSubscriptionEstablished callback.
     482              :      *
     483              :      */
     484              :     void OverrideLivenessTimeout(System::Clock::Timeout aLivenessTimeout);
     485              : 
     486              :     /**
     487              :      * If the ReadClient currently has a resubscription attempt scheduled,
     488              :      * trigger that attempt right now.  This is generally useful when a consumer
     489              :      * has some sort of indication that the server side is currently up and
     490              :      * communicating, so right now is a good time to try to resubscribe.
     491              :      *
     492              :      * The reason string is used for logging if a resubscribe is triggered.
     493              :      */
     494              :     void TriggerResubscribeIfScheduled(const char * reason);
     495              : 
     496              :     /**
     497              :      * Returns the timeout after which we consider the subscription to have
     498              :      * dropped, if we have received no messages within that amount of time.
     499              :      *
     500              :      * Returns NullOptional if a subscription has not yet been established (and
     501              :      * hence the MaxInterval is not yet known), or if the subscription session
     502              :      * is gone and hence the relevant MRP parameters can no longer be determined.
     503              :      */
     504              :     Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> GetSubscriptionTimeout();
     505              : 
     506              : private:
     507              :     friend class TestReadInteraction;
     508              :     friend class InteractionModelEngine;
     509              : 
     510              :     enum class ClientState : uint8_t
     511              :     {
     512              :         Idle,                      ///< The client has been initialized and is ready for a SendRequest
     513              :         AwaitingInitialReport,     ///< The client is waiting for initial report
     514              :         AwaitingSubscribeResponse, ///< The client is waiting for subscribe response
     515              :         SubscriptionActive,        ///< The client is maintaining subscription
     516              :         InactiveICDSubscription,   ///< The client is waiting to resubscribe for LIT device
     517              :     };
     518              : 
     519              :     enum class ReportType
     520              :     {
     521              :         // kUnsolicited reports are the first message in an exchange.
     522              :         kUnsolicited,
     523              :         // kContinuingTransaction reports are responses to a message we sent.
     524              :         kContinuingTransaction
     525              :     };
     526              : 
     527          605 :     bool IsMatchingSubscriptionId(SubscriptionId aSubscriptionId)
     528              :     {
     529          605 :         return aSubscriptionId == mSubscriptionId && mInteractionType == InteractionType::Subscribe;
     530              :     }
     531              : 
     532              :     CHIP_ERROR OnMessageReceived(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
     533              :                                  System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload) override;
     534              :     void OnResponseTimeout(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext) override;
     535              : 
     536              :     /**
     537              :      *  Updates the type (LIT ICD or not) of the peer.
     538              :      *
     539              :      *  When the subscription is active, this function will just set the flag. When the subscription is an InactiveICDSubscription,
     540              :      * setting the peer type to SIT or normal devices will also trigger a resubscription attempt.
     541              :      *
     542              :      */
     543              :     void OnPeerTypeChange(PeerType aType);
     544              : 
     545              :     /**
     546              :      *  Check if current read client is being used
     547              :      *
     548              :      */
     549         2028 :     bool IsIdle() const { return mState == ClientState::Idle; }
     550         2175 :     bool IsInactiveICDSubscription() const { return mState == ClientState::InactiveICDSubscription; }
     551         1153 :     bool IsSubscriptionActive() const { return mState == ClientState::SubscriptionActive; }
     552          691 :     bool IsAwaitingInitialReport() const { return mState == ClientState::AwaitingInitialReport; }
     553          251 :     bool IsAwaitingSubscribeResponse() const { return mState == ClientState::AwaitingSubscribeResponse; }
     554              : 
