Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - app/server - Server.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:1560a87972ec2c7a76cec101927a563a6862bc2a Lines: 81.8 % 220 180
Test Date: 2025-03-30 07:08:27 Functions: 71.4 % 14 10

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *
       3              :  *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
       4              :  *
       5              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       6              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       7              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
       8              :  *
       9              :  *
      10              :  *
      11              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      12              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      13              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      14              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      15              :  *    limitations under the License.
      16              :  */
      17              : 
      18              : #include <app/server/Server.h>
      19              : 
      20              : #include <access/ProviderDeviceTypeResolver.h>
      21              : #include <access/examples/ExampleAccessControlDelegate.h>
      22              : 
      23              : #include <app/AppConfig.h>
      24              : #include <app/EventManagement.h>
      25              : #include <app/InteractionModelEngine.h>
      26              : #include <app/SafeAttributePersistenceProvider.h>
      27              : #include <app/data-model-provider/Provider.h>
      28              : #include <app/server/Dnssd.h>
      29              : #include <app/server/EchoHandler.h>
      30              : 
      31              : #if CONFIG_NETWORK_LAYER_BLE
      32              : #include <ble/Ble.h>
      33              : #endif
      34              : #include <inet/IPAddress.h>
      35              : #include <inet/InetError.h>
      36              : #include <lib/core/CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
      37              : #include <lib/dnssd/Advertiser.h>
      38              : #include <lib/dnssd/ServiceNaming.h>
      39              : #include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
      40              : #include <lib/support/DefaultStorageKeyAllocator.h>
      41              : #include <lib/support/PersistedCounter.h>
      42              : #include <lib/support/TestGroupData.h>
      43              : #include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
      44              : #include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
      45              : #include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
      46              : #include <platform/DeviceControlServer.h>
      47              : #include <platform/DeviceInfoProvider.h>
      48              : #include <platform/KeyValueStoreManager.h>
      49              : #include <platform/LockTracker.h>
      50              : #include <protocols/secure_channel/CASEServer.h>
      51              : #include <protocols/secure_channel/MessageCounterManager.h>
      53              : #include <setup_payload/AdditionalDataPayloadGenerator.h>
      54              : #endif
      55              : #include <setup_payload/SetupPayload.h>
      56              : #include <sys/param.h>
      57              : #include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
      58              : #include <system/TLVPacketBufferBackingStore.h>
      59              : #include <transport/SessionManager.h>
      60              : 
      61              : #if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_WIFIPAF
      62              : #include <transport/raw/WiFiPAF.h>
      63              : #endif
      64              : 
      66              : #include <lib/support/PersistentStorageAudit.h>
      68              : 
      69              : using namespace chip::DeviceLayer;
      70              : 
      71              : using chip::kMinValidFabricIndex;
      72              : using chip::RendezvousInformationFlag;
      73              : using chip::DeviceLayer::PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr;
      74              : using chip::Inet::IPAddressType;
      75              : #if CONFIG_NETWORK_LAYER_BLE
      76              : using chip::Transport::BleListenParameters;
      77              : #endif
      78              : using chip::Transport::PeerAddress;
      79              : using chip::Transport::UdpListenParameters;
      80              : #if INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_TCP_ENDPOINT
      81              : using chip::Transport::TcpListenParameters;
      82              : #endif
      83              : 
      84              : namespace {
      85              : 
      86            0 : chip::Access::DynamicProviderDeviceTypeResolver sDeviceTypeResolver([] {
      87            0 :     return chip::app::InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance()->GetDataModelProvider();
      88              : });
      89              : 
      90              : } // namespace
      91              : 
      92              : namespace chip {
      93              : 
      94              : Server Server::sServer;
      95              : 
      96              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_SERVER_IM_EVENT
      97              : #define CHIP_NUM_EVENT_LOGGING_BUFFERS 3
      98              : static uint8_t sInfoEventBuffer[CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_EVENT_LOGGING_INFO_BUFFER_SIZE];
      99              : static uint8_t sDebugEventBuffer[CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_EVENT_LOGGING_DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE];
     100              : static uint8_t sCritEventBuffer[CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_EVENT_LOGGING_CRIT_BUFFER_SIZE];
     101              : static PersistedCounter<EventNumber> sGlobalEventIdCounter;
     102              : static app::CircularEventBuffer sLoggingBuffer[CHIP_NUM_EVENT_LOGGING_BUFFERS];
     103              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_SERVER_IM_EVENT
     104              : 
     105            1 : CHIP_ERROR Server::Init(const ServerInitParams & initParams)
     106              : {
     107            1 :     ChipLogProgress(AppServer, "Server initializing...");
     108            1 :     assertChipStackLockedByCurrentThread();
     109              : 
     110            1 :     mInitTimestamp = System::SystemClock().GetMonotonicMicroseconds64();
     111              : 
     112            1 :     CASESessionManagerConfig caseSessionManagerConfig;
     113            1 :     DeviceLayer::DeviceInfoProvider * deviceInfoprovider = nullptr;
     114              : 
     115            1 :     mOperationalServicePort        = initParams.operationalServicePort;
     116            1 :     mUserDirectedCommissioningPort = initParams.userDirectedCommissioningPort;
