Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - controller - CommissioningDelegate.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:1560a87972ec2c7a76cec101927a563a6862bc2a Lines: 0.0 % 184 0
Test Date: 2025-03-30 07:08:27 Functions: 0.0 % 87 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *
       3              :  *    Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Project CHIP Authors
       4              :  *    All rights reserved.
       5              :  *
       6              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       7              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       8              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
       9              :  *
      10              :  *
      11              :  *
      12              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      13              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      14              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      15              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      16              :  *    limitations under the License.
      17              :  */
      18              : 
      19              : #pragma once
      20              : #include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
      21              : #include <app/AttributePathParams.h>
      22              : #include <app/ClusterStateCache.h>
      23              : #include <app/OperationalSessionSetup.h>
      24              : #include <controller/CommissioneeDeviceProxy.h>
      25              : #include <credentials/attestation_verifier/DeviceAttestationDelegate.h>
      26              : #include <credentials/attestation_verifier/DeviceAttestationVerifier.h>
      27              : #include <crypto/CHIPCryptoPAL.h>
      28              : #include <lib/support/Span.h>
      29              : #include <lib/support/Variant.h>
      30              : #include <matter/tracing/build_config.h>
      31              : #include <system/SystemClock.h>
      32              : 
      33              : namespace chip {
      34              : namespace Controller {
      35              : 
      36              : class DeviceCommissioner;
      37              : 
      38              : enum CommissioningStage : uint8_t
      39              : {
      40              :     kError,
      41              :     kSecurePairing,              ///< Establish a PASE session with the device
      42              :     kReadCommissioningInfo,      ///< Query Attributes relevant to commissioning (can perform multiple read interactions)
      43              :     kArmFailsafe,                ///< Send ArmFailSafe (0x30:0) command to the device
      44              :     kConfigRegulatory,           ///< Send SetRegulatoryConfig (0x30:2) command to the device
      45              :     kConfigureUTCTime,           ///< SetUTCTime if the DUT has a time cluster
      46              :     kConfigureTimeZone,          ///< Configure a time zone if one is required and available
      47              :     kConfigureDSTOffset,         ///< Configure DST offset if one is required and available
      48              :     kConfigureDefaultNTP,        ///< Configure a default NTP server if one is required and available
      49              :     kSendPAICertificateRequest,  ///< Send PAI CertificateChainRequest (0x3E:2) command to the device
      50              :     kSendDACCertificateRequest,  ///< Send DAC CertificateChainRequest (0x3E:2) command to the device
      51              :     kSendAttestationRequest,     ///< Send AttestationRequest (0x3E:0) command to the device
      52              :     kAttestationVerification,    ///< Verify AttestationResponse (0x3E:1) validity
      53              :     kAttestationRevocationCheck, ///< Verify Revocation Status of device's DAC chain
      54              :     kSendOpCertSigningRequest,   ///< Send CSRRequest (0x3E:4) command to the device
      55              :     kValidateCSR,                ///< Verify CSRResponse (0x3E:5) validity
      56              :     kGenerateNOCChain,           ///< TLV encode Node Operational Credentials (NOC) chain certs
      57              :     kSendTrustedRootCert,        ///< Send AddTrustedRootCertificate (0x3E:11) command to the device
      58              :     kSendNOC,                    ///< Send AddNOC (0x3E:6) command to the device
      59              :     kConfigureTrustedTimeSource, ///< Configure a trusted time source if one is required and available (must be done after SendNOC)
      60              :     kICDGetRegistrationInfo,     ///< Waiting for the higher layer to provide ICD registration informations.
      61              :     kICDRegistration,            ///< Register for ICD management
      62              :     kWiFiNetworkSetup,           ///< Send AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork (0x31:2) command to the device
      63              :     kThreadNetworkSetup,         ///< Send AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork (0x31:3) command to the device
      64              :     kFailsafeBeforeWiFiEnable,   ///< Extend the fail-safe before doing kWiFiNetworkEnable
      65              :     kFailsafeBeforeThreadEnable, ///< Extend the fail-safe before doing kThreadNetworkEnable
      66              :     kWiFiNetworkEnable,          ///< Send ConnectNetwork (0x31:6) command to the device for the WiFi network
      67              :     kThreadNetworkEnable,        ///< Send ConnectNetwork (0x31:6) command to the device for the Thread network
      68              :     kEvictPreviousCaseSessions,  ///< Evict previous stale case sessions from a commissioned device with this node ID before
      69              :     kFindOperationalForStayActive, ///< Perform operational discovery and establish a CASE session with the device for ICD
      70              :                                    ///< StayActive command
      71              :     kFindOperationalForCommissioningComplete, ///< Perform operational discovery and establish a CASE session with the device for
      72              :                                               ///< Commissioning Complete command
      73              :     kSendComplete,                            ///< Send CommissioningComplete (0x30:4) command to the device
      74              :     kICDSendStayActive,                       ///< Send Keep Alive to ICD
      75              :     /// Send ScanNetworks (0x31:0) command to the device.
      76              :     /// ScanNetworks can happen anytime after kArmFailsafe.
      77              :     kScanNetworks,
      78              :     /// Waiting for the higher layer to provide network credentials before continuing the workflow.
      79              :     /// Call CHIPDeviceController::NetworkCredentialsReady() when CommissioningParameters is populated with
      80              :     /// network credentials to use in kWiFiNetworkSetup or kThreadNetworkSetup steps.
      81              :     kNeedsNetworkCreds,
      82              :     kPrimaryOperationalNetworkFailed, ///< Indicate that the primary operational network (on root endpoint) failed, should remove
      83              :                                       ///< the primary network config later.
      84              :     kRemoveWiFiNetworkConfig,         ///< Remove Wi-Fi network config.
      85              :     kRemoveThreadNetworkConfig,       ///< Remove Thread network config.