     555              :     CHIP_ERROR GenerateEventPaths(EventPathIBs::Builder & aEventPathsBuilder, const Span<EventPathParams> & aEventPaths);
     556              :     CHIP_ERROR GenerateAttributePaths(AttributePathIBs::Builder & aAttributePathIBsBuilder,
     557              :                                       const Span<AttributePathParams> & aAttributePaths);
     558              : 
     559              :     CHIP_ERROR GenerateDataVersionFilterList(DataVersionFilterIBs::Builder & aDataVersionFilterIBsBuilder,
     560              :                                              const Span<AttributePathParams> & aAttributePaths,
     561              :                                              const Span<DataVersionFilter> & aDataVersionFilters, bool & aEncodedDataVersionList);
     562              :     CHIP_ERROR BuildDataVersionFilterList(DataVersionFilterIBs::Builder & aDataVersionFilterIBsBuilder,
     563              :                                           const Span<AttributePathParams> & aAttributePaths,
     564              :                                           const Span<DataVersionFilter> & aDataVersionFilters, bool & aEncodedDataVersionList);
     565              :     CHIP_ERROR ReadICDOperatingModeFromAttributeDataIB(TLV::TLVReader && aReader, PeerType & aType);
     566              :     CHIP_ERROR ProcessAttributeReportIBs(TLV::TLVReader & aAttributeDataIBsReader);
     567              :     CHIP_ERROR ProcessEventReportIBs(TLV::TLVReader & aEventReportIBsReader);
     568              : 
     569              :     static void OnLivenessTimeoutCallback(System::Layer * apSystemLayer, void * apAppState);
     570              :     CHIP_ERROR ProcessSubscribeResponse(System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
     571              :     CHIP_ERROR RefreshLivenessCheckTimer();
     572              :     CHIP_ERROR ComputeLivenessCheckTimerTimeout(System::Clock::Timeout * aTimeout);
     573              :     void CancelLivenessCheckTimer();
     574              :     void CancelResubscribeTimer();
     575              :     void TriggerResubscriptionForLivenessTimeout(CHIP_ERROR aReason);
     576              :     void MoveToState(const ClientState aTargetState);
     577              :     CHIP_ERROR ProcessAttributePath(AttributePathIB::Parser & aAttributePath, ConcreteDataAttributePath & aClusterInfo);
     578              :     CHIP_ERROR ProcessReportData(System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, ReportType aReportType);
     579              :     const char * GetStateStr() const;
     580              : 
     581              :     /*
     582              :      * Checks if we should re-subscribe based on the specified re-subscription policy. If we should, re-subscription is scheduled
     583              :      * aNextResubscribeIntervalMsec is updated accordingly, and true is returned.
     584              :      *
     585              :      * If we should not resubscribe, false is returned.
     586              :      *
     587              :      *  @param[out]    aNextResubscribeIntervalMsec    How long we will wait before trying to auto-resubscribe.
     588              :      */
     589              :     bool ResubscribeIfNeeded(uint32_t & aNextResubscribeIntervalMsec);
     590              : 
     591              :     // Specialized request-sending functions.
     592              :     CHIP_ERROR SendReadRequest(ReadPrepareParams & aReadPrepareParams);
     593              :     // SendSubscribeRequest performs som validation on aSubscribePrepareParams
     594              :     // and then calls SendSubscribeRequestImpl.
     595              :     CHIP_ERROR SendSubscribeRequest(const ReadPrepareParams & aSubscribePrepareParams);
     596              :     CHIP_ERROR SendSubscribeRequestImpl(const ReadPrepareParams & aSubscribePrepareParams);
     597              :     void UpdateDataVersionFilters(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath);
     598              :     static void OnResubscribeTimerCallback(System::Layer * apSystemLayer, void * apAppState);
     599              :     // Called to ensure OnReportBegin is called before calling OnEventData or OnAttributeData
     600              :     void NoteReportingData();
     601              : 
     602              :     /*
     603              :      * Called internally to signal the completion of all work on this object, gracefully close the
     604              :      * exchange and finally, signal to the application that it's
     605              :      * safe to release this object.
     606              :      *
     607              :      * If aError != CHIP_NO_ERROR, this will trigger re-subscriptions if allowResubscription is true
     608              :      * AND if this ReadClient instance is tracking a subscription AND the applications decides to do so
     609              :      * in their implementation of Callback::OnResubscriptionNeeded().