     117            1 :     mInterfaceId                   = initParams.interfaceId;
     118              : 
     119              : #if INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_TCP_ENDPOINT
     120            1 :     auto tcpListenParams = TcpListenParameters(DeviceLayer::TCPEndPointManager())
     121            1 :                                .SetAddressType(IPAddressType::kIPv6)
     122            1 :                                .SetListenPort(mOperationalServicePort);
     123              : #endif
     124              : 
     125            1 :     CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
     126              : 
     127            1 :     VerifyOrExit(initParams.persistentStorageDelegate != nullptr, err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     128            1 :     VerifyOrExit(initParams.accessDelegate != nullptr, err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     129            1 :     VerifyOrExit(initParams.aclStorage != nullptr, err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     130            1 :     VerifyOrExit(initParams.groupDataProvider != nullptr, err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     131            1 :     VerifyOrExit(initParams.sessionKeystore != nullptr, err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     132            1 :     VerifyOrExit(initParams.operationalKeystore != nullptr, err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     133            1 :     VerifyOrExit(initParams.opCertStore != nullptr, err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     134            1 :     VerifyOrExit(initParams.reportScheduler != nullptr, err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     135              : 
     136              :     // Extra log since this is an incremental requirement and existing applications may not be aware
     137            1 :     if (initParams.dataModelProvider == nullptr)
     138              :     {
     139            0 :         ChipLogError(AppServer, "Application Server requires a `initParams.dataModelProvider` value.");
     140            0 :         ChipLogError(AppServer, "For backwards compatibility, you likely can use `CodegenDataModelProviderInstance(...)`");
     141              :     }
     142              : 
     143            1 :     VerifyOrExit(initParams.dataModelProvider != nullptr, err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     144              : 
     145              :     // TODO(16969): Remove Platform::MemoryInit() call from Server class, it belongs to outer code
     146            1 :     Platform::MemoryInit();
     147              : 
     148              :     // Initialize PersistentStorageDelegate-based storage
     149            1 :     mDeviceStorage                 = initParams.persistentStorageDelegate;
     150            1 :     mSessionResumptionStorage      = initParams.sessionResumptionStorage;
     151            1 :     mSubscriptionResumptionStorage = initParams.subscriptionResumptionStorage;
     152            1 :     mOperationalKeystore           = initParams.operationalKeystore;
     153            1 :     mOpCertStore                   = initParams.opCertStore;
     154            1 :     mSessionKeystore               = initParams.sessionKeystore;
     155              : 
     156            1 :     if (initParams.certificateValidityPolicy)
     157              :     {
     158            0 :         mCertificateValidityPolicy.Init(initParams.certificateValidityPolicy);
     159              :     }
     160              :     else
     161              :     {
     162            1 :         mCertificateValidityPolicy.Init(&sDefaultCertValidityPolicy);
     163              :     }
     164              : 
     165              : #if defined(CHIP_SUPPORT_ENABLE_STORAGE_API_AUDIT)
     166              :     VerifyOrDie(audit::ExecutePersistentStorageApiAudit(*mDeviceStorage));
     167              : #endif
     168              : 
     169              : #if defined(CHIP_SUPPORT_ENABLE_STORAGE_LOAD_TEST_AUDIT)
     170              :     VerifyOrDie(audit::ExecutePersistentStorageLoadTestAudit(*mDeviceStorage));
     171              : #endif
     172              : 
     173              :     // Set up attribute persistence before we try to bring up the data model
     174              :     // handler.
     175            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err = mAttributePersister.Init(mDeviceStorage));
     176            1 :     SetSafeAttributePersistenceProvider(&mAttributePersister);
     177              : 
     178              :     {
     179            1 :         FabricTable::InitParams fabricTableInitParams;
     180            1 :             = mDeviceStorage;
     181            1 :         fabricTableInitParams.operationalKeystore = mOperationalKeystore;
     182            1 :         fabricTableInitParams.opCertStore         = mOpCertStore;
     183              : 
     184            1 :         err = mFabrics.Init(fabricTableInitParams);
     185            1 :         SuccessOrExit(err);
     186              :     }
     187              : 
     188            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err = mAccessControl.Init(initParams.accessDelegate, sDeviceTypeResolver));
     189            1 :     Access::SetAccessControl(mAccessControl);
     190              : 
     191              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_USE_ACCESS_RESTRICTIONS
     192              :     if (initParams.accessRestrictionProvider != nullptr)
     193              :     {
     194              :         mAccessControl.SetAccessRestrictionProvider(initParams.accessRestrictionProvider);
     195              :     }
     196              : #endif
     197              : 
     198            1 :     mAclStorage = initParams.aclStorage;
     199            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err = mAclStorage->Init(*mDeviceStorage, mFabrics.begin(), mFabrics.end()));
     200              : 
     201            1 :     mGroupsProvider = initParams.groupDataProvider;
     202            1 :     SetGroupDataProvider(mGroupsProvider);
     203              : 
     204            1 :     mReportScheduler = initParams.reportScheduler;
     205              : 
     206            1 :     mTestEventTriggerDelegate = initParams.testEventTriggerDelegate;
     207            1 :     if (mTestEventTriggerDelegate == nullptr)
     208              :     {
     209            0 :         ChipLogProgress(AppServer, "WARNING: mTestEventTriggerDelegate is null");
     210              :     }
     211              : 
     212            1 :     deviceInfoprovider = DeviceLayer::GetDeviceInfoProvider();
     213            1 :     if (deviceInfoprovider)
     214              :     {
     215            0 :         deviceInfoprovider->SetStorageDelegate(mDeviceStorage);
     216              :     }
     217              : 
     218              :     // Init transport before operations with secure session mgr.
