Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - lib/dnssd - Resolver.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:1560a87972ec2c7a76cec101927a563a6862bc2a Lines: 37.5 % 8 3
Test Date: 2025-03-30 07:08:27 Functions: 50.0 % 6 3

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *
       3              :  *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
       4              :  *
       5              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       6              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       7              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
       8              :  *
       9              :  *
      10              :  *
      11              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      12              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      13              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      14              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      15              :  *    limitations under the License.
      16              :  */
      17              : 
      18              : #pragma once
      19              : 
      20              : #include <cstdint>
      21              : #include <limits>
      22              : #include <optional>
      23              : #include <utility>
      24              : 
      25              : #include <inet/IPAddress.h>
      26              : #include <inet/InetInterface.h>
      27              : #include <inet/UDPEndPoint.h>
      28              : #include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
      29              : #include <lib/core/PeerId.h>
      30              : #include <lib/core/ReferenceCounted.h>
      31              : #include <lib/dnssd/Constants.h>
      32              : #include <lib/dnssd/Types.h>
      33              : #include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
      34              : 
      35              : namespace chip {
      36              : namespace Dnssd {
      37              : 
      38              : /// Node resolution data common to both operational and commissionable discovery
      39              : 
      40              : /// Callbacks for resolving operational node resolution
      41              : class OperationalResolveDelegate
      42              : {
      43              : public:
      44            1 :     virtual ~OperationalResolveDelegate() = default;
      45              : 
      46              :     /// Called within the CHIP event loop after a successful node resolution.
      47              :     ///
      48              :     /// May be called multiple times: implementations may call this once per
      49              :     /// received packet and MDNS packets may arrive over different interfaces
      50              :     /// which will make nodeData have different content.
      51              :     virtual void OnOperationalNodeResolved(const ResolvedNodeData & nodeData) = 0;
      52              : 
      53              :     /// Notify a final failure for a node operational resolution.
      54              :     ///
      55              :     /// Called within the chip event loop if node resolution could not be performed.
      56              :     /// This may be due to internal errors or timeouts.
      57              :     ///
      58              :     /// This will be called only if 'OnOperationalNodeResolved' is never called.
      59              :     virtual void OnOperationalNodeResolutionFailed(const PeerId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error) = 0;
      60              : };
      61              : 
      62              : /**
      63              :  * Node discovery context class.
      64              :  *
      65              :  * This class enables multiple clients of the global DNS-SD resolver to start simultaneous
      66              :  * discovery operations.
      67              :  *
      68              :  * An object of this class is shared between a resolver client and the concrete resolver
      69              :  * implementation. The client is responsible for allocating the context and passing it to
      70              :  * the resolver when initiating a discovery operation. The resolver, in turn, is supposed to retain
      71              :  * the context until the operation is finished. This allows the client to release the ownership of
      72              :  * the context at any time without putting the resolver at risk of using a deleted object.
      73              :  */
      74              : class DiscoveryContext : public ReferenceCounted<DiscoveryContext>
      75              : {
      76              : public:
      77              :     void SetBrowseIdentifier(intptr_t identifier) { mBrowseIdentifier.emplace(identifier); }
      78              :     void ClearBrowseIdentifier() { mBrowseIdentifier.reset(); }
      79              :     const std::optional<intptr_t> & GetBrowseIdentifier() const { return mBrowseIdentifier; }
      80              : 
      81            9 :     void SetDiscoveryDelegate(DiscoverNodeDelegate * delegate) { mDelegate = delegate; }
      82            0 :     void OnNodeDiscovered(const DiscoveredNodeData & nodeData)
      83              :     {
      84            0 :         if (mDelegate != nullptr)
      85              :         {
      86            0 :             mDelegate->OnNodeDiscovered(nodeData);
      87              :         }
      88              :         else
      89              :         {
      90            0 :             ChipLogError(Discovery, "Missing commissioning delegate. Data discarded");
      91              :         }
      92            0 :     }
      93              : 
      94              : private:
      95              :     DiscoverNodeDelegate * mDelegate = nullptr;
      96              :     std::optional<intptr_t> mBrowseIdentifier;
      97              : };
      98              : 
      99              : /**
     100              :  * Interface for resolving CHIP DNS-SD services
     101              :  */
     102              : class Resolver
     103              : {
     104              : public:
     105           65 :     virtual ~Resolver() {}
     106              : 
     107              :     /**
     108              :      * Initializes the resolver.
     109              :      *
     110              :      * The method must be called before other methods of this class.
     111              :      * If the resolver has already been initialized, the method exits immediately with no error.
     112              :      */
     113              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR Init(Inet::EndPointManager<Inet::UDPEndPoint> * endPointManager) = 0;
     114              : 
     115              :     /**
     116              :      * Returns whether the resolver has completed the initialization.