     610              :      */
     611              :     void Close(CHIP_ERROR aError, bool allowResubscription = true);
     612              : 
     613              :     void StopResubscription();
     614              :     void ClearActiveSubscriptionState();
     615              : 
     616              :     static void HandleDeviceConnected(void * context, Messaging::ExchangeManager & exchangeMgr,
     617              :                                       const SessionHandle & sessionHandle);
     618              :     static void HandleDeviceConnectionFailure(void * context, const OperationalSessionSetup::ConnectionFailureInfo & failureInfo);
     619              : 
     620              :     CHIP_ERROR GetMinEventNumber(const ReadPrepareParams & aReadPrepareParams, Optional<EventNumber> & aEventMin);
     621              : 
     622              :     /**
     623              :      * Start setting up a CASE session to our peer, if we can locate a
     624              :      * CASESessionManager.  Returns error if we did not even manage to kick off
     625              :      * a CASE attempt.
     626              :      */
     627              :     CHIP_ERROR EstablishSessionToPeer();
     628              : 
     629              :     Messaging::ExchangeManager * mpExchangeMgr = nullptr;
     630              :     Messaging::ExchangeHolder mExchange;
     631              :     Callback & mpCallback;
     632              :     ClientState mState    = ClientState::Idle;
     633              :     bool mIsReporting     = false;
     634              :     bool mIsInitialReport = true;
     635              :     // boolean to check if client is waiting for the first priming report
     636              :     bool mWaitingForFirstPrimingReport = true;
     637              :     bool mPendingMoreChunks            = false;
     638              :     uint16_t mMinIntervalFloorSeconds  = 0;
     639              :     uint16_t mMaxInterval              = 0;
     640              :     SubscriptionId mSubscriptionId     = 0;
     641              :     ScopedNodeId mPeer;
     642              :     InteractionType mInteractionType = InteractionType::Read;
     643              :     Timestamp mEventTimestamp;
     644              : 
     645              :     bool mForceCaseOnNextResub      = true;
     646              :     bool mIsResubscriptionScheduled = false;
     647              : 
     648              :     // mMinimalResubscribeDelay is used to store the delay returned with a BUSY
     649              :     // response to a Sigma1 message.
     650              :     System::Clock::Milliseconds16 mMinimalResubscribeDelay = System::Clock::kZero;
     651              : 
     652              :     chip::Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> mOnConnectedCallback;
     653              :     chip::Callback::Callback<OperationalSessionSetup::OnSetupFailure> mOnConnectionFailureCallback;
     654              : 
     655              :     ReadClient * mpNext                 = nullptr;
     656              :     InteractionModelEngine * mpImEngine = nullptr;
     657              : 
     658              :     //
     659              :     // This stores the params associated with the interaction in a specific set of cases:
     660              :     //      1. Stores all parameters when used with subscriptions initiated using SendAutoResubscribeRequest.
     661              :     //      2. Stores just the SessionHolder when used with any subscriptions.
     662              :     //
     663              :     ReadPrepareParams mReadPrepareParams;
     664              :     uint32_t mNumRetries = 0;
     665              : 
     666              :     System::Clock::Timeout mLivenessTimeoutOverride = System::Clock::kZero;
     667              : 
     668              :     bool mIsPeerLIT = false;
     669              : 
     670              :     // End Of Container (0x18) uses one byte.
     671              :     static constexpr uint16_t kReservedSizeForEndOfContainer = 1;
     672              :     // Reserved size for the uint8_t InteractionModelRevision flag, which takes up 1 byte for the control tag and 1 byte for the
     673              :     // context tag, 1 byte for value
     674              :     static constexpr uint16_t kReservedSizeForIMRevision = 1 + 1 + 1;
     675              :     // Reserved buffer for TLV level overhead (the overhead for data version filter IBs EndOfContainer, IM reversion end
     676              :     // of RequestMessage (another end of container)).
     677              :     static constexpr uint16_t kReservedSizeForTLVEncodingOverhead =
     678              :         kReservedSizeForEndOfContainer + kReservedSizeForIMRevision + kReservedSizeForEndOfContainer;
     679              : 
     680              : #if CHIP_PROGRESS_LOGGING
     681              :     // Tracks the time when a subscribe request is successfully sent.
     682              :     // This timestamp allows for logging the duration taken to established the subscription.
     683              :     System::Clock::Timestamp mSubscribeRequestTime = System::Clock::kZero;
     684              : #endif
     685              : };
     686              : 
     687              : };     // namespace app
     688              : };     // namespace chip
     689              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_READ_CLIENT

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