     219              :     //
     220              :     // The logic below expects that the IPv6 transport is at index 0. Keep that logic in sync with
     221              :     // this code.
     222            2 :     err = mTransports.Init(UdpListenParameters(DeviceLayer::UDPEndPointManager())
     223            1 :                                .SetAddressType(IPAddressType::kIPv6)
     224            1 :                                .SetListenPort(mOperationalServicePort)
     225            1 :                                .SetNativeParams(initParams.endpointNativeParams)
     226              : #if INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_IPV4
     227              :                                ,
     228              :                            // The logic below expects that the IPv4 transport, if enabled, is at
     229              :                            // index 1. Keep that logic in sync with this code.
     230            1 :                            UdpListenParameters(DeviceLayer::UDPEndPointManager())
     231            1 :                                .SetAddressType(IPAddressType::kIPv4)
     232            1 :                                .SetListenPort(mOperationalServicePort)
     233              : #endif
     234              : #if CONFIG_NETWORK_LAYER_BLE
     235              :                                ,
     236            1 :                            BleListenParameters(DeviceLayer::ConnectivityMgr().GetBleLayer())
     237              : #endif
     238              : #if INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_TCP_ENDPOINT
     239              :                                ,
     240              :                            tcpListenParams
     241              : #endif
     242              : #if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_WIFIPAF
     243              :                            ,
     244              :                            Transport::WiFiPAFListenParameters(DeviceLayer::ConnectivityMgr().GetWiFiPAF())
     245              : #endif
     246              :     );
     247              : 
     248            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     249            1 :     err = mListener.Init(this);
     250            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     251            1 :     mGroupsProvider->SetListener(&mListener);
     252              : 
     253              : #if CONFIG_NETWORK_LAYER_BLE
     254            1 :     mBleLayer = DeviceLayer::ConnectivityMgr().GetBleLayer();
     255              : #endif
     256            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     257              : 
     258            1 :     err = mSessions.Init(&DeviceLayer::SystemLayer(), &mTransports, &mMessageCounterManager, mDeviceStorage, &GetFabricTable(),
     259            1 :                          *mSessionKeystore);
     260            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     261              : 
     262            1 :     err = mFabricDelegate.Init(this);
     263            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     264            1 :     mFabrics.AddFabricDelegate(&mFabricDelegate);
     265              : 
     266            1 :     err = mExchangeMgr.Init(&mSessions);
     267            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     268            1 :     err = mMessageCounterManager.Init(&mExchangeMgr);
     269            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     270              : 
     271            1 :     err = mUnsolicitedStatusHandler.Init(&mExchangeMgr);
     272            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     273              : 
     274            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err = mCommissioningWindowManager.Init(this));
     275            1 :     mCommissioningWindowManager.SetAppDelegate(initParams.appDelegate);
     276              : 
     277            1 :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().SetFabricTable(&mFabrics);
     278            1 :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().SetCommissioningModeProvider(&mCommissioningWindowManager);
     279              : 
     280            1 :     Dnssd::Resolver::Instance().Init(DeviceLayer::UDPEndPointManager());
     281              : 
     282              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_SERVER_IM_EVENT
     283              :     // Initialize event logging subsystem
     284            1 :     err = sGlobalEventIdCounter.Init(mDeviceStorage, DefaultStorageKeyAllocator::IMEventNumber(),
     285              :                                      CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_EVENT_ID_COUNTER_EPOCH);
     286            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     287              : 
     288              :     {
     289            1 :         app::LogStorageResources logStorageResources[] = {
     290              :             { &sDebugEventBuffer[0], sizeof(sDebugEventBuffer), app::PriorityLevel::Debug },
     291              :             { &sInfoEventBuffer[0], sizeof(sInfoEventBuffer), app::PriorityLevel::Info },
     292              :             { &sCritEventBuffer[0], sizeof(sCritEventBuffer), app::PriorityLevel::Critical }
     293              :         };
     294              : 
     295            3 :         err = app::EventManagement::GetInstance().Init(&mExchangeMgr, CHIP_NUM_EVENT_LOGGING_BUFFERS, &sLoggingBuffer[0],
     296              :                                                        &logStorageResources[0], &sGlobalEventIdCounter,
     297            1 :                                                        std::chrono::duration_cast<System::Clock::Milliseconds64>(mInitTimestamp),
     298            1 :                                                        &app::InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance()->GetReportingEngine());
     299              : 
     300            1 :         SuccessOrExit(err);
     301              :     }
     302              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_SERVER_IM_EVENT
     303              : 
     304              :     // SetDataModelProvider() initializes and starts the provider, which in turn
     305              :     // triggers the initialization of cluster implementations. This callsite is
     306              :     // critical because it ensures that cluster-level initialization occurs only
     307              :     // after all necessary low-level dependencies have been set up.
     308              :     //
     309              :     // Ordering guarantees:
     310              :     // 1) Provider initialization (under SetDataModelProvider) must happen after
     311              :     //    SetSafeAttributePersistenceProvider to ensure the provider can leverage
     312              :     //    the safe persistence provider for attribute persistence logic.
     313              :     // 2) It must occur after all low-level components that cluster implementations
     314              :     //    might depend on have been initialized, as they rely on these components
     315              :     //    during their own initialization.
