Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - lib/core - CHIPError.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:f84fe08d06f240e801b5d923f8a938a9938ca110 Lines: 94.2 % 415 391
Test Date: 2025-02-22 08:08:07 Functions: 100.0 % 3 3

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *
       3              :  *    Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Project CHIP Authors
       4              :  *    Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
       5              :  *
       6              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       7              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       8              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
       9              :  *
      10              :  *
      11              :  *
      12              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      13              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      14              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      15              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      16              :  *    limitations under the License.
      17              :  */
      18              : #include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
      19              : 
      20              : #include <lib/core/CHIPConfig.h>
      21              : #include <lib/core/ErrorStr.h>
      22              : 
      23              : namespace chip {
      24              : 
      25              : static ErrorFormatter sCHIPErrorFormatter = { FormatCHIPError, nullptr };
      26              : 
      27              : /**
      28              :  * Register a text error formatter for CHIP core errors.
      29              :  */
      30           48 : void RegisterCHIPLayerErrorFormatter()
      31              : {
      32           48 :     RegisterErrorFormatter(&sCHIPErrorFormatter);
      33           48 : }
      34              : 
      35              : /**
      36              :  * Deregister a text error formatter for CHIP core errors.
      37              :  */
      38            6 : void DeregisterCHIPLayerErrorFormatter()
      39              : {
      40            6 :     DeregisterErrorFormatter(&sCHIPErrorFormatter);
      41            6 : }
      42              : 
      43              : /**
      44              :  * Given a CHIP error, returns a human-readable NULL-terminated C string
      45              :  * describing the error.
      46              :  *
      47              :  * @param[in] buf                   Buffer into which the error string will be placed.
      48              :  * @param[in] bufSize               Size of the supplied buffer in bytes.
      49              :  * @param[in] err                   The error to be described.
      50              :  *
      51              :  * @return true                     If a description string was written into the supplied buffer.
      52              :  * @return false                    If the supplied error was not a CHIP error.
      53              :  *
      54              :  */
      55         1152 : bool FormatCHIPError(char * buf, uint16_t bufSize, CHIP_ERROR err)
      56              : {
      57         1152 :     const char * desc = nullptr;
      58              : 
      59         1152 :     if (!err.IsPart(ChipError::SdkPart::kCore))
      60              :     {
      61            4 :         return false;
      62              :     }
      63              : 
      64              : #if !CHIP_CONFIG_SHORT_ERROR_STR
      65         1148 :     switch (err.AsInteger())
      66              :     {
      67            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_SENDING_BLOCKED.AsInteger():
      68            4 :         desc = "Sending blocked";
      69            4 :         break;
      70            7 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED.AsInteger():
      71            7 :         desc = "Connection aborted";
      72            7 :         break;
      73           50 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE.AsInteger():
      74           50 :         desc = "Incorrect state";
      75           50 :         break;
      76            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG.AsInteger():
      77            4 :         desc = "Message too long";
      78            4 :         break;
      79            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_RECURSION_DEPTH_LIMIT.AsInteger():
      80            4 :         desc = "Recursion depth limit reached";
      81            4 :         break;
      82            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_TOO_MANY_UNSOLICITED_MESSAGE_HANDLERS.AsInteger():
      83            4 :         desc = "Too many unsolicited message handlers";
      84            4 :         break;
      85            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_NO_UNSOLICITED_MESSAGE_HANDLER.AsInteger():
      86            4 :         desc = "No unsolicited message handler";
      87            4 :         break;
      88            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_HANDLER.AsInteger():
      89            4 :         desc = "No connection handler";
      90            4 :         break;
      91            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PEER_NODES.AsInteger():
      92            4 :         desc = "Too many peer nodes";
      93            4 :         break;
      94            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_SENTINEL.AsInteger():
      95            4 :         desc = "Internal sentinel";
      96            4 :         break;
      97          148 :     case CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY.AsInteger():
      98          148 :         desc = "No memory";
      99          148 :         break;
     100            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_NO_MESSAGE_HANDLER.AsInteger():
     101            4 :         desc = "No message handler";
     102            4 :         break;
     103            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_MESSAGE_INCOMPLETE.AsInteger():
     104            4 :         desc = "Message incomplete";
     105            4 :         break;