      86              :     kConfigureTCAcknowledgments,      ///< Send SetTCAcknowledgements (0x30:6) command to the device
      87              :     kCleanup,                         ///< Call delegates with status, free memory, clear timers and state
      88              : };
      89              : 
      90              : enum class ICDRegistrationStrategy : uint8_t
      91              : {
      92              :     kIgnore,         ///< Do not check whether the device is an ICD during commissioning
      93              :     kBeforeComplete, ///< Do commissioner self-registration or external controller registration,
      94              :                      ///< Controller should provide a ICDKey manager for generating symmetric key
      95              : };
      96              : 
      97              : const char * StageToString(CommissioningStage stage);
      98              : 
      99              : #if MATTER_TRACING_ENABLED
     100              : const char * MetricKeyForCommissioningStage(CommissioningStage stage);
     101              : #endif
     102              : 
     103              : struct WiFiCredentials
     104              : {
     105              :     ByteSpan ssid;
     106              :     ByteSpan credentials;
     107            0 :     WiFiCredentials(ByteSpan newSsid, ByteSpan newCreds) : ssid(newSsid), credentials(newCreds) {}
     108              : };
     109              : 
     110              : struct TermsAndConditionsAcknowledgement
     111              : {
     112              :     uint16_t acceptedTermsAndConditions;
     113              :     uint16_t acceptedTermsAndConditionsVersion;
     114              : };
     115              : 
     116              : struct NOCChainGenerationParameters
     117              : {
     118              :     ByteSpan nocsrElements;
     119              :     ByteSpan signature;
     120              : };
     121              : 
     122              : struct CompletionStatus
     123              : {
     124            0 :     CompletionStatus() : err(CHIP_NO_ERROR), failedStage(NullOptional), attestationResult(NullOptional) {}
     125              :     CHIP_ERROR err;
     126              :     Optional<CommissioningStage> failedStage;
     127              :     Optional<Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult> attestationResult;
     128              :     Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::CommissioningErrorEnum> commissioningError;
     129              :     Optional<app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum> networkCommissioningStatus;
     130              : };
     131              : 
     132              : inline constexpr uint16_t kDefaultFailsafeTimeout = 60;
     133              : 
     134              : // Per spec, all commands that are sent with the failsafe armed need at least
     135              : // a 30s timeout.
     136              : inline constexpr System::Clock::Timeout kMinimumCommissioningStepTimeout = System::Clock::Seconds16(30);
     137              : 
     138              : class CommissioningParameters
     139              : {
     140              : public:
     141              :     static constexpr size_t kMaxThreadDatasetLen = 254;
     142              :     static constexpr size_t kMaxSsidLen          = 32;
     143              :     static constexpr size_t kMaxCredentialsLen   = 64;
     144              :     static constexpr size_t kMaxCountryCodeLen   = 2;
     145              : 
     146              :     // Value to use when setting the commissioning failsafe timer on the node being commissioned.
     147              :     // If the failsafe timer value is passed in as part of the commissioning parameters, that value will be used. If not supplied,
     148              :     // the AutoCommissioner will set this to the recommended value read from the node. If that is not set, it will fall back to the
     149              :     // default kDefaultFailsafeTimeout.
     150              :     // This value should be set before running PerformCommissioningStep for the kArmFailsafe step.
     151            0 :     const Optional<uint16_t> GetFailsafeTimerSeconds() const { return mFailsafeTimerSeconds; }
     152              : 
     153              :     // Value to use when re-setting the commissioning failsafe timer immediately prior to operational discovery.
     154              :     // If a CASE failsafe timer value is passed in as part of the commissioning parameters, then the failsafe timer
     155              :     // will be reset using this value before operational discovery begins. If not supplied, then the AutoCommissioner
     156              :     // will not automatically reset the failsafe timer before operational discovery begins. It can be useful for the
     157              :     // commissioner to set the CASE failsafe timer to a small value (ex. 30s) when the regular failsafe timer is set
     158              :     // to a larger value to accommodate user interaction during setup (network credential selection, user consent
     159              :     // after device attestation).
     160            0 :     const Optional<uint16_t> GetCASEFailsafeTimerSeconds() const { return mCASEFailsafeTimerSeconds; }
     161              : 
     162              :     // The location (indoor/outdoor) of the node being commissioned.
     163              :     // The node regulartory location (indoor/outdoor) should be set by the commissioner explicitly as it may be different than the
     164              :     // location of the commissioner. This location will be set on the node if the node supports configurable regulatory location
     165              :     // (from GetLocationCapability - see below). If the regulatory location is not supplied, this will fall back to the location in
     166              :     // GetDefaultRegulatoryLocation and then to Outdoor (most restrictive).
     167              :     // This value should be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kConfigRegulatory step.
     168            0 :     const Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> GetDeviceRegulatoryLocation() const
     169              :     {
     170            0 :         return mDeviceRegulatoryLocation;
     171              :     }
     172              : 
     173              :     // Value to determine whether the node supports Concurrent Connections as read from the GeneralCommissioning cluster.
     174              :     // In the AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from from the kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
     175            0 :     Optional<bool> GetSupportsConcurrentConnection() const { return mSupportsConcurrentConnection; }
     176              : 
     177              :     // The country code to be used for the node, if set.
     178            0 :     Optional<CharSpan> GetCountryCode() const { return mCountryCode; }
     179              : 
     180            0 :     Optional<TermsAndConditionsAcknowledgement> GetTermsAndConditionsAcknowledgement() const
     181              :     {
     182            0 :         return mTermsAndConditionsAcknowledgement;
     183              :     }
     184              : 
     185              :     // Time zone to set for the node
     186              :     // If required, this will be truncated to fit the max size allowable on the node
     187            0 :     Optional<app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::TimeZoneStruct::Type>> GetTimeZone() const
     188              :     {
     189            0 :         return mTimeZone;
     190              :     }
     191              : 
     192              :     // DST offset list. If required, this will be truncated to fit the max size allowable on the node
     193              :     // DST list will only be sent if the commissionee requires DST offsets, as indicated in the SetTimeZone response
     194            0 :     Optional<app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::DSTOffsetStruct::Type>> GetDSTOffsets() const
     195              :     {
     196            0 :         return mDSTOffsets;
     197              :     }
     198              : 
     199              :     // Default NTP to set on the node if supported and required
     200              :     // Default implementation will not overide a value already set on the commissionee
     201              :     // TODO: Add a force option?