     316              :     //
     317              :     // This remains the single point of entry to ensure that all cluster-level
     318              :     // initialization is performed in the correct order.
     319            1 :     app::InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance()->SetDataModelProvider(initParams.dataModelProvider);
     320              : 
     321              : #if defined(CHIP_APP_USE_ECHO)
     322              :     err = InitEchoHandler(&mExchangeMgr);
     323              :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     324              : #endif
     325              : 
     326            1 :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().SetSecuredIPv6Port(mTransports.GetTransport().GetImplAtIndex<0>().GetBoundPort());
     327              : #if INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_IPV4
     328            1 :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().SetSecuredIPv4Port(mTransports.GetTransport().GetImplAtIndex<1>().GetBoundPort());
     329              : #endif // INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_IPV4
     330              : 
     331            1 :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().SetUnsecuredPort(mUserDirectedCommissioningPort);
     332            1 :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().SetInterfaceId(mInterfaceId);
     333              : 
     334              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     335              :     // We set the ICDManager reference betfore calling the ICDManager init due to the init ordering limitations.
     336              :     // DnssdServer will use the default value initially and will update advertisement once ICDManager
     337              :     // init is called.
     338              :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().SetICDManager(&mICDManager);
     339              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     340              : 
     341              : #if INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_TCP_ENDPOINT
     342              :     // Enable the TCP Server based on the TCPListenParameters setting.
     343            1 :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().SetTCPServerEnabled(tcpListenParams.IsServerListenEnabled());
     344              : #endif // INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_TCP_ENDPOINT
     345              : 
     346            1 :     if (GetFabricTable().FabricCount() != 0)
     347              :     {
     348              : #if CONFIG_NETWORK_LAYER_BLE
     349              :         // The device is already commissioned, proactively disable BLE advertisement.
     350            0 :         ChipLogProgress(AppServer, "Fabric already commissioned. Disabling BLE advertisement");
     351            0 :         DeviceLayer::ConnectivityMgr().SetBLEAdvertisingEnabled(false);
     352              : #endif
     353              :     }
     354              :     else
     355              :     {
     357            1 :         SuccessOrExit(err = mCommissioningWindowManager.OpenBasicCommissioningWindow());
     358              : #endif
     359              :     }
     360              : 
     361              :     // TODO @bzbarsky-apple @cecille Move to examples
     362              :     // ESP32 and Mbed OS examples have a custom logic for enabling DNS-SD
     363              : #if !CHIP_DEVICE_LAYER_TARGET_ESP32 && !CHIP_DEVICE_LAYER_TARGET_MBED &&                                                           \
     365              :     // StartServer only enables commissioning mode if device has not been commissioned
     366            1 :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().StartServer();
     367              : #endif
     368              : 
     369              :     caseSessionManagerConfig = {
     370              :         .sessionInitParams =  {
     371            1 :             .sessionManager    = &mSessions,
     372            1 :             .sessionResumptionStorage = mSessionResumptionStorage,
     373              :             .certificateValidityPolicy = &mCertificateValidityPolicy,
     374            1 :             .exchangeMgr       = &mExchangeMgr,
     375            1 :             .fabricTable       = &mFabrics,
     376            1 :             .groupDataProvider = mGroupsProvider,
     377              :             // Don't provide an MRP local config, so each CASE initiation will use
     378              :             // the then-current value.
     379              :             .mrpLocalConfig = NullOptional,
     380              :         },
     381              :         .clientPool            = &mCASEClientPool,
     382              :         .sessionSetupPool      = &mSessionSetupPool,
     383            1 :     };
     384              : 
     385            1 :     err = mCASESessionManager.Init(&DeviceLayer::SystemLayer(), caseSessionManagerConfig);
     386            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     387              : 
     388            1 :     err = mCASEServer.ListenForSessionEstablishment(&mExchangeMgr, &mSessions, &mFabrics, mSessionResumptionStorage,
     389              :                                                     &mCertificateValidityPolicy, mGroupsProvider);
     390            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     391              : 
     392            1 :     err = app::InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance()->Init(&mExchangeMgr, &GetFabricTable(), mReportScheduler, &mCASESessionManager,
     393              :                                                            mSubscriptionResumptionStorage);
     394            1 :     SuccessOrExit(err);
     395              : 
     396              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     397              :     app::InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance()->SetICDManager(&mICDManager);
     398              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     399              : 
     400              :     // ICD Init needs to be after data model init and InteractionModel Init
     401              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     402              : 
     403              :     // Register the ICDStateObservers.
     404              :     // Call register before init so that observers are notified of any state change during the init.