     106            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_DATA_NOT_ALIGNED.AsInteger():
     107            4 :         desc = "Data not aligned";
     108            4 :         break;
     109            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_KEY_TYPE.AsInteger():
     110            4 :         desc = "Unknown key type";
     111            4 :         break;
     112          104 :     case CHIP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND.AsInteger():
     113          104 :         desc = "Key not found";
     114          104 :         break;
     115            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_ENCRYPTION_TYPE.AsInteger():
     116            4 :         desc = "Wrong encryption type";
     117            4 :         break;
     118            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_UTF8.AsInteger():
     119            4 :         desc = "Character string is not a valid utf-8 encoding";
     120            4 :         break;
     121            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED.AsInteger():
     122            4 :         desc = "Integrity check failed";
     123            4 :         break;
     124            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE.AsInteger():
     125            4 :         desc = "Invalid signature";
     126            4 :         break;
     127            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_TLV_CHAR_STRING.AsInteger():
     128            4 :         desc = "Invalid TLV Char string encoding.";
     129            4 :         break;
     130            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SIGNATURE_TYPE.AsInteger():
     131            4 :         desc = "Unsupported signature type";
     132            4 :         break;
     133            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH.AsInteger():
     134            4 :         desc = "Invalid message length";
     135            4 :         break;
     136           64 :     case CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL.AsInteger():
     137           64 :         desc = "Buffer too small";
     138           64 :         break;
     139            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_DUPLICATE_KEY_ID.AsInteger():
     140            4 :         desc = "Duplicate key id";
     141            4 :         break;
     142            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_KEY_TYPE.AsInteger():
     143            4 :         desc = "Wrong key type";
     144            4 :         break;
     145            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED.AsInteger():
     146            4 :         desc = "Uninitialized";
     147            4 :         break;
     148            0 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_IPK.AsInteger():
     149            0 :         desc = "Invalid IPK";
     150            0 :         break;
     151            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_STRING_LENGTH.AsInteger():
     152            4 :         desc = "Invalid string length";
     153            4 :         break;
     154            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_LIST_LENGTH.AsInteger():
     155            4 :         desc = "Invalid list length";
     156            4 :         break;
     157            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_FAILED_DEVICE_ATTESTATION.AsInteger():
     158            4 :         desc = "Failed Device Attestation";
     159            4 :         break;
     160           37 :     case CHIP_END_OF_TLV.AsInteger():
     161           37 :         desc = "End of TLV";
     162           37 :         break;
     163            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_TLV_UNDERRUN.AsInteger():
     164            4 :         desc = "TLV underrun";
     165            4 :         break;
     166            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_TLV_ELEMENT.AsInteger():
     167            4 :         desc = "Invalid TLV element";
     168            4 :         break;
     169            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_TLV_TAG.AsInteger():
     170            4 :         desc = "Invalid TLV tag";
     171            4 :         break;
     172            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IMPLICIT_TLV_TAG.AsInteger():
     173            4 :         desc = "Unknown implicit TLV tag";
     174            4 :         break;
     175            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE.AsInteger():
     176            4 :         desc = "Wrong TLV type";
     177            4 :         break;
     178            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_TLV_CONTAINER_OPEN.AsInteger():
     179            4 :         desc = "TLV container open";
     180            4 :         break;
     181           17 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE.AsInteger():
     182           17 :         desc = "Invalid message type";
     183           17 :         break;
     184            9 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TLV_ELEMENT.AsInteger():
     185            9 :         desc = "Unexpected TLV element";
     186            9 :         break;
     187            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.AsInteger():
     188            4 :         desc = "Not Implemented";
     189            4 :         break;
     190            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS.AsInteger():
     191            4 :         desc = "Invalid address";
     192            4 :         break;
     193           43 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT.AsInteger():
     194           43 :         desc = "Invalid argument";
     195           43 :         break;
     196            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_TLV_TAG_NOT_FOUND.AsInteger():
     197            4 :         desc = "TLV tag not found";
     198            4 :         break;
     199            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_MISSING_SECURE_SESSION.AsInteger():
     200            4 :         desc = "Missing secure session";
     201            4 :         break;
     202            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ADMIN_SUBJECT.AsInteger():