     202            0 :     Optional<app::DataModel::Nullable<CharSpan>> GetDefaultNTP() const { return mDefaultNTP; }
     203              : 
     204              :     // Trusted time source
     205              :     // Default implementation will not override a value already set on the commissionee
     206              :     // TODO: Add a force option?
     207              :     Optional<app::DataModel::Nullable<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::FabricScopedTrustedTimeSourceStruct::Type>>
     208            0 :     GetTrustedTimeSource() const
     209              :     {
     210            0 :         return mTrustedTimeSource;
     211              :     }
     212              : 
     213              :     // Nonce sent to the node to use during the CSR request.
     214              :     // When using the AutoCommissioner, this value will be ignored in favour of the value supplied by the
     215              :     // OperationalCredentialsDelegate ObtainCsrNonce function. If the credential delegate is not supplied, the value supplied here
     216              :     // will be used. If neither is supplied random value will be used as a fallback.
     217              :     // This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendOpCertSigningRequest step.
     218            0 :     const Optional<ByteSpan> GetCSRNonce() const { return mCSRNonce; }
     219              : 
     220              :     // Nonce value sent to the node to use during the attestation request.
     221              :     // When using the AutoCommissioner, this value will fall back to random if not supplied.
     222              :     // If a non-random value is to be used, the value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the
     223              :     // kSendAttestationRequest step.
     224            0 :     const Optional<ByteSpan> GetAttestationNonce() const { return mAttestationNonce; }
     225              : 
     226              :     // WiFi SSID and credentials to use when adding/updating and enabling WiFi on the node.
     227              :     // This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kWiFiNetworkSetup or kWiFiNetworkEnable steps.
     228            0 :     const Optional<WiFiCredentials> GetWiFiCredentials() const { return mWiFiCreds; }
     229              : 
     230              :     // Thread operational dataset to use when adding/updating and enabling the thread network on the node.
     231              :     // This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kThreadNetworkSetup or kThreadNetworkEnable steps.
     232            0 :     const Optional<ByteSpan> GetThreadOperationalDataset() const { return mThreadOperationalDataset; }
     233              : 
     234              :     // The NOCSR parameters (elements and signature) returned from the node. In the AutoCommissioner, this is set using the data
     235              :     // returned from the kSendOpCertSigningRequest stage.
     236              :     // This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kGenerateNOCChain step.
     237            0 :     const Optional<NOCChainGenerationParameters> GetNOCChainGenerationParameters() const { return mNOCChainGenerationParameters; }
     238              : 
     239              :     // The root certificate for the operational certificate chain. In the auto commissioner, this is set by by the kGenerateNOCChain
     240              :     // stage through the OperationalCredentialsDelegate.
     241              :     // This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendTrustedRootCert step.
     242            0 :     const Optional<ByteSpan> GetRootCert() const { return mRootCert; }
     243              : 
     244              :     // The node operational certificate for the node being commissioned. In the AutoCommissioner, this is set by by the
     245              :     // kGenerateNOCChain stage through the OperationalCredentialsDelegate.
     246              :     // This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendNOC step.
     247              :     // This value must also be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendTrustedRootCert step, as it is used to set
     248              :     // the node id in the DeviceProxy.
     249            0 :     const Optional<ByteSpan> GetNoc() const { return mNoc; }
     250              : 
     251              :     // The intermediate certificate for the node being commissioned. In the AutoCommissioner, this is set by by the
     252              :     // kGenerateNOCChain stage through the OperationalCredentialsDelegate.
     253              :     // This value should be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendNOC step.
     254            0 :     const Optional<ByteSpan> GetIcac() const { return mIcac; }
     255              : 
     256              :     // Epoch key for the identity protection key for the node being commissioned. In the AutoCommissioner, this is set by by the
     257              :     // kGenerateNOCChain stage through the OperationalCredentialsDelegate.
     258              :     // This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendNOC step.
     259            0 :     const Optional<Crypto::IdentityProtectionKeySpan> GetIpk() const
     260              :     {
     261            0 :         return mIpk.HasValue() ? MakeOptional(mIpk.Value().Span()) : NullOptional;
     262              :     }
     263              : 
     264              :     // Admin subject id used for the case access control entry created if the AddNOC command succeeds. In the AutoCommissioner, this
     265              :     // is set by by the kGenerateNOCChain stage through the OperationalCredentialsDelegate.
     266              :     // This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendNOC step.
     267            0 :     const Optional<NodeId> GetAdminSubject() const { return mAdminSubject; }
     268              : 
     269              :     // Attestation elements from the node. These are obtained from node in response to the AttestationRequest command. In the
     270              :     // AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from the report from the kSendAttestationRequest stage.
     271              :     // This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerification step.
     272            0 :     const Optional<ByteSpan> GetAttestationElements() const { return mAttestationElements; }
     273              : 
     274              :     // Attestation signature from the node. This is obtained from node in response to the AttestationRequest command. In the
     275              :     // AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from the report from the kSendAttestationRequest stage.
     276              :     // This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerification step.
     277            0 :     const Optional<ByteSpan> GetAttestationSignature() const { return mAttestationSignature; }
     278              : 
     279              :     // Product attestation intermediate certificate from the node. This is obtained from the node in response to the
     280              :     // CertificateChainRequest command for the PAI. In the AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from the report from the
     281              :     // kSendPAICertificateRequest stage.
     282              :     // This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerificationstep.
     283            0 :     const Optional<ByteSpan> GetPAI() const { return mPAI; }
     284              : 
     285              :     // Device attestation certificate from the node. This is obtained from the node in response to the CertificateChainRequest
     286              :     // command for the DAC. In the AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from the report from the kSendDACCertificateRequest
     287              :     // stage.
     288              :     // This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerification step.
