Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - inet - UDPEndPoint.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:f84fe08d06f240e801b5d923f8a938a9938ca110 Lines: 50.0 % 2 1
Test Date: 2025-02-22 08:08:07 Functions: 33.3 % 3 1

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *
       3              :  *    Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
       4              :  *    Copyright (c) 2018 Google LLC
       5              :  *    Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
       6              :  *
       7              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       8              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       9              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
      10              :  *
      11              :  *
      12              :  *
      13              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      14              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      15              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      16              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      17              :  *    limitations under the License.
      18              :  */
      19              : 
      20              : /**
      21              :  *    @file
      22              :  *      This header file defines the <tt>Inet::UDPEndPoint</tt>
      23              :  *      class, where the CHIP Inet Layer encapsulates methods for
      24              :  *      interacting with UDP transport endpoints (SOCK_DGRAM sockets
      25              :  *      on Linux and BSD-derived systems) or LwIP UDP protocol
      26              :  *      control blocks, as the system is configured accordingly.
      27              :  */
      28              : 
      29              : #pragma once
      30              : 
      31              : #include <inet/InetConfig.h>
      32              : 
      33              : #include <inet/EndPointBasis.h>
      34              : #include <inet/IPAddress.h>
      35              : #include <inet/IPPacketInfo.h>
      36              : #include <inet/InetInterface.h>
      37              : #include <inet/InetLayer.h>
      38              : #include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
      39              : 
      40              : struct otInstance;
      41              : 
      42              : namespace chip {
      43              : namespace Inet {
      44              : 
      45              : /**
      46              :  * @brief   Objects of this class represent UDP transport endpoints.
      47              :  *
      48              :  * @details
      49              :  *  CHIP Inet Layer encapsulates methods for interacting with UDP transport
      50              :  *  endpoints (SOCK_DGRAM sockets on Linux and BSD-derived systems) or LwIP
      51              :  *  UDP protocol control blocks, as the system is configured accordingly.
      52              :  */
      53              : class DLL_EXPORT UDPEndPoint : public EndPointBasis<UDPEndPoint>
      54              : {
      55              : public:
      56              :     UDPEndPoint(const UDPEndPoint &)             = delete;
      57              :     UDPEndPoint(UDPEndPoint &&)                  = delete;
      58              :     UDPEndPoint & operator=(const UDPEndPoint &) = delete;
      59              :     UDPEndPoint & operator=(UDPEndPoint &&)      = delete;
      60              : 
      61              :     /**
      62              :      * Type of message text reception event handling function.
      63              :      *
      64              :      * @param[in]   endPoint    The endpoint associated with the event.
      65              :      * @param[in]   msg         The message text received.
      66              :      * @param[in]   pktInfo     The packet's IP information.
      67              :      *
      68              :      *  Provide a function of this type to the \c OnMessageReceived delegate
      69              :      *  member to process message text reception events on \c endPoint where
      70              :      *  \c msg is the message text received from the sender at \c senderAddr.
      71              :      */
      72              :     using OnMessageReceivedFunct = void (*)(UDPEndPoint * endPoint, chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && msg,
      73              :                                             const IPPacketInfo * pktInfo);
      74              : 
      75              :     /**
      76              :      * Type of reception error event handling function.
      77              :      *
      78              :      * @param[in]   endPoint    The endpoint associated with the event.
      79              :      * @param[in]   err         The reason for the error.
      80              :      * @param[in]   pktInfo     The packet's IP information.
      81              :      *
      82              :      *  Provide a function of this type to the \c OnReceiveError delegate
      83              :      *  member to process reception error events on \c endPoint. The \c err
      84              :      *  argument provides specific detail about the type of the error.
      85              :      */
      86              :     using OnReceiveErrorFunct = void (*)(UDPEndPoint * endPoint, CHIP_ERROR err, const IPPacketInfo * pktInfo);
      87              : 
      88              :     /**
      89              :      * Set whether IP multicast traffic should be looped back.