     203            4 :         desc = "CaseAdminSubject is not valid";
     204            4 :         break;
     205            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE.AsInteger():
     206            4 :         desc = "Required privilege was insufficient during an operation";
     207            4 :         break;
     208            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_IM_MALFORMED_COMMAND_DATA_IB.AsInteger():
     209            4 :         desc = "Malformed Interacton Model Command Data IB";
     210            4 :         break;
     211            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_PATH_LIST.AsInteger():
     212            4 :         desc = "Invalid TLV path list";
     213            4 :         break;
     214            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_DATA_LIST.AsInteger():
     215            4 :         desc = "Invalid TLV data list";
     216            4 :         break;
     217            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_TRANSACTION_CANCELED.AsInteger():
     218            4 :         desc = "Transaction canceled";
     219            4 :         break;
     220           12 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION.AsInteger():
     221           12 :         desc = "Invalid Subscription Id";
     222           12 :         break;
     223           22 :     case CHIP_ERROR_TIMEOUT.AsInteger():
     224           22 :         desc = "Timeout";
     225           22 :         break;
     226            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR.AsInteger():
     227            4 :         desc = "Invalid device descriptor";
     228            4 :         break;
     229            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_PASE_PARAMETER.AsInteger():
     230            4 :         desc = "Invalid PASE parameter";
     231            4 :         break;
     232            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_USE_OF_SESSION_KEY.AsInteger():
     233            4 :         desc = "Invalid use of session key";
     234            4 :         break;
     235            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED_UNEXPECTEDLY.AsInteger():
     236            4 :         desc = "Connection closed unexpectedly";
     237            4 :         break;
     238            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_MISSING_TLV_ELEMENT.AsInteger():
     239            4 :         desc = "Missing TLV element";
     240            4 :         break;
     241            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_RANDOM_DATA_UNAVAILABLE.AsInteger():
     242            4 :         desc = "Random data unavailable";
     243            4 :         break;
     244            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_HOST_PORT_LIST_EMPTY.AsInteger():
     245            4 :         desc = "Host/port empty";
     246            4 :         break;
     247            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_FORCED_RESET.AsInteger():
     248            4 :         desc = "Service manager forced reset";
     249            4 :         break;
     250            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_NO_ENDPOINT.AsInteger():
     251            4 :         desc = "No endpoint was available to send the message";
     252            4 :         break;
     253            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_DESTINATION_NODE_ID.AsInteger():
     254            4 :         desc = "Invalid destination node id";
     255            4 :         break;
     256            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED.AsInteger():
     257            4 :         desc = "Not connected";
     258            4 :         break;
     259            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CA_CERT_NOT_FOUND.AsInteger():
     260            4 :         desc = "CA certificate not found";
     261            4 :         break;
     262            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CERT_PATH_LEN_CONSTRAINT_EXCEEDED.AsInteger():
     263            4 :         desc = "Certificate path length constraint exceeded";
     264            4 :         break;
     265            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CERT_PATH_TOO_LONG.AsInteger():
     266            4 :         desc = "Certificate path too long";
     267            4 :         break;
     268            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CERT_USAGE_NOT_ALLOWED.AsInteger():
     269            4 :         desc = "Requested certificate usage is not allowed";
     270            4 :         break;
     271            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CERT_EXPIRED.AsInteger():
     272            4 :         desc = "Certificate expired";
     273            4 :         break;
     274            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CERT_NOT_VALID_YET.AsInteger():
     275            4 :         desc = "Certificate not yet valid";
     276            4 :         break;
     277            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_FORMAT.AsInteger():
     278            4 :         desc = "Unsupported certificate format";
     279            4 :         break;
     280            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE.AsInteger():
     281            4 :         desc = "Unsupported elliptic curve";
     282            4 :         break;
     283            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CERT_NOT_FOUND.AsInteger():
     284            4 :         desc = "Certificate not found";
     285            4 :         break;
     286            6 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_CASE_PARAMETER.AsInteger():
     287            6 :         desc = "Invalid CASE parameter";
     288            6 :         break;
     289            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CERT_LOAD_FAILED.AsInteger():
     290            4 :         desc = "Unable to load certificate";
     291            4 :         break;
     292            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CERT_NOT_TRUSTED.AsInteger():
     293            4 :         desc = "Certificate not trusted";
     294            4 :         break;