     289            0 :     const Optional<ByteSpan> GetDAC() const { return mDAC; }
     290              : 
     291              :     // Node ID when a matching fabric is found in the Node Operational Credentials cluster.
     292              :     // In the AutoCommissioner, this is set from kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
     293              :     const Optional<NodeId> GetRemoteNodeId() const { return mRemoteNodeId; }
     294              : 
     295              :     // Node vendor ID from the basic information cluster. In the AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from report from the
     296              :     // kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
     297              :     // This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerification step.
     298            0 :     const Optional<VendorId> GetRemoteVendorId() const { return mRemoteVendorId; }
     299              : 
     300              :     // Node product ID from the basic information cluster. In the AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from report from the
     301              :     // kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
     302              :     // This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerification step.
     303            0 :     const Optional<uint16_t> GetRemoteProductId() const { return mRemoteProductId; }
     304              : 
     305              :     // Default regulatory location set by the node, as read from the GeneralCommissioning cluster. In the AutoCommissioner, this is
     306              :     // automatically set from report from the kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
     307              :     // This should be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kConfigRegulatory step.
     308            0 :     const Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> GetDefaultRegulatoryLocation() const
     309              :     {
     310            0 :         return mDefaultRegulatoryLocation;
     311              :     }
     312              : 
     313              :     // Location capabilities of the node, as read from the GeneralCommissioning cluster. In the AutoCommissioner, this is
     314              :     // automatically set from report from the kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
     315              :     // This should be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kConfigRegulatory step.
     316            0 :     const Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> GetLocationCapability() const
     317              :     {
     318            0 :         return mLocationCapability;
     319              :     }
     320              : 
     321              :     // Status to send when calling CommissioningComplete on the PairingDelegate during the kCleanup step. The AutoCommissioner uses
     322              :     // this to pass through any error messages received during commissioning.
     323            0 :     const CompletionStatus & GetCompletionStatus() const { return completionStatus; }
     324              : 
     325            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetFailsafeTimerSeconds(uint16_t seconds)
     326              :     {
     327            0 :         mFailsafeTimerSeconds.SetValue(seconds);
     328            0 :         return *this;
     329              :     }
     330              : 
     331              :     CommissioningParameters & SetCASEFailsafeTimerSeconds(uint16_t seconds)
     332              :     {
     333              :         mCASEFailsafeTimerSeconds.SetValue(seconds);
     334              :         return *this;
     335              :     }
     336              : 
     337              :     CommissioningParameters & SetDeviceRegulatoryLocation(app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum location)
     338              :     {
     339              :         mDeviceRegulatoryLocation.SetValue(location);
     340              :         return *this;
     341              :     }
     342              : 
     343            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetSupportsConcurrentConnection(bool concurrentConnection)
     344              :     {
     345            0 :         mSupportsConcurrentConnection.SetValue(concurrentConnection);
     346            0 :         return *this;
     347              :     }
     348              : 
     349              :     // The lifetime of the buffer countryCode is pointing to should exceed the
     350              :     // lifetime of CommissioningParameters object.
     351            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetCountryCode(CharSpan countryCode)
     352              :     {
     353            0 :         mCountryCode.SetValue(countryCode);
     354            0 :         return *this;
     355              :     }
     356              : 
     357              :     CommissioningParameters &
     358              :     SetTermsAndConditionsAcknowledgement(TermsAndConditionsAcknowledgement termsAndConditionsAcknowledgement)
     359              :     {
     360              :         mTermsAndConditionsAcknowledgement.SetValue(termsAndConditionsAcknowledgement);
     361              :         return *this;
     362              :     }
     363              : 
     364              :     // The lifetime of the list buffer needs to exceed the lifetime of the CommissioningParameters object.
     365              :     CommissioningParameters &
     366            0 :     SetTimeZone(app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::TimeZoneStruct::Type> timeZone)
     367              :     {
     368            0 :         mTimeZone.SetValue(timeZone);
     369            0 :         return *this;
     370              :     }
     371              : 
     372              :     // The lifetime of the list buffer needs to exceed the lifetime of the CommissioningParameters object.
     373              :     CommissioningParameters &
     374            0 :     SetDSTOffsets(app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::DSTOffsetStruct::Type> dstOffsets)
     375              :     {
     376            0 :         mDSTOffsets.SetValue(dstOffsets);
     377            0 :         return *this;
     378              :     }
     379              : 
     380              :     // The lifetime of the char span needs to exceed the lifetime of the CommissioningParameters
     381            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetDefaultNTP(app::DataModel::Nullable<CharSpan> defaultNTP)
     382              :     {
     383            0 :         mDefaultNTP.SetValue(defaultNTP);
     384            0 :         return *this;
     385              :     }
     386              : 
     387              :     CommissioningParameters & SetTrustedTimeSource(
     388              :         app::DataModel::Nullable<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::FabricScopedTrustedTimeSourceStruct::Type>
     389              :             trustedTimeSource)
     390              :     {
     391              :         mTrustedTimeSource.SetValue(trustedTimeSource);
     392              :         return *this;
     393              :     }
     394              : 
     395              :     // The lifetime of the buffer csrNonce is pointing to, should exceed the lifetime of CommissioningParameters object.
     396            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetCSRNonce(ByteSpan csrNonce)
     397              :     {
     398            0 :         mCSRNonce.SetValue(csrNonce);
     399            0 :         return *this;
     400              :     }
     401              : 
     402              :     // The lifetime of the buffer attestationNonce is pointing to, should exceed the lifetime of CommissioningParameters object.
