Line data Source code
1 : /*
2 : *
3 : * Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
4 : * All rights reserved.
5 : *
6 : * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 : * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 : * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 : *
10 : *
11 : *
12 : * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 : * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 : * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 : * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 : * limitations under the License.
17 : */
18 :
19 : /**
20 : * @file
21 : * This file defines Reporting Engine for a CHIP Interaction Model
22 : *
23 : */
24 :
25 : #pragma once
26 :
27 : #include <access/AccessControl.h>
28 : #include <app/EventReporter.h>
29 : #include <app/MessageDef/ReportDataMessage.h>
30 : #include <app/ReadHandler.h>
31 : #include <app/data-model-provider/ProviderChangeListener.h>
32 : #include <app/util/basic-types.h>
33 : #include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
34 : #include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
35 : #include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
36 : #include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
37 : #include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
38 : #include <protocols/Protocols.h>
39 : #include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
40 : #include <system/TLVPacketBufferBackingStore.h>
41 :
42 : namespace chip {
43 : namespace app {
44 :
45 : class InteractionModelEngine;
46 : class TestReadInteraction;
47 :
48 : namespace reporting {
49 : /*
50 : * @class Engine
51 : *
52 : * @brief The reporting engine is responsible for generating reports to reader. It is able to find the intersection
53 : * between the path interest set of each reader with what has changed in the publisher data store and generate tailored
54 : * reports for each reader.
55 : *
56 : * At its core, it tries to gather and pack as much relevant attributes changes and/or events as possible into a report
57 : * message before sending that to the reader. It continues to do so until it has no more work to do.
58 : */
59 : class Engine : public DataModel::ProviderChangeListener, public EventReporter
60 : {
61 : public:
62 : /**
63 : * Constructor Engine with a valid InteractionModelEngine pointer.
64 : */
65 : Engine(InteractionModelEngine * apImEngine);
66 :
67 : /**
68 : * Initializes the reporting engine. Should only be called once.
69 : *
70 : * @param[in] A pointer to EventManagement, should not be a nullptr.
71 : *
72 : * @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
73 : * @retval other Was unable to retrieve data and write it into the writer.
74 : */
75 : CHIP_ERROR Init(EventManagement * apEventManagement);
76 :
77 : void Shutdown();
78 :
80 : void SetWriterReserved(uint32_t aReservedSize) { mReservedSize = aReservedSize; }
81 :
82 : void SetMaxAttributesPerChunk(uint32_t aMaxAttributesPerChunk) { mMaxAttributesPerChunk = aMaxAttributesPerChunk; }
83 : #endif
84 :
85 : /**
86 : * Should be invoked when the device receives a Status report, or when the Report data request times out.
87 : * This allows the engine to do some clean-up.
88 : *
89 : */
90 : void OnReportConfirm();
91 :
92 : /**
93 : * Main work-horse function that executes the run-loop asynchronously on the CHIP thread
94 : */
95 : CHIP_ERROR ScheduleRun();
96 :
97 : /**
98 : * Application marks mutated change path and would be sent out in later report.
99 : */
100 : CHIP_ERROR SetDirty(const AttributePathParams & aAttributePathParams);
101 :
102 : /*
103 : * Resets the tracker that tracks the currently serviced read handler.
104 : * apReadHandler can be non-null to indicate that the reset is due to a
105 : * specific ReadHandler being deallocated.
106 : */
107 862 : void ResetReadHandlerTracker(ReadHandler * apReadHandlerBeingDeleted)
108 : {
109 862 : if (apReadHandlerBeingDeleted == mRunningReadHandler)
110 : {
111 : // Just decrement, so our increment after we finish running it will
112 : // do the right thing.
113 736 : --mCurReadHandlerIdx;
114 : }
115 : else
116 : {
117 : // No idea what to do here to make the indexing sane. Just start at
118 : // the beginning. We need to do better here; see
119 : //
120 126 : mCurReadHandlerIdx = 0;
121 : }
122 862 : }
123 :
124 : uint32_t GetNumReportsInFlight() const { return mNumReportsInFlight; }
125 :
126 2781 : uint64_t GetDirtySetGeneration() const { return mDirtyGeneration; }
127 :
128 : /**
129 : * Schedule event delivery to happen immediately and run reporting to get
130 : * those reports into messages and on the wire. This can be done either for
131 : * a specific fabric, identified by the provided FabricIndex, or across all
132 : * fabrics if no FabricIndex is provided.
133 : */
134 : void ScheduleUrgentEventDeliverySync(Optional<FabricIndex> fabricIndex = NullOptional);
135 :
137 : size_t GetGlobalDirtySetSize() { return mGlobalDirtySet.Allocated(); }
138 : #endif
139 :
140 : /* ProviderChangeListener implementation */
141 : void MarkDirty(const AttributePathParams & path) override;
142 :
143 : private:
144 : /**
145 : * Main work-horse function that executes the run-loop.
146 : */
147 : void Run();
148 :
149 : friend class TestReportingEngine;
150 : friend class ::chip::app::TestReadInteraction;
151 :
152 1939 : bool IsRunScheduled() const { return mRunScheduled; }
153 :
154 : struct AttributePathParamsWithGeneration : public AttributePathParams
155 : {
156 77 : AttributePathParamsWithGeneration() {}
157 77 : AttributePathParamsWithGeneration(const AttributePathParams aPath) : AttributePathParams(aPath) {}
158 : uint64_t mGeneration = 0;
159 : };
160 :
161 : /**
162 : * Build Single Report Data including attribute changes and event data stream, and send out
163 : *
164 : */
165 : CHIP_ERROR BuildAndSendSingleReportData(ReadHandler * apReadHandler);
166 :
167 : CHIP_ERROR BuildSingleReportDataAttributeReportIBs(ReportDataMessage::Builder & reportDataBuilder, ReadHandler * apReadHandler,
168 : bool * apHasMoreChunks, bool * apHasEncodedData);
169 : CHIP_ERROR BuildSingleReportDataEventReports(ReportDataMessage::Builder & reportDataBuilder, ReadHandler * apReadHandler,
170 : bool aBufferIsUsed, bool * apHasMoreChunks, bool * apHasEncodedData);
171 : CHIP_ERROR CheckAccessDeniedEventPaths(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, bool & aHasEncodedData, ReadHandler * apReadHandler);
172 :
173 : // If version match, it means don't send, if version mismatch, it means send.