     405              :     // All observers are released at mICDManager.Shutdown(). They can be released individually with ReleaseObserver
     406              :     mICDManager.RegisterObserver(mReportScheduler);
     407              :     mICDManager.RegisterObserver(&app::DnssdServer::Instance());
     408              : 
     409              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_CIP
     410              :     mICDManager.SetPersistentStorageDelegate(mDeviceStorage)
     411              :         .SetFabricTable(&GetFabricTable())
     412              :         .SetSymmetricKeyStore(mSessionKeystore)
     413              :         .SetExchangeManager(&mExchangeMgr)
     414              :         .SetSubscriptionsInfoProvider(app::InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance())
     415              :         .SetICDCheckInBackOffStrategy(initParams.icdCheckInBackOffStrategy);
     416              : 
     417              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_CIP
     418              :     mICDManager.Init();
     419              : 
     420              :     // Register Test Event Trigger Handler
     421              :     if (mTestEventTriggerDelegate != nullptr)
     422              :     {
     423              :         mTestEventTriggerDelegate->AddHandler(&mICDManager);
     424              :     }
     425              : 
     426              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     427              : 
     428              :     // This code is necessary to restart listening to existing groups after a reboot
     429              :     // Each manufacturer needs to validate that they can rejoin groups by placing this code at the appropriate location for them
     430              :     //
     431              :     // Thread LWIP devices using dedicated Inet endpoint implementations are excluded because they call this function from:
     432              :     // src/platform/OpenThread/GenericThreadStackManagerImpl_OpenThread_LwIP.cpp
     434            1 :     RejoinExistingMulticastGroups();
     435              : #endif // !CHIP_SYSTEM_CONFIG_USE_OPENTHREAD_ENDPOINT
     436              : 
     437              :     // Handle deferred clean-up of a previously armed fail-safe that occurred during FabricTable commit.
     438              :     // This is done at the very end since at the earlier time above when FabricTable::Init() is called,
     439              :     // the delegates could not have been registered, and the other systems were not initialized. By now,
     440              :     // everything is initialized, so we can do a deferred clean-up.
     441              :     {
     442            1 :         FabricIndex fabricIndexDeletedOnInit = GetFabricTable().GetDeletedFabricFromCommitMarker();
     443            1 :         if (fabricIndexDeletedOnInit != kUndefinedFabricIndex)
     444              :         {
     445            0 :             ChipLogError(AppServer, "FabricIndex 0x%x deleted due to restart while fail-safed. Processing a clean-up!",
     446              :                          static_cast<unsigned>(fabricIndexDeletedOnInit));
     447              : 
     448              :             // Always pretend it was an add, since being in the middle of an update currently breaks
     449              :             // the validity of the fabric table. This is expected to be extremely infrequent, so
     450              :             // this "harsher" than usual clean-up is more likely to get us in a valid state for whatever
     451              :             // remains.
     452            0 :             const bool addNocCalled    = true;
     453            0 :             const bool updateNocCalled = false;
     454            0 :             GetFailSafeContext().ScheduleFailSafeCleanup(fabricIndexDeletedOnInit, addNocCalled, updateNocCalled);
     455              : 
     456              :             // Schedule clearing of the commit marker to only occur after we have processed all fail-safe clean-up.
     457              :             // Because Matter runs a single event loop for all scheduled work, it will occur after the above has
     458              :             // taken place. If a reset occurs before we have cleaned everything up, the next boot will still
     459              :             // see the commit marker.
     460            0 :             PlatformMgr().ScheduleWork(
     461            0 :                 [](intptr_t arg) {
     462            0 :                     Server * server = reinterpret_cast<Server *>(arg);
     463            0 :                     VerifyOrReturn(server != nullptr);
     464              : 
     465            0 :                     server->GetFabricTable().ClearCommitMarker();
     466            0 :                     ChipLogProgress(AppServer, "Cleared FabricTable pending commit marker");
     467              :                 },
     468              :                 reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(this));
     469              :         }
     470              :     }
     471              : 
     472              : #if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY_CLIENT // support UDC port for commissioner declaration msgs
     473              :     mUdcTransportMgr = Platform::New<UdcTransportMgr>();
     474              :     ReturnErrorOnFailure(mUdcTransportMgr->Init(Transport::UdpListenParameters(DeviceLayer::UDPEndPointManager())
     475              :                                                     .SetAddressType(Inet::IPAddressType::kIPv6)
     476              :                                                     .SetListenPort(static_cast<uint16_t>(mCdcListenPort))
     477              : #if INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_IPV4
     478              :                                                     ,
     479              :                                                 Transport::UdpListenParameters(DeviceLayer::UDPEndPointManager())
     480              :                                                     .SetAddressType(Inet::IPAddressType::kIPv4)
     481              :                                                     .SetListenPort(static_cast<uint16_t>(mCdcListenPort))
     482              : #endif // INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_IPV4
     483              :                                                     ));
     484              : 
     485              :     gUDCClient = Platform::New<Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning::UserDirectedCommissioningClient>();
     486              :     mUdcTransportMgr->SetSessionManager(gUDCClient);
     488              : 
     489            1 :     PlatformMgr().AddEventHandler(OnPlatformEventWrapper, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(this));
     490            1 :     PlatformMgr().HandleServerStarted();
     491              : 
     492            1 :     mIsDnssdReady = Dnssd::Resolver::Instance().IsInitialized();
     493            1 :     CheckServerReadyEvent();
     494              : 
     495            1 : exit:
     496            1 :     if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     497              :     {
     498            0 :         ChipLogError(AppServer, "ERROR setting up transport: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
     499              :     }
     500              :     else
     501              :     {
     502              :         // NOTE: this log is scraped by the test harness.
     503            1 :         ChipLogProgress(AppServer, "Server Listening...");
     504              :     }
     505            1 :     return err;
     506              : }
     507              : 
     508            2 : void Server::OnPlatformEvent(const DeviceLayer::ChipDeviceEvent & event)
     509              : {
     510            2 :     switch (event.Type)
     511              :     {
     512            1 :     case DeviceEventType::kDnssdInitialized:
     513              :         // Platform DNS-SD implementation uses kPlatformDnssdInitialized event to signal that it's ready.