     117              :      *
     118              :      * Returns true if the resolver is ready to take node resolution and discovery requests.
     119              :      */
     120              :     virtual bool IsInitialized() = 0;
     121              : 
     122              :     /**
     123              :      * Shuts down the resolver if it has been initialized before.
     124              :      */
     125              :     virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
     126              : 
     127              :     /**
     128              :      * If nullptr is passed, the previously registered delegate is unregistered.
     129              :      */
     130              :     virtual void SetOperationalDelegate(OperationalResolveDelegate * delegate) = 0;
     131              : 
     132              :     /**
     133              :      * Requests resolution of the given operational node service.
     134              :      *
     135              :      * This will trigger a DNSSD query.
     136              :      *
     137              :      * When the operation succeeds or fails, and a resolver delegate has been registered,
     138              :      * the result of the operation is passed to the delegate's `OnOperationalNodeResolved` or
     139              :      * `OnOperationalNodeResolutionFailed` method, respectively.
     140              :      *
     141              :      * Multiple calls to ResolveNodeId may be coalesced by the implementation
     142              :      * and lead to just one call to
     143              :      * OnOperationalNodeResolved/OnOperationalNodeResolutionFailed, as long as
     144              :      * the later calls cause the underlying querying mechanism to re-query as if
     145              :      * there were no coalescing.
     146              :      *
     147              :      * A single call to ResolveNodeId may lead to multiple calls to
     148              :      * OnOperationalNodeResolved with different IP addresses.
     149              :      *
     150              :      * @see NodeIdResolutionNoLongerNeeded.
     151              :      */
     152              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR ResolveNodeId(const PeerId & peerId) = 0;
     153              : 
     154              :     /*
     155              :      * Notify the resolver that one of the consumers that called ResolveNodeId
     156              :      * successfully no longer needs the resolution result (e.g. because it got
     157              :      * the result via OnOperationalNodeResolved, or got an via
     158              :      * OnOperationalNodeResolutionFailed, or no longer cares about future
     159              :      * updates).
     160              :      *
     161              :      * There must be a NodeIdResolutionNoLongerNeeded call that matches every
     162              :      * successful ResolveNodeId call.  In particular, implementations of
     163              :      * OnOperationalNodeResolved and OnOperationalNodeResolutionFailed must call
     164              :      * NodeIdResolutionNoLongerNeeded once for each prior successful call to
     165              :      * ResolveNodeId for the relevant PeerId that has not yet had a matching
     166              :      * NodeIdResolutionNoLongerNeeded call made.
     167              :      */
     168              :     virtual void NodeIdResolutionNoLongerNeeded(const PeerId & peerId) = 0;
     169              : 
     170              :     /**
     171              :      * Finds all nodes of given type matching the given filter.
     172              :      *
     173              :      * Whenever a new matching node is found, the node information is passed to
     174              :      * the `OnNodeDiscovered` method of the discovery delegate configured
     175              :      * in the context object.
     176              :      *
     177              :      * This method is expected to increase the reference count of the context
     178              :      * object for as long as it takes to complete the discovery request.
     179              :      */
     180              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR StartDiscovery(DiscoveryType type, DiscoveryFilter filter, DiscoveryContext & context) = 0;
     181              : 
     182              :     /**
     183              :      * Stop discovery (of all node types).
     184              :      *
     185              :      * Some back ends may not support stopping discovery, so consumers should
     186              :      * not assume they will stop getting callbacks after calling this.
     187              :      */
     188              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR StopDiscovery(DiscoveryContext & context) = 0;
     189              : 
     190              :     /**
     191              :      * Verify the validity of an address that appears to be out of date (for example
     192              :      * because establishing a connection to it has failed).
     193              :      */
     194              :     virtual CHIP_ERROR ReconfirmRecord(const char * hostname, Inet::IPAddress address, Inet::InterfaceId interfaceId) = 0;
     195              : 
     196              :     /**
     197              :      * Returns the system-wide implementation of the service resolver.
     198              :      *
     199              :      * The method returns a reference to the resolver object configured by
     200              :      * a user using the \c Resolver::SetInstance() method, or the default
     201              :      * resolver returned by the \c GetDefaultResolver() function.
     202              :      */
     203              :     static Resolver & Instance();
     204              : 
     205              :     /**
     206              :      * Overrides the default implementation of the service resolver
     207              :      */
     208              :     static void SetInstance(Resolver & resolver);
     209              : 
     210              : private:
     211              :     static Resolver * sInstance;
     212              : };
     213              : 
     214              : /**
     215              :  * Returns the default implementation of the service resolver.
     216              :  */
     217              : extern Resolver & GetDefaultResolver();
     218              : 
     219              : } // namespace Dnssd
     220              : } // namespace chip

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