      90              :      */
      91              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR SetMulticastLoopback(IPVersion aIPVersion, bool aLoopback) = 0;
      92              : 
      93              :     /**
      94              :      * Join an IP multicast group.
      95              :      *
      96              :      *  @param[in]   aInterfaceId   The indicator of the network interface to add to the multicast group.
      97              :      *  @param[in]   aAddress       The multicast group to add the interface to.
      98              :      *
      99              :      *  @retval  CHIP_NO_ERROR                  Success: multicast group removed.
     100              :      *  @retval  INET_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE   Unknown network interface, \c aInterfaceId.
     101              :      *  @retval  INET_ERROR_WRONG_ADDRESS_TYPE  \c aAddress is not \c kIPv4 or \c kIPv6 or is not multicast.
     102              :      *  @retval  other                          Another system or platform error.
     103              :      */
     104              :     CHIP_ERROR JoinMulticastGroup(InterfaceId aInterfaceId, const IPAddress & aAddress);
     105              : 
     106              :     /**
     107              :      * Leave an IP multicast group.
     108              :      *
     109              :      *  @param[in]   aInterfaceId   The indicator of the network interface to remove from the multicast group.
     110              :      *  @param[in]   aAddress       The multicast group to remove the interface from.
     111              :      *
     112              :      *  @retval  CHIP_NO_ERROR                  Success: multicast group removed
     113              :      *  @retval  INET_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE   Unknown network interface, \c aInterfaceId
     114              :      *  @retval  INET_ERROR_WRONG_ADDRESS_TYPE  \c aAddress is not \c kIPv4 or \c kIPv6 or is not multicast.
     115              :      *  @retval  other                          Another system or platform error
     116              :      */
     117              :     CHIP_ERROR LeaveMulticastGroup(InterfaceId aInterfaceId, const IPAddress & aAddress);
     118              : 
     119              :     /**
     120              :      * Bind the endpoint to an interface IP address.
     121              :      *
     122              :      *  Binds the endpoint to the specified network interface IP address.
     123              :      *
     124              :      *  On LwIP, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack lock already acquired.
     125              :      *
     126              :      * @param[in]   addrType    Protocol version of the IP address.
     127              :      * @param[in]   addr        IP address (must be an interface address).
     128              :      * @param[in]   port        UDP port.
     129              :      * @param[in]   intfId      An optional network interface indicator.
     130              :      *
     131              :      * @retval  CHIP_NO_ERROR                   Success: endpoint bound to address.
     132              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE      Endpoint has been bound previously.
     133              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY            Insufficient memory for endpoint.
     134              :      * @retval  INET_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE    The optionally specified interface is not present.
     135              :      * @retval  INET_ERROR_WRONG_PROTOCOL_TYPE  \c addrType does not match \c IPVer.
     136              :      * @retval  INET_ERROR_WRONG_ADDRESS_TYPE   \c addrType is \c IPAddressType::kAny, or not equal to the type of \c addr.
     137              :      * @retval  other                           Another system or platform error
     138              :      */
     139              :     CHIP_ERROR Bind(IPAddressType addrType, const IPAddress & addr, uint16_t port, InterfaceId intfId = InterfaceId::Null());
     140              : 
     141              :     /**
     142              :      * Bind the endpoint to a network interface.
     143              :      *
     144              :      *  Binds the endpoint to the specified network interface IP address.
     145              :      *
     146              :      *  On LwIP, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack lock already acquired.
     147              :      *
     148              :      * @param[in]   addrType    Protocol version of the IP address.
     149              :      * @param[in]   intfId      Network interface.
     150              :      *
     151              :      * @retval  CHIP_NO_ERROR                   Success: endpoint bound to address.
     152              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY            Insufficient memory for endpoint.
     153              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED      System implementation not complete.
     154              :      * @retval  INET_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE    The interface is not present.
     155              :      * @retval  other                           Another system or platform error.
     156              :      */
     157              :     CHIP_ERROR BindInterface(IPAddressType addrType, InterfaceId intfId);
     158              : 
     159              :     /**
     160              :      * Get the bound interface on this endpoint.
