Matter SDK Coverage Report
Current view: top level - protocols/bdx - TransferFacilitator.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: SHA:f84fe08d06f240e801b5d923f8a938a9938ca110 Lines: 0.0 % 4 0
Test Date: 2025-02-22 08:08:07 Functions: 0.0 % 2 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /*
       2              :  *
       3              :  *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
       4              :  *
       5              :  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       6              :  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       7              :  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
       8              :  *
       9              :  *
      10              :  *
      11              :  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      12              :  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      13              :  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      14              :  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      15              :  *    limitations under the License.
      16              :  */
      17              : 
      18              : /**
      19              :  * @file BdxEndpoint.h
      20              :  *
      21              :  *  This file defines interfaces for connecting the BDX state machine (TransferSession) to the messaging layer.
      22              :  */
      23              : 
      24              : #include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
      25              : #include <lib/support/BitFlags.h>
      26              : #include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
      27              : #include <messaging/ExchangeDelegate.h>
      28              : #include <protocols/bdx/BdxTransferSession.h>
      29              : #include <system/SystemLayer.h>
      30              : 
      31              : #pragma once
      32              : 
      33              : namespace chip {
      34              : namespace bdx {
      35              : 
      36              : /**
      37              :  * An abstract class with methods for handling BDX messages from an ExchangeContext and polling a TransferSession state machine.
      38              :  *
      39              :  * This class does not define any methods for beginning a transfer or initializing the underlying TransferSession object (see
      40              :  * Initiator and Responder below).
      41              :  * This class contains a repeating timer which regurlaly polls the TransferSession state machine.
      42              :  * A CHIP node may have many TransferFacilitator instances but only one TransferFacilitator should be used for each BDX transfer.
      43              :  */
      44              : class TransferFacilitator : public Messaging::ExchangeDelegate, public Messaging::UnsolicitedMessageHandler
      45              : {
      46              : public:
      47            0 :     TransferFacilitator() : mExchangeCtx(nullptr), mSystemLayer(nullptr), mPollFreq(kDefaultPollFreq) {}
      48              :     ~TransferFacilitator() override;
      49              : 
      50              :     /**
      51              :      * Calls reset on the TransferSession object and stops the poll timer.
      52              :      */
      53              :     void ResetTransfer();
      54              : 
      55              : private:
      56              :     //// UnsolicitedMessageHandler Implementation ////
      57            0 :     CHIP_ERROR OnUnsolicitedMessageReceived(const PayloadHeader & payloadHeader, ExchangeDelegate *& newDelegate) override
      58              :     {
      59              :         // TODO: Implement a bdx manager, which dispatch bdx messages to bdx transections.
      60              :         // directly.
      61            0 :         newDelegate = this;
      62            0 :         return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
      63              :     }
      64              : 
      65              :     // Inherited from ExchangeContext
      66              :     void OnResponseTimeout(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec) override;
      67              : 
      68              :     /**
      69              :      * This method should be implemented to contain business-logic handling of BDX messages and other TransferSession events.
      70              :      *
      71              :      * NOTE: It is the responsiblity of the implementer to Close the underlying ExchangeContext when it has determined that the
      72              :      * transfer is finished. This class assumes that a response message will be sent for all received messages.
      73              :      *
      74              :      * @param[in] event An OutputEvent that contains output from the TransferSession object.
      75              :      */
      76              :     virtual void HandleTransferSessionOutput(TransferSession::OutputEvent & event) = 0;
      77              : 
      78              : protected:
      79              :     // Inherited from ExchangeContext
      80              :     CHIP_ERROR OnMessageReceived(chip::Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec, const chip::PayloadHeader & payloadHeader,
      81              :                                  chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && payload) override;
      82              : 
      83              :     /**
      84              :      * The callback for when the poll timer expires. The poll timer regulates how often the TransferSession is polled.
      85              :      */
      86              :     static void PollTimerHandler(chip::System::Layer * systemLayer, void * appState);
      87              : 
      88              :     /**
      89              :      * Polls the TransferSession object and calls HandleTransferSessionOutput.
      90              :      */
      91              :     void PollForOutput();
      92              : 
      93              :     /**
      94              :      * Starts the poll timer with a very short timeout.
      95              :      */
      96              :     void ScheduleImmediatePoll();
      97              : 
      98              :     TransferSession mTransfer;
      99              :     Messaging::ExchangeContext * mExchangeCtx = nullptr;
     100              :     System::Layer * mSystemLayer              = nullptr;
     101              :     System::Clock::Timeout mPollFreq;
     102              :     static constexpr System::Clock::Timeout kDefaultPollFreq    = System::Clock::Milliseconds32(500);
     103              :     static constexpr System::Clock::Timeout kImmediatePollDelay = System::Clock::Milliseconds32(1);
     104              : };
     105              : 
     106              : /**
     107              :  * A TransferFacilitator that is initialized to respond to an incoming BDX transfer request.
     108              :  *
     109              :  * Provides a method for initializing the TransferSession member but still needs to be extended to implement
     110              :  * HandleTransferSessionOutput. It is intended that this class will be used as a delegate for handling an unsolicited BDX message.
     111              :  */
     112              : class Responder : public TransferFacilitator
     113              : {
     114              : public:
     115              :     /**
     116              :      * Initialize the TransferSession state machine to be ready for an incoming transfer request, and start the polling timer.
     117              :      *
     118              :      * @param[in] layer           A System::Layer pointer to use to start the polling timer
     119              :      * @param[in] role            The role of the Responder: Sender or Receiver of BDX data
     120              :      * @param[in] xferControlOpts Supported transfer modes (see TransferControlFlags)
     121              :      * @param[in] maxBlockSize    The supported maximum size of BDX Block data
     122              :      * @param[in] timeout         The chosen timeout delay for the BDX transfer
     123              :      * @param[in] pollFreq        The period for the TransferSession poll timer
     124              :      */
     125              :     CHIP_ERROR PrepareForTransfer(System::Layer * layer, TransferRole role, BitFlags<TransferControlFlags> xferControlOpts,
     126              :                                   uint16_t maxBlockSize, System::Clock::Timeout timeout,
     127              :                                   System::Clock::Timeout pollFreq = TransferFacilitator::kDefaultPollFreq);
     128              : };
     129              : 
     130              : /**
     131              :  * A TransferFacilitator that initiates a BDX transfer.
     132              :  *
     133              :  * Provides a method for initializing the TransferSession member (thus beginning the transfer) but still needs to be extended to
     134              :  * implement HandleTransferSessionOutput.
     135              :  */
     136              : class Initiator : public TransferFacilitator
     137              : {
     138              : public:
     139              :     /**
     140              :      * Initialize the TransferSession state machine to prepare a transfer request message (does not send the message) and start the
     141              :      * poll timer.
     142              :      *
     143              :      * @param[in] layer      A System::Layer pointer to use to start the polling timer
     144              :      * @param[in] role       The role of the Initiator: Sender or Receiver of BDX data
     145              :      * @param[in] initData   Data needed for preparing a transfer request BDX message
     146              :      * @param[in] timeout    The chosen timeout delay for the BDX transfer in milliseconds
     147              :      * @param[in] pollFreq   The period for the TransferSession poll timer in milliseconds
     148              :      */
     149              :     CHIP_ERROR InitiateTransfer(System::Layer * layer, TransferRole role, const TransferSession::TransferInitData & initData,
     150              :                                 System::Clock::Timeout timeout,
     151              :                                 System::Clock::Timeout pollFreq = TransferFacilitator::kDefaultPollFreq);
     152              : };
     153              : 
     154              : } // namespace bdx
     155              : } // namespace chip

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