     403            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetAttestationNonce(ByteSpan attestationNonce)
     404              :     {
     405            0 :         mAttestationNonce.SetValue(attestationNonce);
     406            0 :         return *this;
     407              :     }
     408              : 
     409              :     // If a WiFiCredentials is provided, then the WiFiNetworkScan will not be attempted
     410            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetWiFiCredentials(WiFiCredentials wifiCreds)
     411              :     {
     412            0 :         mWiFiCreds.SetValue(wifiCreds);
     413            0 :         mAttemptWiFiNetworkScan.SetValue(false);
     414            0 :         return *this;
     415              :     }
     416              : 
     417              :     // If a ThreadOperationalDataset is provided, then the ThreadNetworkScan will not be attempted
     418            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetThreadOperationalDataset(ByteSpan threadOperationalDataset)
     419              :     {
     420              : 
     421            0 :         mThreadOperationalDataset.SetValue(threadOperationalDataset);
     422            0 :         mAttemptThreadNetworkScan = MakeOptional(static_cast<bool>(false));
     423            0 :         return *this;
     424              :     }
     425              :     // This parameter should be set with the information returned from kSendOpCertSigningRequest. It must be set before calling
     426              :     // kGenerateNOCChain.
     427            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetNOCChainGenerationParameters(const NOCChainGenerationParameters & params)
     428              :     {
     429            0 :         mNOCChainGenerationParameters.SetValue(params);
     430            0 :         return *this;
     431              :     }
     432              :     // Root certs can be generated from the kGenerateNOCChain step. This must be set before calling kSendTrustedRootCert.
     433            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetRootCert(const ByteSpan & rcac)
     434              :     {
     435            0 :         mRootCert.SetValue(rcac);
     436            0 :         return *this;
     437              :     }
     438              :     // NOC and intermediate cert can be generated from the kGenerateNOCChain step. NOC must be set before calling
     439              :     // kSendTrustedRootCert. ICAC and NOC must be set before calling kSendNOC
     440            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetNoc(const ByteSpan & noc)
     441              :     {
     442            0 :         mNoc.SetValue(noc);
     443            0 :         return *this;
     444              :     }
     445            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetIcac(const ByteSpan & icac)
     446              :     {
     447            0 :         mIcac.SetValue(icac);
     448            0 :         return *this;
     449              :     }
     450            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetIpk(const Crypto::IdentityProtectionKeySpan ipk)
     451              :     {
     452            0 :         mIpk.SetValue(Crypto::IdentityProtectionKey(ipk));
     453            0 :         return *this;
     454              :     }
     455            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetAdminSubject(const NodeId adminSubject)
     456              :     {
     457            0 :         mAdminSubject.SetValue(adminSubject);
     458            0 :         return *this;
     459              :     }
     460            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetAttestationElements(const ByteSpan & attestationElements)
     461              :     {
     462            0 :         mAttestationElements = MakeOptional(attestationElements);
     463            0 :         return *this;
     464              :     }
     465            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetAttestationSignature(const ByteSpan & attestationSignature)
     466              :     {
     467            0 :         mAttestationSignature = MakeOptional(attestationSignature);
     468            0 :         return *this;
     469              :     }
     470            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetPAI(const ByteSpan & pai)
     471              :     {
     472            0 :         mPAI = MakeOptional(pai);
     473            0 :         return *this;
     474              :     }
     475            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetDAC(const ByteSpan & dac)
     476              :     {
     477            0 :         mDAC = MakeOptional(dac);
     478            0 :         return *this;
     479              :     }
     480            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetRemoteNodeId(NodeId id)
     481              :     {
     482            0 :         mRemoteNodeId = MakeOptional(id);
     483            0 :         return *this;
     484              :     }
     485            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetRemoteVendorId(VendorId id)
     486              :     {
     487            0 :         mRemoteVendorId = MakeOptional(id);
     488            0 :         return *this;
     489              :     }
     490            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetRemoteProductId(uint16_t id)
     491              :     {
     492            0 :         mRemoteProductId = MakeOptional(id);
     493            0 :         return *this;
     494              :     }
     495            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetDefaultRegulatoryLocation(app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum location)
     496              :     {
     497            0 :         mDefaultRegulatoryLocation = MakeOptional(location);
     498            0 :         return *this;
     499              :     }
     500            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetLocationCapability(app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum capability)
     501              :     {
     502            0 :         mLocationCapability = MakeOptional(capability);
     503            0 :         return *this;
     504              :     }
     505            0 :     void SetCompletionStatus(const CompletionStatus & status) { completionStatus = status; }
     506              : 
     507              :     CommissioningParameters & SetDeviceAttestationDelegate(Credentials::DeviceAttestationDelegate * deviceAttestationDelegate)
     508              :     {
     509              :         mDeviceAttestationDelegate = deviceAttestationDelegate;
     510              :         return *this;
     511              :     }
     512              : 
     513            0 :     Credentials::DeviceAttestationDelegate * GetDeviceAttestationDelegate() const { return mDeviceAttestationDelegate; }
     514              : 
     515              :     // If an SSID is provided, and AttemptWiFiNetworkScan is true,
     516              :     // then a directed scan will be performed using the SSID provided in the WiFiCredentials object
     517            0 :     Optional<bool> GetAttemptWiFiNetworkScan() const { return mAttemptWiFiNetworkScan; }
     518              :     CommissioningParameters & SetAttemptWiFiNetworkScan(bool attemptWiFiNetworkScan)
     519              :     {
     520              :         mAttemptWiFiNetworkScan = MakeOptional(attemptWiFiNetworkScan);
     521              :         return *this;
     522              :     }
     523              : 
     524              :     // If a ThreadOperationalDataset is provided, then the ThreadNetworkScan will not be attempted
     525            0 :     Optional<bool> GetAttemptThreadNetworkScan() const { return mAttemptThreadNetworkScan; }
     526              :     CommissioningParameters & SetAttemptThreadNetworkScan(bool attemptThreadNetworkScan)
     527              :     {
     528              :         if (!mThreadOperationalDataset.HasValue())
     529              :         {
     530              :             mAttemptThreadNetworkScan = MakeOptional(attemptThreadNetworkScan);
     531              :         }
     532              :         return *this;
     533              :     }
     534              : 
     535              :     // Only perform the PASE steps of commissioning.
     536              :     // Commissioning will be completed by another admin on the network.