     514            1 :         if (!mIsDnssdReady)
     515              :         {
     516            0 :             mIsDnssdReady = true;
     517            0 :             CheckServerReadyEvent();
     518              :         }
     519            1 :         break;
     520            1 :     case DeviceEventType::kServerReady:
     522              :         // Only Trigger Check-In messages if we are not in the middle of a commissioning.
     523              :         // This check is only necessary for the first commissioiner since the kServerReady event
     524              :         // is triggered once we join the network.
     525              :         // We trigger Check-In messages before resuming subscriptions to avoid doing both.
     526              :         if (!mFailSafeContext.IsFailSafeArmed())
     527              :         {
     528              :             std::function<app::ICDManager::ShouldCheckInMsgsBeSentFunction> sendCheckInMessagesOnBootUp =
     529              :                 std::bind(&Server::ShouldCheckInMsgsBeSentAtBootFunction, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
     530              :             mICDManager.TriggerCheckInMessages(sendCheckInMessagesOnBootUp);
     531              :         }
     533              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_PERSIST_SUBSCRIPTIONS
     534            1 :         ResumeSubscriptions();
     535              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_PERSIST_SUBSCRIPTIONS
     536            1 :         break;
     538              :     case DeviceEventType::kThreadConnectivityChange:
     539              :         if (event.ThreadConnectivityChange.Result == kConnectivity_Established)
     540              :         {
     541              :             // Refresh Multicast listening
     542              :             ChipLogDetail(DeviceLayer, "Thread Attached updating Multicast address");
     543              :             RejoinExistingMulticastGroups();
     544              :         }
     545              :         break;
     546              : #endif // CHIP_SYSTEM_CONFIG_USE_OPENTHREAD_ENDPOINT
     547            0 :     default:
     548            0 :         break;
     549              :     }
     550            2 : }
     551              : 
     552            1 : void Server::CheckServerReadyEvent()
     553              : {
     554              :     // Check if all asynchronously initialized server components (currently, only DNS-SD)
     555              :     // are ready, and emit the 'server ready' event if so.
     556            1 :     if (mIsDnssdReady)
     557              :     {
     558            1 :         ChipLogProgress(AppServer, "Server initialization complete");
     559              : 
     560            1 :         ChipDeviceEvent event = { .Type = DeviceEventType::kServerReady };
     561            1 :         PlatformMgr().PostEventOrDie(&event);
     562              :     }
     563            1 : }
     564              : 
     565            2 : void Server::OnPlatformEventWrapper(const DeviceLayer::ChipDeviceEvent * event, intptr_t server)
     566              : {
     567            2 :     reinterpret_cast<Server *>(server)->OnPlatformEvent(*event);
     568            2 : }
     569              : 
     570            1 : void Server::RejoinExistingMulticastGroups()
     571              : {
     572            1 :     ChipLogProgress(AppServer, "Joining Multicast groups");
     573            1 :     CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
     574            1 :     for (const FabricInfo & fabric : mFabrics)
     575              :     {
     576            0 :         Credentials::GroupDataProvider::GroupInfo groupInfo;
     577              : 
     578            0 :         auto * iterator = mGroupsProvider->IterateGroupInfo(fabric.GetFabricIndex());
     579            0 :         if (iterator)
     580              :         {
     581              :             // GroupDataProvider was able to allocate rescources for an iterator
     582            0 :             while (iterator->Next(groupInfo))
     583              :             {
     584            0 :                 err = mTransports.MulticastGroupJoinLeave(
     585            0 :                     Transport::PeerAddress::Multicast(fabric.GetFabricId(), groupInfo.group_id), true);
     586            0 :                 if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     587              :                 {
     588            0 :                     ChipLogError(AppServer, "Error when trying to join Group %u of fabric index %u : %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT,
     589              :                                  groupInfo.group_id, fabric.GetFabricIndex(), err.Format());
     590              : 
     591              :                     // We assume the failure is caused by a network issue or a lack of rescources; neither of which will be solved
     592              :                     // before the next join. Exit the loop to save rescources.
     593            0 :                     iterator->Release();
     594            0 :                     return;
     595              :                 }
     596              :             }
     597              : 
     598            0 :             iterator->Release();
     599              :         }
     600              :     }
     601              : }
     602              : 
     603              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_CIP
     604              : bool Server::ShouldCheckInMsgsBeSentAtBootFunction(FabricIndex aFabricIndex, NodeId subjectID)
     605              : {
     606              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_PERSIST_SUBSCRIPTIONS
     607              :     // If at least one registration has a persisted entry, do not send Check-In message.
     608              :     // The resumption of the persisted subscription will serve the same function a check-in would have served.
