Line data Source code
1 : /*
2 : *
3 : * Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
4 : *
5 : * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 : * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 : * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 : *
9 : *
10 : *
11 : * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 : * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 : * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 : * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 : * limitations under the License.
16 : */
17 :
18 : /**
19 : * @brief
20 : * File contains definitions on how a connection to a peer can be defined.
21 : *
22 : */
23 :
24 : #pragma once
25 :
26 : #include <inet/IPAddress.h>
27 : #include <inet/InetInterface.h>
28 : #include <lib/core/CHIPConfig.h>
29 : #include <lib/core/DataModelTypes.h>
30 : #include <lib/support/CHIPMemString.h>
31 :
32 : namespace chip {
33 : namespace Transport {
34 :
35 : /**
36 : * Communication path defines how two peers communicate.
37 : *
38 : * When a peer contacts another peer, it defines how the peers communicate.
39 : *
40 : * Once communication between two peers is established, the same transport
41 : * path should be used: a peer contacting another peer over UDP will receive
42 : * messages back over UDP. A communication channel established over TCP
43 : * will keep the same TCP channel.
44 : *
45 : */
46 :
47 : /**
48 : * Here we specified Type to be uint8_t, so the PeerAddress can be serialized easily.
49 : */
50 : enum class Type : uint8_t
51 : {
52 : kUndefined,
53 : kUdp,
54 : kBle,
55 : kTcp,
56 : kWiFiPAF,
57 : kLast = kWiFiPAF, // This is not an actual transport type, it just refers to the last transport type
58 : };
59 :
60 : /**
61 : * Describes how a peer on a CHIP network can be addressed.
62 : */
63 : class PeerAddress
64 : {
65 : public:
66 149 : PeerAddress() : mIPAddress(Inet::IPAddress::Any), mTransportType(Type::kUndefined) {}
67 8 : PeerAddress(const Inet::IPAddress & addr, Type type) : mIPAddress(addr), mTransportType(type) {}
68 0 : PeerAddress(Type type) : mTransportType(type) {}
69 : PeerAddress(Type type, NodeId remoteId) : mTransportType(type), mRemoteId(remoteId) {}
70 :
71 : PeerAddress(PeerAddress &&) = default;
72 0 : PeerAddress(const PeerAddress &) = default;
73 1851 : PeerAddress & operator=(const PeerAddress &) = default;
74 24 : PeerAddress & operator=(PeerAddress &&) = default;
75 :
76 10090 : const Inet::IPAddress & GetIPAddress() const { return mIPAddress; }
77 0 : PeerAddress & SetIPAddress(const Inet::IPAddress & addr)
78 : {
79 0 : mIPAddress = addr;
80 0 : return *this;
81 : }
82 :
83 : NodeId GetRemoteId() const { return mRemoteId; }
84 :
85 7036 : Type GetTransportType() const { return mTransportType; }
86 0 : PeerAddress & SetTransportType(Type type)
87 : {
88 0 : mTransportType = type;
89 0 : return *this;
90 : }
91 :
92 53 : uint16_t GetPort() const { return mPort; }
93 0 : PeerAddress & SetPort(uint16_t port)
94 : {
95 0 : mPort = port;
96 0 : return *this;
97 : }
98 :
99 128 : Inet::InterfaceId GetInterface() const { return mInterface; }
100 10114 : PeerAddress & SetInterface(Inet::InterfaceId interface)
101 : {
102 10114 : mInterface = interface;
103 10114 : return *this;
104 : }
105 :
106 : bool IsInitialized() const { return mTransportType != Type::kUndefined; }
107 :
108 : bool IsMulticast() { return Type::kUdp == mTransportType && mIPAddress.IsIPv6Multicast(); }
109 :
110 8015 : bool operator==(const PeerAddress & other) const
111 : {
112 16025 : return (mTransportType == other.mTransportType) && (mIPAddress == other.mIPAddress) && (mPort == other.mPort) &&
113 16025 : (mInterface == other.mInterface);
114 : }
115 :
116 9986 : bool operator!=(const PeerAddress & other) const { return !(*this == other); }
117 :
118 : /// Maximum size of the string outputes by ToString. Format is of the form:
119 : /// "UDP:<ip>:<port>"
120 : static constexpr size_t kMaxToStringSize = 3 // type: UDP/TCP/BLE
121 : + 1 // splitter :
122 : + 2 // brackets around address
123 : + Inet::IPAddress::kMaxStringLength // address
124 : + 1 // splitter %
125 : + Inet::InterfaceId::kMaxIfNameLength // interface
126 : + 1 // splitter :
127 : + 5 // port: 16 bit interger
128 : + 1; // NullTerminator
129 :
130 : template <size_t N>
131 10225 : inline void ToString(char (&buf)[N]) const
132 : {
133 10225 : ToString(buf, N);
134 10225 : }
135 :
136 10225 : void ToString(char * buf, size_t bufSize) const
137 : {
138 : char ip_addr[Inet::IPAddress::kMaxStringLength];
139 :
140 10225 : char interface[Inet::InterfaceId::kMaxIfNameLength + 1] = {}; // +1 to prepend '%'
141 10225 : if (mInterface.IsPresent())
142 : {
143 0 : interface[0] = '%';
144 0 : interface[1] = 0;
145 0 : CHIP_ERROR err = mInterface.GetInterfaceName(interface + 1, sizeof(interface) - 1);
146 0 : if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
147 : {
148 0 : Platform::CopyString(interface, sizeof(interface), "%(err)");
149 : }
150 : }
151 :
152 10225 : switch (mTransportType)
153 : {
154 47 : case Type::kUndefined:
155 47 : snprintf(buf, bufSize, "UNDEFINED");
156 47 : break;
157 10137 : case Type::kUdp:
158 10137 : mIPAddress.ToString(ip_addr);
160 10137 : if (mIPAddress.IsIPv4())
161 0 : snprintf(buf, bufSize, "UDP:%s%s:%d", ip_addr, interface, mPort);
162 : else
163 : #endif
164 10137 : snprintf(buf, bufSize, "UDP:[%s%s]:%d", ip_addr, interface, mPort);
165 10137 : break;
166 41 : case Type::kTcp:
167 41 : mIPAddress.ToString(ip_addr);
169 41 : if (mIPAddress.IsIPv4())
170 15 : snprintf(buf, bufSize, "TCP:%s%s:%d", ip_addr, interface, mPort);
171 : else
172 : #endif
173 26 : snprintf(buf, bufSize, "TCP:[%s%s]:%d", ip_addr, interface, mPort);
174 41 : break;
175 0 : case Type::kWiFiPAF:
176 0 : snprintf(buf, bufSize, "Wi-Fi PAF");
177 0 : break;
178 0 : case Type::kBle:
179 : // Note that BLE does not currently use any specific address.