     537            0 :     Optional<bool> GetSkipCommissioningComplete() const { return mSkipCommissioningComplete; }
     538              :     CommissioningParameters & SetSkipCommissioningComplete(bool skipCommissioningComplete)
     539              :     {
     540              :         mSkipCommissioningComplete = MakeOptional(skipCommissioningComplete);
     541              :         return *this;
     542              :     }
     543              : 
     544              :     // Check for matching fabric on target device by reading fabric list and looking for a
     545              :     // fabricId and RootCert match. If a match is detected, then use GetNodeId() to
     546              :     // access the nodeId for the device on the matching fabric.
     547            0 :     bool GetCheckForMatchingFabric() const { return mCheckForMatchingFabric; }
     548              :     CommissioningParameters & SetCheckForMatchingFabric(bool checkForMatchingFabric)
     549              :     {
     550              :         mCheckForMatchingFabric = checkForMatchingFabric;
     551              :         return *this;
     552              :     }
     553              : 
     554            0 :     ICDRegistrationStrategy GetICDRegistrationStrategy() const { return mICDRegistrationStrategy; }
     555              :     CommissioningParameters & SetICDRegistrationStrategy(ICDRegistrationStrategy icdRegistrationStrategy)
     556              :     {
     557              :         mICDRegistrationStrategy = icdRegistrationStrategy;
     558              :         return *this;
     559              :     }
     560              : 
     561            0 :     Optional<NodeId> GetICDCheckInNodeId() const { return mICDCheckInNodeId; }
     562            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetICDCheckInNodeId(NodeId icdCheckInNodeId)
     563              :     {
     564            0 :         mICDCheckInNodeId = MakeOptional(icdCheckInNodeId);
     565            0 :         return *this;
     566              :     }
     567              : 
     568            0 :     Optional<uint64_t> GetICDMonitoredSubject() const { return mICDMonitoredSubject; }
     569            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetICDMonitoredSubject(uint64_t icdMonitoredSubject)
     570              :     {
     571            0 :         mICDMonitoredSubject = MakeOptional(icdMonitoredSubject);
     572            0 :         return *this;
     573              :     }
     574              : 
     575            0 :     Optional<ByteSpan> GetICDSymmetricKey() const { return mICDSymmetricKey; }
     576            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetICDSymmetricKey(ByteSpan icdSymmetricKey)
     577              :     {
     578            0 :         mICDSymmetricKey = MakeOptional(icdSymmetricKey);
     579            0 :         return *this;
     580              :     }
     581              : 
     582            0 :     Optional<app::Clusters::IcdManagement::ClientTypeEnum> GetICDClientType() const { return mICDClientType; }
     583            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetICDClientType(app::Clusters::IcdManagement::ClientTypeEnum icdClientType)
     584              :     {
     585            0 :         mICDClientType = MakeOptional(icdClientType);
     586            0 :         return *this;
     587              :     }
     588              : 
     589            0 :     Optional<uint32_t> GetICDStayActiveDurationMsec() const { return mICDStayActiveDurationMsec; }
     590              :     CommissioningParameters & SetICDStayActiveDurationMsec(uint32_t stayActiveDurationMsec)
     591              :     {
     592              :         mICDStayActiveDurationMsec = MakeOptional(stayActiveDurationMsec);
     593              :         return *this;
     594              :     }
     595            0 :     void ClearICDStayActiveDurationMsec() { mICDStayActiveDurationMsec.ClearValue(); }
     596              : 
     597            0 :     Span<const app::AttributePathParams> GetExtraReadPaths() const { return mExtraReadPaths; }
     598              : 
     599              :     // Additional attribute paths to read as part of the kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
     600              :     // These values read from the device will be available in ReadCommissioningInfo.attributes.
     601              :     // Clients should avoid requesting paths that are already read internally by the commissioner
     602              :     // as no consolidation of internally read and extra paths provided here will be performed.
     603            0 :     CommissioningParameters & SetExtraReadPaths(Span<const app::AttributePathParams> paths)
     604              :     {
     605            0 :         mExtraReadPaths = paths;
     606            0 :         return *this;
     607              :     }
     608              : 
     609              :     // Clear all members that depend on some sort of external buffer.  Can be
     610              :     // used to make sure that we are not holding any dangling pointers.
     611            0 :     void ClearExternalBufferDependentValues()
     612              :     {
     613            0 :         mCSRNonce.ClearValue();
     614            0 :         mAttestationNonce.ClearValue();
     615            0 :         mWiFiCreds.ClearValue();
     616            0 :         mCountryCode.ClearValue();
     617            0 :         mThreadOperationalDataset.ClearValue();
     618            0 :         mNOCChainGenerationParameters.ClearValue();
     619            0 :         mRootCert.ClearValue();
     620            0 :         mNoc.ClearValue();
     621            0 :         mIcac.ClearValue();
     622            0 :         mIpk.ClearValue();
     623            0 :         mAttestationElements.ClearValue();
     624            0 :         mAttestationSignature.ClearValue();
     625            0 :         mPAI.ClearValue();
     626            0 :         mDAC.ClearValue();
     627            0 :         mTimeZone.ClearValue();
     628            0 :         mDSTOffsets.ClearValue();
     629            0 :         mDefaultNTP.ClearValue();
     630            0 :         mICDSymmetricKey.ClearValue();
     631            0 :         mExtraReadPaths = decltype(mExtraReadPaths)();
     632            0 :     }
     633              : 
     634              : private:
     635              :     // Items that can be set by the commissioner
     636              :     Optional<uint16_t> mFailsafeTimerSeconds;
     637              :     Optional<uint16_t> mCASEFailsafeTimerSeconds;
     638              :     Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> mDeviceRegulatoryLocation;
     639              :     Optional<app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::TimeZoneStruct::Type>> mTimeZone;
     640              :     Optional<app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::DSTOffsetStruct::Type>> mDSTOffsets;
     641              :     Optional<app::DataModel::Nullable<CharSpan>> mDefaultNTP;
     642              :     Optional<app::DataModel::Nullable<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::FabricScopedTrustedTimeSourceStruct::Type>>
     643              :         mTrustedTimeSource;
     644              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mCSRNonce;
     645              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mAttestationNonce;
