Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - lib/core - TLVCircularBuffer.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:f84fe08d06f240e801b5d923f8a938a9938ca110 Lines: 100.0 % 7 7
Test Date: 2025-02-22 08:08:07 Functions: 100.0 % 7 7

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *
       3              :  *    Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
       4              :  *    Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
       5              :  *    All rights reserved.
       6              :  *
       7              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       8              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       9              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
      10              :  *
      11              :  *
      12              :  *
      13              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      14              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      15              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      16              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      17              :  *    limitations under the License.
      18              :  */
      19              : 
      20              : /**
      21              :  *  @file
      22              :  *      This file defines the circular buffer for TLV
      23              :  *      elements. When used as the backing store for the TLVReader and
      24              :  *      TLVWriter, those classes will work with the wraparound of data
      25              :  *      within the buffer.  Additionally, the TLVWriter will be able
      26              :  *      to continually add top-level TLV elements by evicting
      27              :  *      pre-existing elements.
      28              :  */
      29              : 
      30              : #pragma once
      31              : 
      32              : #include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
      33              : #include <lib/core/TLVBackingStore.h>
      34              : #include <lib/core/TLVReader.h>
      35              : #include <lib/core/TLVWriter.h>
      36              : #include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
      37              : 
      38              : #include <stdint.h>
      39              : #include <stdlib.h>
      40              : 
      41              : namespace chip {
      42              : namespace TLV {
      43              : 
      44              : /**
      45              :  * @class TLVCircularBuffer
      46              :  *
      47              :  * @brief
      48              :  *    TLVCircularBuffer provides circular storage for the
      49              :  *    chip::TLV::TLVWriter and chip::TLVTLVReader.  chip::TLV::TLVWriter is able to write an
      50              :  *    unbounded number of TLV entries to the TLVCircularBuffer
      51              :  *    as long as each individual TLV entry fits entirely within the
      52              :  *    provided storage.  The chip::TLV::TLVReader will read at most the size of
      53              :  *    the buffer, but will accommodate the wraparound within the
      54              :  *    buffer.
      55              :  *
      56              :  */
      57              : class DLL_EXPORT TLVCircularBuffer : public chip::TLV::TLVBackingStore
      58              : {
      59              : public:
      60              :     TLVCircularBuffer(uint8_t * inBuffer, uint32_t inBufferLength);
      61              :     TLVCircularBuffer(uint8_t * inBuffer, uint32_t inBufferLength, uint8_t * inHead);
      62              : 
      63              :     void Init(uint8_t * inBuffer, uint32_t inBufferLength);
      64              :     inline uint8_t * QueueHead() const { return mQueueHead; }
      65         7732 :     inline uint8_t * QueueTail() const { return mQueue + ((static_cast<size_t>(mQueueHead - mQueue) + mQueueLength) % mQueueSize); }
      66         4978 :     inline uint32_t DataLength() const { return mQueueLength; }
      67         3281 :     inline uint32_t AvailableDataLength() const { return mQueueSize - mQueueLength; }
      68         1366 :     inline uint32_t GetTotalDataLength() const { return mQueueSize; }
      69           12 :     inline uint8_t * GetQueue() const { return mQueue; }
      70              : 
      71              :     CHIP_ERROR EvictHead();
      72              : 
      73              :     // chip::TLV::TLVBackingStore overrides:
      74              :     CHIP_ERROR OnInit(TLVReader & reader, const uint8_t *& bufStart, uint32_t & bufLen) override;
      75              :     CHIP_ERROR GetNextBuffer(TLVReader & ioReader, const uint8_t *& outBufStart, uint32_t & outBufLen) override;
      76              :     CHIP_ERROR OnInit(TLVWriter & writer, uint8_t *& bufStart, uint32_t & bufLen) override;
      77              :     CHIP_ERROR GetNewBuffer(TLVWriter & ioWriter, uint8_t *& outBufStart, uint32_t & outBufLen) override;
      78              :     CHIP_ERROR FinalizeBuffer(TLVWriter & ioWriter, uint8_t * inBufStart, uint32_t inBufLen) override;
      79              : 
      80              :     /**
      81              :      *  @typedef CHIP_ERROR (*ProcessEvictedElementFunct)(TLVCircularBuffer &inBuffer, void * inAppData, TLVReader &inReader)
      82              :      *
      83              :      *  A function that is called to process a TLV element prior to it
      84              :      *  being evicted from the chip::TLV::TLVCircularBuffer
      85              :      *
      86              :      *  Functions of this type are used to process a TLV element about
      87              :      *  to be evicted from the buffer.  The function will be given a
      88              :      *  chip::TLV::TLVReader positioned on the element about to be deleted, as
      89              :      *  well as void * context where the user may have provided
      90              :      *  additional environment for the callback.  If the function
      91              :      *  processed the element successfully, it must return
      92              :      *  #CHIP_NO_ERROR ; this signifies to the TLVCircularBuffer
      93              :      *  that the element may be safely evicted.  Any other return
      94              :      *  value is treated as an error and will prevent the
      95              :      *  #TLVCircularBuffer from evicting the element under
      96              :      *  consideration.