174 : // If client sends the same path with multiple data versions, client will get the data back per the spec, because at least one
175 : // of those will fail to match. This function should return false if either nothing in the list matches the given
176 : // endpoint+cluster in the path or there is an entry in the list that matches the endpoint+cluster in the path but does not
177 : // match the current data version of that cluster.
178 : bool IsClusterDataVersionMatch(const SingleLinkedListNode<DataVersionFilter> * aDataVersionFilterList,
179 : const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath);
180 :
181 : /**
182 : * EventReporter implementation.
183 : *
184 : */
185 : CHIP_ERROR NewEventGenerated(ConcreteEventPath & aPath, uint32_t aBytesConsumed) override;
186 :
187 : /**
188 : * Send Report via ReadHandler
189 : *
190 : */
191 : CHIP_ERROR SendReport(ReadHandler * apReadHandler, System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, bool aHasMoreChunks);
192 :
193 : /**
194 : * Generate and send the report data request when there exists subscription or read request
195 : *
196 : */
197 : static void Run(System::Layer * aSystemLayer, void * apAppState);
198 :
199 : CHIP_ERROR ScheduleBufferPressureEventDelivery(uint32_t aBytesWritten);
200 : void GetMinEventLogPosition(uint32_t & aMinLogPosition);
201 :
202 : /**
203 : * If the provided path is a superset of our of our existing paths, update that existing path to match the
204 : * provided path.
205 : *
206 : * Return whether one of our paths is now a superset of the provided path.
207 : */
208 : bool MergeOverlappedAttributePath(const AttributePathParams & aAttributePath);
209 :
210 : /**
211 : * If we are running out of ObjectPool for the global dirty set, we will try to merge the existing items by clusters.
212 : *
213 : * Returns whether we have released any paths.
214 : */
215 : bool MergeDirtyPathsUnderSameCluster();
216 :
217 : /**
218 : * If we are running out of ObjectPool for the global dirty set and we cannot find a slot after merging the existing items by
219 : * clusters, we will try to merge the existing items by endpoints.
220 : *
221 : * Returns whether we have released any paths.
222 : */
223 : bool MergeDirtyPathsUnderSameEndpoint();
224 :
225 : /**
226 : * During the iterating of the paths, releasing the object in the inner loop will cause undefined behavior of the ObjectPool, so
227 : * we replace the items to be cleared by a tomb first, then clear all the tombs after the iteration.
228 : *
229 : * Returns whether we have released any paths.
230 : */
231 : bool ClearTombPaths();
232 :
233 : CHIP_ERROR InsertPathIntoDirtySet(const AttributePathParams & aAttributePath);
234 :
235 2680 : inline void BumpDirtySetGeneration() { mDirtyGeneration++; }
236 :
237 : /**
238 : * Boolean to indicate if ScheduleRun is pending. This flag is used to prevent calling ScheduleRun multiple times
239 : * within the same execution context to avoid applying too much pressure on platforms that use small, fixed size event queues.
240 : *
241 : */
242 : bool mRunScheduled = false;
243 :
244 : /**
245 : * The number of report date request in flight
246 : *
247 : */
248 : uint32_t mNumReportsInFlight = 0;
249 :
250 : /**
251 : * Current read handler index
252 : *
253 : */
254 : uint32_t mCurReadHandlerIdx = 0;
255 :
256 : /**
257 : * The read handler we're calling BuildAndSendSingleReportData on right now.
258 : */
259 : ReadHandler * mRunningReadHandler = nullptr;
260 :
261 : /**
262 : * mGlobalDirtySet is used to track the set of attribute/event paths marked dirty for reporting purposes.
263 : *
264 : */
266 : // For unit tests, always use inline allocation for code coverage.
267 : ObjectPool<AttributePathParamsWithGeneration, CHIP_IM_SERVER_MAX_NUM_DIRTY_SET, ObjectPoolMem::kInline> mGlobalDirtySet;
268 : #else
269 : ObjectPool<AttributePathParamsWithGeneration, CHIP_IM_SERVER_MAX_NUM_DIRTY_SET> mGlobalDirtySet;
270 : #endif
271 :
272 : /**
273 : * A generation counter for the dirty attrbute set.
274 : * ReadHandlers can save the generation value when generating reports.
275 : *
276 : * Then we can tell whether they might have missed reporting an attribute by
277 : * comparing its generation counter to the saved one.
278 : *
279 : * mDirtySetGeneration will increase by one when SetDirty is called.
280 : *
281 : * Count it from 1, so 0 can be used in ReadHandler to indicate "the read handler has never
282 : * completed a report".
283 : */
284 : uint64_t mDirtyGeneration = 1;
285 :
287 : uint32_t mReservedSize = 0;
288 : uint32_t mMaxAttributesPerChunk = UINT32_MAX;
289 : #endif
290 :
291 : InteractionModelEngine * mpImEngine = nullptr;
292 :
293 : EventManagement * mpEventManagement = nullptr;
294 : };
295 :
296 : }; // namespace reporting
297 : }; // namespace app
298 : }; // namespace chip