     161              :      */
     162              :     virtual InterfaceId GetBoundInterface() const = 0;
     163              : 
     164              :     /**
     165              :      * Get the bound port on this endpoint.
     166              :      */
     167              :     virtual uint16_t GetBoundPort() const = 0;
     168              : 
     169              :     /**
     170              :      * Prepare the endpoint to receive UDP messages.
     171              :      *
     172              :      *  If \c mState is already \c State::kListening, then no operation is
     173              :      *  performed, otherwise the \c mState is set to \c State::kListening and
     174              :      *  the endpoint is prepared to received UDP messages, according to the
     175              :      *  semantics of the platform.
     176              :      *
     177              :      *  On LwIP, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack lock already acquired.
     178              :      *
     179              :      * @param[in]  onMessageReceived   The endpoint's message reception event handling function delegate.
     180              :      * @param[in]  onReceiveError      The endpoint's receive error event handling function delegate.
     181              :      * @param[in]  appState            Application state pointer.
     182              :      *
     183              :      * @retval  CHIP_NO_ERROR               Success: endpoint ready to receive messages.
     184              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE  Endpoint is already listening.
     185              :      */
     186              :     CHIP_ERROR Listen(OnMessageReceivedFunct onMessageReceived, OnReceiveErrorFunct onReceiveError, void * appState = nullptr);
     187              : 
     188              :     /**
     189              :      * Send a UDP message to the specified destination address.
     190              :      *
     191              :      *  If possible, then this method sends the UDP message \c msg to the destination \c addr
     192              :      *  (with \c intfId used as the scope identifier for IPv6 link-local destinations) and \c port.
     193              :      *
     194              :      * @param[in]   addr        Destination IP address.
     195              :      * @param[in]   port        Destination UDP port.
     196              :      * @param[in]   msg         Packet buffer containing the UDP message.
     197              :      * @param[in]   intfId      Optional network interface indicator.
     198              :      *
     199              :      * @retval  CHIP_NO_ERROR                       Success: \c msg is queued for transmit.
     200              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CHIP_FEATURE The system does not support the requested operation.
     201              :      * @retval  INET_ERROR_WRONG_ADDRESS_TYPE       The destination address and the bound interface address do not have
     202              :      *                                              matching protocol versions or address type.
     203              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG         \c msg does not contain the whole UDP message.
     204              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG Only a truncated portion of \c msg was queued for transmit.
     205              :      * @retval  other                               Another system or platform error.
     206              :      */
     207              :     CHIP_ERROR SendTo(const IPAddress & addr, uint16_t port, chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && msg,
     208              :                       InterfaceId intfId = InterfaceId::Null());
     209              : 
     210              :     /**
     211              :      * Send a UDP message to a specified destination.
     212              :      *
     213              :      *  Send the UDP message in \c msg to the destination address and port given in \c pktInfo.
     214              :      *  If \c pktInfo contains an interface id, the message will be sent over the specified interface.
     215              :      *  If \c pktInfo contains a source address, the given address will be used as the source of the UDP message.
     216              :      *
     217              :      * @param[in]   pktInfo     Source and destination information for the UDP message.
     218              :      * @param[in]   msg         Packet buffer containing the UDP message.
     219              :      *
     220              :      * @retval  CHIP_NO_ERROR                       Success: \c msg is queued for transmit.
     221              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CHIP_FEATURE The system does not support the requested operation.
     222              :      * @retval  INET_ERROR_WRONG_ADDRESS_TYPE       The destination address and the bound interface address do not have
     223              :      *                                              matching protocol versions or address type.
     224              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG         \c msg does not contain the whole UDP message.
     225              :      * @retval  CHIP_ERROR_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG Only a truncated portion of \c msg was queued for transmit.
     226              :      * @retval  other                               Another system or platform error.
     227              :      */
     228              :     CHIP_ERROR SendMsg(const IPPacketInfo * pktInfo, chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && msg);
     229              : 
     230              :     /**
     231              :      * Close the endpoint.