     295            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_CERT_DN.AsInteger():
     296            4 :         desc = "Wrong certificate distinguished name";
     297            4 :         break;
     298            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_NODE_ID.AsInteger():
     299            4 :         desc = "Wrong node ID";
     300            4 :         break;
     301            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_RETRANS_TABLE_FULL.AsInteger():
     302            4 :         desc = "Retransmit Table is already full";
     303            4 :         break;
     304           46 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CHIP_FEATURE.AsInteger():
     305           46 :         desc = "Required feature not supported by this configuration";
     306           46 :         break;
     307            6 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNSOLICITED_MSG_NO_ORIGINATOR.AsInteger():
     308            6 :         desc = "Unsolicited msg with originator bit clear";
     309            6 :         break;
     310            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_FABRIC_INDEX.AsInteger():
     311            4 :         desc = "Invalid Fabric Index";
     312            4 :         break;
     313            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS.AsInteger():
     314            4 :         desc = "Too many connections";
     315            4 :         break;
     316            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_SHUT_DOWN.AsInteger():
     317            4 :         desc = "The operation was cancelled because a shut down was initiated";
     318            4 :         break;
     319            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_CANCELLED.AsInteger():
     320            4 :         desc = "The operation has been cancelled";
     321            4 :         break;
     322            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_MESSAGE_COUNTER_EXHAUSTED.AsInteger():
     323            4 :         desc = "Message counter exhausted";
     324            4 :         break;
     325            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_FABRIC_EXISTS.AsInteger():
     326            4 :         desc = "Trying to add a NOC for a fabric that already exists";
     327            4 :         break;
     328            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_ENDPOINT_EXISTS.AsInteger():
     329            4 :         desc = "Trying to add dynamic endpoint that already exists";
     330            4 :         break;
     331            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_FROM_PEER.AsInteger():
     332            4 :         desc = "Wrong encryption type error code received from peer";
     333            4 :         break;
     334            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_ID.AsInteger():
     335            4 :         desc = "Invalid key identifier";
     336            4 :         break;
     337            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_TIME.AsInteger():
     338            4 :         desc = "Valid time value is not available";
     339            4 :         break;
     340            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_SCHEMA_MISMATCH.AsInteger():
     341            4 :         desc = "Schema mismatch";
     342            4 :         break;
     343            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_INTEGER_VALUE.AsInteger():
     344            4 :         desc = "Invalid integer value";
     345            4 :         break;
     346            7 :     case CHIP_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST.AsInteger():
     347            7 :         desc = "Request cannot be processed or fulfilled";
     348            7 :         break;
     349            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_CERT_TYPE.AsInteger():
     350            4 :         desc = "Wrong certificate type";
     351            4 :         break;
     352            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_FAILED.AsInteger():
     353            4 :         desc = "Persisted storage failed";
     354            4 :         break;
     355            6 :     case CHIP_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_VALUE_NOT_FOUND.AsInteger():
     356            6 :         desc = "Value not found in the persisted storage";
     357            6 :         break;
     358            8 :     case CHIP_ERROR_IM_FABRIC_DELETED.AsInteger():
     359            8 :         desc = "The fabric is deleted, and the corresponding IM resources are released";
     360            8 :         break;
     361            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS.AsInteger():
     362            4 :         desc = "The operation is still in progress";
     363            4 :         break;
     364            5 :     case CHIP_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.AsInteger():
     365            5 :         desc = "The CHIP message is not granted access";
     366            5 :         break;
     367            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_ID.AsInteger():
     368            4 :         desc = "Unknown resource ID";
     369            4 :         break;
     370            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH.AsInteger():
     371            4 :         desc = "Version mismatch";
     372            4 :         break;
     373            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_ACCESS_RESTRICTED_BY_ARL.AsInteger():
     374            4 :         desc = "The CHIP message's access is restricted by ARL";
     375            4 :         break;
     376            4 :     case CHIP_EVENT_ID_FOUND.AsInteger():
     377            4 :         desc = "Event ID matching criteria was found";
     378            4 :         break;
     379          104 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INTERNAL.AsInteger():
     380          104 :         desc = "Internal error";
     381          104 :         break;
     382            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED.AsInteger():
     383            4 :         desc = "Open file failed";
     384            4 :         break;