      97              :      *
      98              :      *  Note: This callback may be used to force
      99              :      *  TLVCircularBuffer to not evict the element.  This may be
     100              :      *  useful in a number of circumstances, when it is desired to
     101              :      *  have an underlying circular buffer, but not to override any
     102              :      *  elements within it.
     103              :      *
     104              :      *  @param[in] inBuffer  A reference to the buffer from which the
     105              :      *                       eviction takes place
     106              :      *
     107              :      *  @param[in] inAppData A pointer to the user-provided structure
     108              :      *                       containing additional context for this
     109              :      *                       callback
     110              :      *
     111              :      *  @param[in] inReader  A TLVReader positioned at the element to
     112              :      *                       be evicted.
     113              :      *
     114              :      *  @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success. Element will be evicted.
     115              :      *
     116              :      *  @retval other        An error has occurred during the event
     117              :      *                       processing.  The element stays in the
     118              :      *                       buffer.  The write function that
     119              :      *                       triggered this element eviction will
     120              :      *                       fail.
     121              :      */
     122              :     typedef CHIP_ERROR (*ProcessEvictedElementFunct)(TLVCircularBuffer & inBuffer, void * inAppData, TLVReader & inReader);
     123              : 
     124              :     uint32_t mImplicitProfileId;
     125              :     void * mAppData; /**< An optional, user supplied context to be used with the callback processing the evicted element. */
     126              :     ProcessEvictedElementFunct
     127              :         mProcessEvictedElement; /**< An optional, user-supplied callback that processes the element prior to evicting it from the
     128              :                                    circular buffer.  See the ProcessEvictedElementFunct type definition on additional information on
     129              :                                    implementing the mProcessEvictedElement function. */
     130              : 
     131              : protected:
     132              :     /**
     133              :      * @brief
     134              :      *   returns the actual state of what our current available buffer space is
     135              :      *
     136              :      * @param[out] outBufStart The pointer to the current buffer
     137              :      *
     138              :      * @param[out] outBufLen   The available length for writing
     139              :      */
     140              :     void GetCurrentWritableBuffer(uint8_t *& outBufStart, uint32_t & outBufLen) const;
     141              : 
     142              : private:
     143              :     uint8_t * mQueue;
     144              :     uint32_t mQueueSize;
     145              :     uint8_t * mQueueHead;
     146              :     uint32_t mQueueLength;
     147              : };
     148              : 
     149              : class DLL_EXPORT CircularTLVReader : public TLVReader
     150              : {
     151              : public:
     152              :     /**
     153              :      * @brief
     154              :      *   Initializes a TLVReader object to read from a single TLVCircularBuffer
     155              :      *
     156              :      * Parsing begins at the start of the buffer (obtained by the
     157              :      * buffer->Start() position) and continues until the end of the buffer
     158              :      * Parsing may wraparound within the buffer (on any element).  At most
     159              :      * buffer->GetQueueSize() bytes are read out.
     160              :      *
     161              :      * @param[in]    buf   A pointer to a fully initialized TLVCircularBuffer
     162              :      *
     163              :      */
     164         3044 :     void Init(TLVCircularBuffer & buf) { TLVReader::Init(buf, buf.DataLength()); }
     165              : };
     166              : 
     167              : class DLL_EXPORT CircularTLVWriter : public TLVWriter
     168              : {
     169              : public:
     170              :     /**
     171              :      * @brief
     172              :      *   Initializes a TLVWriter object to write from a single TLVCircularBuffer
     173              :      *
     174              :      * Writing begins at the last byte of the buffer.  The number of bytes
     175              :      * to be written is not constrained by the underlying circular buffer:
     176              :      * writing new elements to the buffer will kick out previous elements
     177              :      * as long as an individual top-level TLV structure fits within the
     178              :      * buffer.  For example, writing a 7-byte top-level boolean TLV into a
     179              :      * 7 byte buffer will work indefinitely, but writing an 8-byte TLV
     180              :      * structure will result in an error.
     181              :      *
     182              :      * @param[in]    buf   A pointer to a fully initialized TLVCircularBuffer
     183              :      *
     184              :      */
     185         1084 :     void Init(TLVCircularBuffer & buf) { TLVWriter::Init(buf, UINT32_MAX); }
     186              : };
     187              : 
     188              : } // namespace TLV
     189              : } // namespace chip

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