     232              :      *
     233              :      *  If <tt>mState != State::kClosed</tt>, then closes the endpoint, removing
     234              :      *  it from the set of endpoints eligible for communication events.
     235              :      *
     236              :      *  On LwIP systems, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack lock already acquired.
     237              :      */
     238              :     void Close();
     239              : 
     240              :     /**
     241              :      * Close the endpoint and recycle its memory.
     242              :      *
     243              :      *  Invokes the \c Close method, then invokes the <tt>EndPointBasis::Release</tt> method to return the object to its
     244              :      *  memory pool.
     245              :      *
     246              :      *  On LwIP systems, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack lock already acquired.
     247              :      */
     248              :     virtual void Free() = 0;
     249              : 
     250              :     /**
     251              :      * Set Network Native Parameters (optional)
     252              :      *
     253              :      * Some networking stack requires additionnal parameters
     254              :      */
     255            0 :     virtual inline void SetNativeParams(void * params) { (void) params; }
     256              : 
     257              : protected:
     258              :     UDPEndPoint(EndPointManager<UDPEndPoint> & endPointManager) :
     259              :         EndPointBasis(endPointManager), mState(State::kReady), OnMessageReceived(nullptr), OnReceiveError(nullptr)
     260              :     {}
     261              : 
     262           65 :     virtual ~UDPEndPoint() = default;
     263              : 
     264              :     /**
     265              :      * Basic dynamic state of the underlying endpoint.
     266              :      *
     267              :      *  Objects are initialized in the "ready" state, proceed to the "bound"
     268              :      *  state after binding to a local interface address, then proceed to the
     269              :      *  "listening" state when they have continuations registered for handling
     270              :      *  events for reception of ICMP messages.
     271              :      */
     272              :     enum class State : uint8_t
     273              :     {
     274              :         kReady     = 0, /**< Endpoint initialized, but not open. */
     275              :         kBound     = 1, /**< Endpoint bound, but not listening. */
     276              :         kListening = 2, /**< Endpoint receiving datagrams. */
     277              :         kClosed    = 3  /**< Endpoint closed, ready for release. */
     278              :     } mState;
     279              : 
     280              :     /** The endpoint's message reception event handling function delegate. */
     281              :     OnMessageReceivedFunct OnMessageReceived;
     282              : 
     283              :     /** The endpoint's receive error event handling function delegate. */
     284              :     OnReceiveErrorFunct OnReceiveError;
     285              : 
     286              :     /*
     287              :      * Implementation helpers for shared methods.
     288              :      */
     289              : #if INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_IPV4
     290              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR IPv4JoinLeaveMulticastGroupImpl(InterfaceId aInterfaceId, const IPAddress & aAddress, bool join) = 0;
     291              : #endif // INET_CONFIG_ENABLE_IPV4
     292              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR IPv6JoinLeaveMulticastGroupImpl(InterfaceId aInterfaceId, const IPAddress & aAddress, bool join) = 0;
     293              : 
     294              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR BindImpl(IPAddressType addressType, const IPAddress & address, uint16_t port, InterfaceId interfaceId) = 0;
     295              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR BindInterfaceImpl(IPAddressType addressType, InterfaceId interfaceId)                                  = 0;
     296              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR ListenImpl()                                                                                           = 0;
     297              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR SendMsgImpl(const IPPacketInfo * pktInfo, chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && msg)                     = 0;
     298              :     virtual void CloseImpl()                                                                                                  = 0;
     299              : };
     300              : 
     301              : template <>
     302              : struct EndPointProperties<UDPEndPoint>
     303              : {
     304              :     static constexpr char kName[]         = "UDP";
     305              :     static constexpr size_t kNumEndPoints = INET_CONFIG_NUM_UDP_ENDPOINTS;
     306              :     static constexpr int kSystemStatsKey  = System::Stats::kInetLayer_NumUDPEps;
     307              : };
     308              : 
     309              : } // namespace Inet
     310              : } // namespace chip

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