     385            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED.AsInteger():
     386            4 :         desc = "Read from file failed";
     387            4 :         break;
     388            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED.AsInteger():
     389            4 :         desc = "Write to file failed";
     390            4 :         break;
     391            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_DECODE_FAILED.AsInteger():
     392            4 :         desc = "Decoding failed";
     393            4 :         break;
     394            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_MDNS_COLLISION.AsInteger():
     395            4 :         desc = "mDNS collision";
     396            4 :         break;
     397           12 :     case CHIP_ERROR_IM_MALFORMED_ATTRIBUTE_PATH_IB.AsInteger():
     398           12 :         desc = "Malformed Interacton Model Attribute Path IB";
     399           12 :         break;
     400            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_IM_MALFORMED_EVENT_PATH_IB.AsInteger():
     401            4 :         desc = "Malformed Interacton Model Event Path IB";
     402            4 :         break;
     403            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_IM_MALFORMED_EVENT_DATA_IB.AsInteger():
     404            4 :         desc = "Malformed Interacton Model Event Data IB";
     405            4 :         break;
     406            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_PEER_NODE_NOT_FOUND.AsInteger():
     407            4 :         desc = "Unable to find the peer node";
     408            4 :         break;
     409            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_HSM.AsInteger():
     410            4 :         desc = "Hardware security module";
     411            4 :         break;
     412            1 :     case CHIP_ERROR_REAL_TIME_NOT_SYNCED.AsInteger():
     413            1 :         desc = "Real time not synchronized";
     414            1 :         break;
     415            1 :     case CHIP_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EVENT.AsInteger():
     416            1 :         desc = "Unexpected event";
     417            1 :         break;
     418            0 :     case CHIP_ERROR_ENDPOINT_POOL_FULL.AsInteger():
     419            0 :         desc = "Endpoint pool full";
     420            0 :         break;
     421            0 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INBOUND_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG.AsInteger():
     422            0 :         desc = "Inbound message too big";
     423            0 :         break;
     424            0 :     case CHIP_ERROR_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG.AsInteger():
     425            0 :         desc = "Outbound message too big";
     426            0 :         break;
     427            0 :     case CHIP_ERROR_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_RECEIVED.AsInteger():
     428            0 :         desc = "Duplicate message received";
     429            0 :         break;
     430            0 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY.AsInteger():
     431            0 :         desc = "Invalid public key";
     432            0 :         break;
     433            0 :     case CHIP_ERROR_FABRIC_MISMATCH_ON_ICA.AsInteger():
     434            0 :         desc = "Fabric mismatch on ICA";
     435            0 :         break;
     436            0 :     case CHIP_ERROR_NO_SHARED_TRUSTED_ROOT.AsInteger():
     437            0 :         desc = "No shared trusted root";
     438            0 :         break;
     439            5 :     case CHIP_ERROR_IM_STATUS_CODE_RECEIVED.AsInteger():
     440            5 :         desc = "Interaction Model Error";
     441            5 :         break;
     442            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_IM_MALFORMED_DATA_VERSION_FILTER_IB.AsInteger():
     443            4 :         desc = "Malformed Interaction Model Data Version Filter IB";
     444            4 :         break;
     445            5 :     case CHIP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND.AsInteger():
     446            5 :         desc = "The item referenced in the function call was not found";
     447            5 :         break;
     448            8 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_IDENTIFIER.AsInteger():
     449            8 :         desc = "The file identifier, encoded in the first few bytes of a processed file, has unexpected value";
     450            8 :         break;
     451            9 :     case CHIP_ERROR_BUSY.AsInteger():
     452            9 :         desc = "The Resource is busy and cannot process the request";
     453            9 :         break;
     454            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_MAX_RETRY_EXCEEDED.AsInteger():
     455            4 :         desc = "The maximum retry limit has been exceeded";
     456            4 :         break;
     457            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_PROVIDER_LIST_EXHAUSTED.AsInteger():
     458            4 :         desc = "The provider list has been exhausted";
     459            4 :         break;
     460            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_SCHEME_PREFIX.AsInteger():
     461            4 :         desc = "The scheme field contains an invalid prefix";
     462            4 :         break;
     463            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_MISSING_URI_SEPARATOR.AsInteger():
     464            4 :         desc = "The URI separator is missing";
     465            4 :         break;
     466            4 :     case CHIP_ERROR_HANDLER_NOT_SET.AsInteger():
     467            4 :         desc = "Callback function or callable object is not set";
     468            4 :         break;
     469              :     }
     470              : #endif // !CHIP_CONFIG_SHORT_ERROR_STR
     471              : 
     472         1148 :     FormatError(buf, bufSize, "CHIP", err, desc);
     473              : 
     474         1148 :     return true;
     475              : }
     476              : 
     477              : } // namespace chip

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