     609              :     return !app::InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance()->SubjectHasPersistedSubscription(aFabricIndex, subjectID);
     610              : #else
     611              :     return true;
     612              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_PERSIST_SUBSCRIPTIONS
     613              : }
     614              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_CIP
     615              : 
     616            0 : void Server::GenerateShutDownEvent()
     617              : {
     618            0 :     PlatformMgr().ScheduleWork([](intptr_t) { PlatformMgr().HandleServerShuttingDown(); });
     619            0 : }
     620              : 
     621            1 : void Server::PostFactoryResetEvent()
     622              : {
     623            1 :     DeviceLayer::ChipDeviceEvent event{ .Type = DeviceLayer::DeviceEventType::kFactoryReset };
     624              : 
     625            1 :     CHIP_ERROR error = DeviceLayer::PlatformMgr().PostEvent(&event);
     626            1 :     if (error != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     627              :     {
     628            0 :         ChipLogError(AppServer, "Posting kFactoryReset event failed with %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, error.Format());
     629              :     }
     630            1 : }
     631              : 
     632            1 : void Server::ScheduleFactoryReset()
     633              : {
     634            1 :     PostFactoryResetEvent();
     635              : 
     636            1 :     PlatformMgr().ScheduleWork([](intptr_t) {
     637              :         // Delete all fabrics and emit Leave event.
     638            1 :         GetInstance().GetFabricTable().DeleteAllFabrics();
     639            1 :         PlatformMgr().HandleServerShuttingDown();
     640            1 :         ConfigurationMgr().InitiateFactoryReset();
     641            1 :     });
     642            1 : }
     643              : 
     644            1 : void Server::Shutdown()
     645              : {
     646            1 :     assertChipStackLockedByCurrentThread();
     647            1 :     PlatformMgr().RemoveEventHandler(OnPlatformEventWrapper, 0);
     648            1 :     mCASEServer.Shutdown();
     649            1 :     mCASESessionManager.Shutdown();
     650              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     651              :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().SetICDManager(nullptr);
     652              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     653            1 :     app::DnssdServer::Instance().SetCommissioningModeProvider(nullptr);
     654            1 :     Dnssd::ServiceAdvertiser::Instance().Shutdown();
     655              : 
     657              :     if (mUdcTransportMgr != nullptr)
     658              :     {
     659              :         Platform::Delete(mUdcTransportMgr);
     660              :         mUdcTransportMgr = nullptr;
     661              :     }
     662              :     if (gUDCClient != nullptr)
     663              :     {
     664              :         Platform::Delete(gUDCClient);
     665              :         gUDCClient = nullptr;
     666              :     }
     668              : 
     669            1 :     Dnssd::Resolver::Instance().Shutdown();
     670            1 :     app::InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance()->Shutdown();
     671              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     672              :     app::InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance()->SetICDManager(nullptr);
     673              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     674              :     // Shut down any remaining sessions (and hence exchanges) before we do any
     675              :     // futher teardown.  CASE handshakes have been shut down already via
     676              :     // shutting down mCASESessionManager and mCASEServer above; shutting
     677              :     // down mCommissioningWindowManager will shut down any PASE handshakes we
     678              :     // have going on.
     679            1 :     mSessions.ExpireAllSecureSessions();
     680            1 :     mCommissioningWindowManager.Shutdown();
     681            1 :     mMessageCounterManager.Shutdown();
     682            1 :     mExchangeMgr.Shutdown();
     683            1 :     mSessions.Shutdown();
     684            1 :     mTransports.Close();
     685            1 :     mAccessControl.Finish();
     686            1 :     Access::ResetAccessControlToDefault();
     687            1 :     Credentials::SetGroupDataProvider(nullptr);
     688              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     689              :     // Remove Test Event Trigger Handler
     690              :     if (mTestEventTriggerDelegate != nullptr)
     691              :     {
     692              :         mTestEventTriggerDelegate->RemoveHandler(&mICDManager);
     693              :     }
     694              :     mICDManager.Shutdown();
     695              : #endif // CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_SERVER
     696              : 
     697              :     // TODO(16969): Remove chip::Platform::MemoryInit() call from Server class, it belongs to outer code
     698            1 :     chip::Platform::MemoryShutdown();
     699            1 : }
     700              : 
     702              : // NOTE: UDC client is located in Server.cpp because it really only makes sense
     703              : // to send UDC from a Matter device. The UDC message payload needs to include the device's
     704              : // randomly generated service name.