     646              :     Optional<WiFiCredentials> mWiFiCreds;
     647              :     Optional<CharSpan> mCountryCode;
     648              :     Optional<TermsAndConditionsAcknowledgement> mTermsAndConditionsAcknowledgement;
     649              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mThreadOperationalDataset;
     650              :     Optional<NOCChainGenerationParameters> mNOCChainGenerationParameters;
     651              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mRootCert;
     652              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mNoc;
     653              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mIcac;
     654              :     Optional<Crypto::IdentityProtectionKey> mIpk;
     655              :     Optional<NodeId> mAdminSubject;
     656              :     // Items that come from the device in commissioning steps
     657              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mAttestationElements;
     658              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mAttestationSignature;
     659              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mPAI;
     660              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mDAC;
     661              :     Optional<NodeId> mRemoteNodeId;
     662              :     Optional<VendorId> mRemoteVendorId;
     663              :     Optional<uint16_t> mRemoteProductId;
     664              :     Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> mDefaultRegulatoryLocation;
     665              :     Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> mLocationCapability;
     666              :     Optional<bool> mSupportsConcurrentConnection;
     667              :     CompletionStatus completionStatus;
     668              :     Credentials::DeviceAttestationDelegate * mDeviceAttestationDelegate =
     669              :         nullptr; // Delegate to handle device attestation failures during commissioning
     670              :     Optional<bool> mAttemptWiFiNetworkScan;
     671              :     Optional<bool> mAttemptThreadNetworkScan; // This automatically gets set to false when a ThreadOperationalDataset is set
     672              :     Optional<bool> mSkipCommissioningComplete;
     673              : 
     674              :     Optional<NodeId> mICDCheckInNodeId;
     675              :     Optional<uint64_t> mICDMonitoredSubject;
     676              :     Optional<ByteSpan> mICDSymmetricKey;
     677              :     Optional<app::Clusters::IcdManagement::ClientTypeEnum> mICDClientType;
     678              :     Optional<uint32_t> mICDStayActiveDurationMsec;
     679              :     ICDRegistrationStrategy mICDRegistrationStrategy = ICDRegistrationStrategy::kIgnore;
     680              :     bool mCheckForMatchingFabric                     = false;
     681              :     Span<const app::AttributePathParams> mExtraReadPaths;
     682              : };
     683              : 
     684              : struct RequestedCertificate
     685              : {
     686            0 :     RequestedCertificate(ByteSpan newCertificate) : certificate(newCertificate) {}
     687              :     ByteSpan certificate;
     688              : };
     689              : 
     690              : struct AttestationResponse
     691              : {
     692            0 :     AttestationResponse(ByteSpan newAttestationElements, ByteSpan newSignature) :
     693            0 :         attestationElements(newAttestationElements), signature(newSignature)
     694            0 :     {}
     695              :     ByteSpan attestationElements;
     696              :     ByteSpan signature;
     697              : };
     698              : 
     699              : struct CSRResponse
     700              : {
     701            0 :     CSRResponse(ByteSpan elements, ByteSpan newSignature) : nocsrElements(elements), signature(newSignature) {}
     702              :     ByteSpan nocsrElements;
     703              :     ByteSpan signature;
     704              : };
     705              : 
     706              : struct NocChain
     707              : {
     708            0 :     NocChain(ByteSpan newNoc, ByteSpan newIcac, ByteSpan newRcac, Crypto::IdentityProtectionKeySpan newIpk,
     709            0 :              NodeId newAdminSubject) :
     710            0 :         noc(newNoc),
     711            0 :         icac(newIcac), rcac(newRcac), ipk(newIpk), adminSubject(newAdminSubject)
     712            0 :     {}
     713              :     ByteSpan noc;
     714              :     ByteSpan icac;
     715              :     ByteSpan rcac;
     716              :     Crypto::IdentityProtectionKeySpan ipk;
     717              :     NodeId adminSubject;
     718              : };
     719              : 
     720              : struct OperationalNodeFoundData
     721              : {
     722            0 :     OperationalNodeFoundData(OperationalDeviceProxy proxy) : operationalProxy(proxy) {}
     723              :     OperationalDeviceProxy operationalProxy;
     724              : };
     725              : 
     726              : struct NetworkClusterInfo
     727              : {
     728              :     EndpointId endpoint = kInvalidEndpointId;
     729              :     app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::ConnectMaxTimeSeconds::TypeInfo::DecodableType minConnectionTime = 0;
     730              : };
     731              : struct NetworkClusters
     732              : {
     733              :     NetworkClusterInfo wifi;
     734              :     NetworkClusterInfo thread;
     735              :     NetworkClusterInfo eth;
     736              : };
     737              : struct BasicClusterInfo
     738              : {
     739              :     VendorId vendorId  = VendorId::Common;
     740              :     uint16_t productId = 0;
     741              : };
     742              : struct GeneralCommissioningInfo
     743              : {
     744              :     uint64_t breadcrumb          = 0;
     745              :     uint16_t recommendedFailsafe = 0;
     746              :     app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum currentRegulatoryLocation =
     747              :         app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum::kIndoorOutdoor;
     748              :     app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum locationCapability =
     749              :         app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum::kIndoorOutdoor;
     750              :     ;
     751              : };
     752              : 
     753              : // ICDManagementClusterInfo is populated when the controller reads information from
     754              : // the ICD Management cluster, and is used to communicate that information.
     755              : struct ICDManagementClusterInfo
     756              : {
     757              :     // Whether the ICD is capable of functioning as a LIT device.  If false, the ICD can only be a SIT device.
     758              :     bool isLIT = false;
     759              :     // Whether the ICD supports the check-in protocol.  LIT devices have to support it, but SIT devices
     760              :     // might or might not.
     761              :     bool checkInProtocolSupport = false;
     762              :     // Indicate the maximum interval in seconds the server can stay in idle mode.