180 0 : snprintf(buf, bufSize, "BLE");
181 0 : break;
182 0 : default:
183 0 : snprintf(buf, bufSize, "ERROR");
184 0 : break;
185 : }
186 10225 : }
187 :
188 : /****** Factory methods for convenience ******/
189 :
190 8 : static PeerAddress Uninitialized() { return PeerAddress(Inet::IPAddress::Any, Type::kUndefined); }
191 :
192 0 : static PeerAddress BLE() { return PeerAddress(Type::kBle); }
193 0 : static PeerAddress UDP(const Inet::IPAddress & addr) { return PeerAddress(addr, Type::kUdp); }
194 0 : static PeerAddress UDP(const Inet::IPAddress & addr, uint16_t port) { return UDP(addr).SetPort(port); }
195 :
196 : /**
197 : * Parses a PeerAddress from the given IP address string with UDP type. For example,
198 : * "", "fe80::2", "fe80::1%wlan0". Notably this will also include the network scope
199 : * ID in either index or name form (e.g. %wlan0, %14).
200 : */
201 : static PeerAddress UDP(char * addrStr, uint16_t port) { return PeerAddress::FromString(addrStr, port, Type::kUdp); }
202 2 : static PeerAddress UDP(const Inet::IPAddress & addr, uint16_t port, Inet::InterfaceId interface)
203 : {
204 2 : return UDP(addr).SetPort(port).SetInterface(interface);
205 : }
206 0 : static PeerAddress TCP(const Inet::IPAddress & addr) { return PeerAddress(addr, Type::kTcp); }
207 : static PeerAddress TCP(const Inet::IPAddress & addr, uint16_t port) { return TCP(addr).SetPort(port); }
208 :
209 : /**
210 : * Parses a PeerAddress from the given IP address string with TCP type. For example,
211 : * "", "fe80::2", "fe80::1%wlan0". Notably this will also include the network scope
212 : * ID in either index or name form (e.g. %wlan0, %14).
213 : */
214 : static PeerAddress TCP(char * addrStr, uint16_t port) { return PeerAddress::FromString(addrStr, port, Type::kTcp); }
215 27 : static PeerAddress TCP(const Inet::IPAddress & addr, uint16_t port, Inet::InterfaceId interface)
216 : {
217 27 : return TCP(addr).SetPort(port).SetInterface(interface);
218 : }
219 :
220 : static PeerAddress WiFiPAF(NodeId remoteId) { return PeerAddress(Type::kWiFiPAF); }
221 :
222 2 : static PeerAddress Multicast(chip::FabricId fabric, chip::GroupId group)
223 : {
224 2 : constexpr uint8_t scope = 0x05; // Site-Local
225 2 : constexpr uint8_t prefixLength = 0x40; // 64-bit long network prefix field
226 : // The network prefix portion of the Multicast Address is the 64-bit bitstring formed by concatenating:
227 : // * 0xFD to designate a locally assigned ULA prefix
228 : // * The upper 56-bits of the Fabric ID for the network in big-endian order
229 2 : const uint64_t prefix = 0xfd00000000000000 | ((fabric >> 8) & 0x00ffffffffffffff);
230 : // The 32-bit group identifier portion of the Multicast Address is the 32-bits formed by:
231 : // * The lower 8-bits of the Fabric ID
232 : // * 0x00
233 : // * The 16-bits Group Identifier in big-endian order
234 2 : uint32_t groupId = static_cast<uint32_t>((fabric << 24) & 0xff000000) | group;
235 2 : return UDP(Inet::IPAddress::MakeIPv6PrefixMulticast(scope, prefixLength, prefix, groupId));
236 : }
237 :
238 : private:
239 : static PeerAddress FromString(char * addrStr, uint16_t port, Type type)
240 : {
241 : Inet::IPAddress addr;
242 : Inet::InterfaceId interfaceId;
243 : Inet::IPAddress::FromString(addrStr, addr, interfaceId);
244 : return PeerAddress(addr, type).SetPort(port).SetInterface(interfaceId);
245 : }
246 : Inet::IPAddress mIPAddress = {};
247 : Type mTransportType = Type::kUndefined;
248 : uint16_t mPort = CHIP_PORT; ///< Relevant for UDP data sending.
249 : Inet::InterfaceId mInterface = Inet::InterfaceId::Null();
250 : NodeId mRemoteId = 0;
251 : };
252 :
253 : } // namespace Transport
254 : } // namespace chip