     705              : CHIP_ERROR Server::SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest(Transport::PeerAddress commissioner,
     706              :                                                         Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning::IdentificationDeclaration & id)
     707              : {
     708              :     ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "Server::SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest()");
     709              : 
     710              :     CHIP_ERROR err;
     711              : 
     712              :     // only populate fields left blank by the client
     713              :     if (strlen(id.GetInstanceName()) == 0)
     714              :     {
     715              :         ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "Server::SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest() Instance Name not known");
     716              :         char nameBuffer[Dnssd::Commission::kInstanceNameMaxLength + 1];
     717              :         err = app::DnssdServer::Instance().GetCommissionableInstanceName(nameBuffer, sizeof(nameBuffer));
     718              :         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     719              :         {
     720              :             ChipLogError(
     721              :                 AppServer,
     722              :                 "Server::SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest() Failed to get mdns instance name error: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT,
     723              :                 err.Format());
     724              :             return err;
     725              :         }
     726              :         id.SetInstanceName(nameBuffer);
     727              :         ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "Server::SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest() Instance Name set to %s", nameBuffer);
     728              :     }
     729              : 
     730              :     if (id.GetVendorId() == 0)
     731              :     {
     732              :         uint16_t vendorId = 0;
     733              :         if (DeviceLayer::GetDeviceInstanceInfoProvider()->GetVendorId(vendorId) != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     734              :         {
     735              :             ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "Server::SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest() Vendor ID not known");
     736              :         }
     737              :         else
     738              :         {
     739              :             id.SetVendorId(vendorId);
     740              :         }
     741              :     }
     742              : 
     743              :     if (id.GetProductId() == 0)
     744              :     {
     745              :         uint16_t productId = 0;
     746              :         if (DeviceLayer::GetDeviceInstanceInfoProvider()->GetProductId(productId) != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     747              :         {
     748              :             ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "Server::SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest() Product ID not known");
     749              :         }
     750              :         else
     751              :         {
     752              :             id.SetProductId(productId);
     753              :         }
     754              :     }
     755              : 
     756              :     if (strlen(id.GetDeviceName()) == 0)
     757              :     {
     758              :         char deviceName[Dnssd::kKeyDeviceNameMaxLength + 1] = {};
     759              :         if (!DeviceLayer::ConfigurationMgr().IsCommissionableDeviceNameEnabled() ||
     760              :             DeviceLayer::ConfigurationMgr().GetCommissionableDeviceName(deviceName, sizeof(deviceName)) != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     761              :         {
     762              :             ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "Server::SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest() Device Name not known");
     763              :         }
     764              :         else
     765              :         {
     766              :             id.SetDeviceName(deviceName);
     767              :         }
     768              :     }
     769              : 
     771              :     if (id.GetRotatingIdLength() == 0)
     772              :     {
     773              :         AdditionalDataPayloadGeneratorParams additionalDataPayloadParams;
     774              :         uint8_t rotatingDeviceIdUniqueId[DeviceLayer::ConfigurationManager::kRotatingDeviceIDUniqueIDLength];
     775              :         MutableByteSpan rotatingDeviceIdUniqueIdSpan(rotatingDeviceIdUniqueId);
     776              : 
     777              :         ReturnErrorOnFailure(
     778              :             DeviceLayer::GetDeviceInstanceInfoProvider()->GetRotatingDeviceIdUniqueId(rotatingDeviceIdUniqueIdSpan));
     779              :         ReturnErrorOnFailure(
     780              :             DeviceLayer::ConfigurationMgr().GetLifetimeCounter(additionalDataPayloadParams.rotatingDeviceIdLifetimeCounter));
     781              :         additionalDataPayloadParams.rotatingDeviceIdUniqueId = rotatingDeviceIdUniqueIdSpan;
     782              : 
     783              :         uint8_t rotatingDeviceIdInternalBuffer[RotatingDeviceId::kMaxLength];
     784              :         MutableByteSpan rotatingDeviceIdBufferTemp(rotatingDeviceIdInternalBuffer);
     785              :         ReturnErrorOnFailure(AdditionalDataPayloadGenerator().generateRotatingDeviceIdAsBinary(additionalDataPayloadParams,
     786              :                                                                                                rotatingDeviceIdBufferTemp));
     787              : 
     788              :         id.SetRotatingId(rotatingDeviceIdInternalBuffer, RotatingDeviceId::kMaxLength);
     789              :     }
     790              : #endif
     791              : 
     792              :     if (id.GetCdPort() == 0)
     793              :     {
     794              :         id.SetCdPort(mCdcListenPort);
     795              :     }
     796              : 
     797              :     err = gUDCClient->SendUDCMessage(&mTransports, id, commissioner);
     798              : 
     799              :     if (err == CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     800              :     {
     801              :         ChipLogDetail(AppServer, "Server::SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest() Send UDC request success");
     802              :     }
     803              :     else
     804              :     {
     805              :         ChipLogError(AppServer, "Server::SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest() Send UDC request failed, err: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT,
     806              :                      err.Format());
     807              :     }
     808              :     return err;
     809              : }
     811              : 
     812              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_PERSIST_SUBSCRIPTIONS
     813            1 : void Server::ResumeSubscriptions()
     814              : {
     815            1 :     CHIP_ERROR err = app::InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance()->ResumeSubscriptions();
     816            1 :     if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
     817              :     {
     818            0 :         ChipLogError(AppServer, "Error when trying to resume subscriptions : %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
     819              :     }
     820            1 : }
     821              : #endif
     822              : 
     823              : Credentials::IgnoreCertificateValidityPeriodPolicy Server::sDefaultCertValidityPolicy;
     824              : 
     825              : KvsPersistentStorageDelegate CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sKvsPersistenStorageDelegate;
     826              : PersistentStorageOperationalKeystore CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sPersistentStorageOperationalKeystore;
     827              : Credentials::PersistentStorageOpCertStore CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sPersistentStorageOpCertStore;
     828              : Credentials::GroupDataProviderImpl CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sGroupDataProvider;
     829              : app::DefaultTimerDelegate CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sTimerDelegate;
     830              : app::reporting::ReportSchedulerImpl
     831              :     CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sReportScheduler(&CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sTimerDelegate);
     833              : SimpleSessionResumptionStorage CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sSessionResumptionStorage;
     834              : #endif
     835              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_PERSIST_SUBSCRIPTIONS
     836              : app::SimpleSubscriptionResumptionStorage CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sSubscriptionResumptionStorage;
     837              : #endif
     838              : app::DefaultAclStorage CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sAclStorage;
     839              : Crypto::DefaultSessionKeystore CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sSessionKeystore;
     840              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_ICD_CIP
     841              : app::DefaultICDCheckInBackOffStrategy CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams::sDefaultICDCheckInBackOffStrategy;
     842              : #endif
     843              : 
     844              : } // namespace chip

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