     763              :     uint32_t idleModeDuration = 0;
     764              :     // Indicate the minimum interval in milliseconds the server typically will stay in active mode after initial transition out of
     765              :     // idle mode.
     766              :     uint32_t activeModeDuration = 0;
     767              :     // Indicate the minimum amount of time in milliseconds the server typically will stay active after network activity when in
     768              :     // active mode.
     769              :     uint16_t activeModeThreshold = 0;
     770              :     // userActiveModeTriggerHint indicates which user action(s) will trigger the ICD to switch to Active mode.
     771              :     // For a LIT: The device is required to provide a value for the bitmap.
     772              :     // For a SIT: The device may not provide a value.  In that case, none of the bits will be set.
     773              :     //
     774              :     // userActiveModeTriggerInstruction may provide additional information for users for some specific
     775              :     // userActiveModeTriggerHint values.
     776              :     BitMask<app::Clusters::IcdManagement::UserActiveModeTriggerBitmap> userActiveModeTriggerHint;
     777              :     CharSpan userActiveModeTriggerInstruction;
     778              : };
     779              : 
     780              : struct ReadCommissioningInfo
     781              : {
     782              : #if CHIP_CONFIG_ENABLE_READ_CLIENT
     783              :     app::ClusterStateCache const * attributes = nullptr;
     784              : #endif
     785              :     NetworkClusters network;
     786              :     BasicClusterInfo basic;
     787              :     GeneralCommissioningInfo general;
     788              :     bool requiresUTC                  = false;
     789              :     bool requiresTimeZone             = false;
     790              :     bool requiresDefaultNTP           = false;
     791              :     bool requiresTrustedTimeSource    = false;
     792              :     uint8_t maxTimeZoneSize           = 1;
     793              :     uint8_t maxDSTSize                = 1;
     794              :     NodeId remoteNodeId               = kUndefinedNodeId;
     795              :     bool supportsConcurrentConnection = true;
     796              :     ICDManagementClusterInfo icd;
     797              : };
     798              : 
     799              : struct TimeZoneResponseInfo
     800              : {
     801              :     bool requiresDSTOffsets;
     802              : };
     803              : 
     804              : struct AttestationErrorInfo
     805              : {
     806            0 :     AttestationErrorInfo(Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult result) : attestationResult(result) {}
     807              :     Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult attestationResult;
     808              : };
     809              : 
     810              : struct CommissioningErrorInfo
     811              : {
     812            0 :     CommissioningErrorInfo(app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::CommissioningErrorEnum result) : commissioningError(result) {}
     813              :     app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::CommissioningErrorEnum commissioningError;
     814              : };
     815              : 
     816              : struct NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo
     817              : {
     818            0 :     NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo(app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum result) :
     819            0 :         networkCommissioningStatus(result)
     820            0 :     {}
     821              :     app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkCommissioningStatus;
     822              : };
     823              : 
     824              : class CommissioningDelegate
     825              : {
     826              : public:
     827            0 :     virtual ~CommissioningDelegate(){};
     828              :     /* CommissioningReport is returned after each commissioning step is completed. The reports for each step are:
     829              :      * kReadCommissioningInfo: ReadCommissioningInfo
     830              :      * kArmFailsafe: CommissioningErrorInfo if there is an error
     831              :      * kConfigRegulatory: CommissioningErrorInfo if there is an error
     832              :      * kConfigureUTCTime: None
     833              :      * kConfigureTimeZone: TimeZoneResponseInfo
     834              :      * kConfigureDSTOffset: None
     835              :      * kConfigureDefaultNTP: None
     836              :      * kSendPAICertificateRequest: RequestedCertificate
     837              :      * kSendDACCertificateRequest: RequestedCertificate
     838              :      * kSendAttestationRequest: AttestationResponse
     839              :      * kAttestationVerification: AttestationErrorInfo if there is an error
     840              :      * kAttestationRevocationCheck: AttestationErrorInfo if there is an error
     841              :      * kSendOpCertSigningRequest: CSRResponse
     842              :      * kGenerateNOCChain: NocChain
     843              :      * kSendTrustedRootCert: None
     844              :      * kSendNOC: None
     845              :      * kConfigureTrustedTimeSource: None
     846              :      * kWiFiNetworkSetup: NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo if there is an error
     847              :      * kThreadNetworkSetup: NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo if there is an error
     848              :      * kWiFiNetworkEnable: NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo if there is an error
     849              :      * kThreadNetworkEnable: NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo if there is an error
     850              :      * kEvictPreviousCaseSessions: None
     851              :      * kFindOperationalForStayActive OperationalNodeFoundData
     852              :      * kFindOperationalForCommissioningComplete: OperationalNodeFoundData
     853              :      * kICDSendStayActive: CommissioningErrorInfo if there is an error
     854              :      * kSendComplete: CommissioningErrorInfo if there is an error
     855              :      * kCleanup: None
     856              :      */
     857              :     struct CommissioningReport
     858              :         : Variant<RequestedCertificate, AttestationResponse, CSRResponse, NocChain, OperationalNodeFoundData, ReadCommissioningInfo,
     859              :                   AttestationErrorInfo, CommissioningErrorInfo, NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo, TimeZoneResponseInfo>
     860              :     {
     861            0 :         CommissioningReport() : stageCompleted(CommissioningStage::kError) {}
     862              :         CommissioningStage stageCompleted;
     863              :     };
     864              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR SetCommissioningParameters(const CommissioningParameters & params)                           = 0;
     865              :     virtual const CommissioningParameters & GetCommissioningParameters() const                                      = 0;
     866              :     virtual void SetOperationalCredentialsDelegate(OperationalCredentialsDelegate * operationalCredentialsDelegate) = 0;
     867              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR StartCommissioning(DeviceCommissioner * commissioner, CommissioneeDeviceProxy * proxy)       = 0;
     868              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR CommissioningStepFinished(CHIP_ERROR err, CommissioningReport report)                        = 0;
     869              : };
     870              : 
     871              : } // namespace Controller
     872              : } // namespace chip

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